The world's top ten street cars in 2023 selected by foreign media
{"info":{"title":{"content":"外媒评选出的2023年度全球十佳街车","en":"The world's top ten street cars in 2023 selected by foreign media"},"description":{"content":"城市能通勤;赛道能刷圈;摩旅能长途~街车以其性价比高、乐趣无穷而独树一帜。它们将动力、灵活性、科技和舒适性完美融合。今天...","en":"The city can commute, the track can brush laps, and the motorcycle can travel long distance~ The street car is unique for its high cost performance and endless fun. They offer the perfect blend of power, flexibility, technology and comfort. Today..."}},"items":[]}