
Sixty percent of modern people are generally "yin deficiency", this kind of "yin nourishing holy product" is all done, and famous doctors of all generations love it!

author: Longnan Wen County released


Modern people work a lot, stay up late a lot, many people often have dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and dreams, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats, weight loss and other problems, all day long, depressed, feel that the body has reached the situation of "running out of oil and lamps".

In fact, as we age, the function of various organs in the body will gradually decline, which will lead to a shortage of yin fluid, and then the situation of yin deficiency will appear, which is a relatively common phenomenon, and there is no need to be suspicious and scare yourself.

Why are modern people more prone to yin deficiency?

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing • Su Wen" mentions: "Long-term vision hurts blood, long-term lying hurts qi, long-term sitting hurts the flesh, long-standing hurts bones, and long-term walking hurts tendons, which is said to be injured by five labors." ”

Injuries caused by five labors, simply put, are all kinds of excessive behaviors and activities of the body will cause the body's internal organs to be weakened and its function will be reduced.

Essence and blood fluid is the material basis of life activities, and the function of the viscera is closely related to the generation and operation of qi, blood, and semen.

With the increase of age, the yin fluid of the human body is constantly consumed, which is easy to be damaged and difficult to recover, so "yin is often insufficient". So many people are in a state of yin deficiency.

Sixty percent of modern people are generally "yin deficiency", this kind of "yin nourishing holy product" is all done, and famous doctors of all generations love it!


As the old saying goes, a long illness becomes a doctor, and many friends know that Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a classic Chinese medicine prescription, which is mainly used for the symptoms of kidney yin deficiency.

It is composed of six kinds of medicinal herbs, which have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, clearing away heat and generating Jin. It has a certain effect on symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, and five heart irritability caused by kidney yin deficiency.

However, if the reason for yin deficiency and prosperity is not only kidney yin deficiency, and Liuwei Dihuang Pill cannot completely solve the problem, there is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine that is very recommendable, which is known as the "Nine Great Immortal Grasses of China" - Dendrobium officinalis.

Dendrobium officinale has a certain conditioning effect on various types of yin deficiency and fire, and is known as "the holy product of nourishing yin", and the effect of fresh products on nourishing yin and clearing heat is better than that of dry products.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the "Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica" recorded: "Dendrobium, in the main injury, removes paralysis, lowers qi, replenishes the five internal organs, fatigue and thinness, strengthens yin, and serves thick stomach for a long time." ”

Dendrobium is listed as "top grade", the so-called "top grade" refers to non-toxic, long-term service can prolong life, light body and not age. It can nourish the deficiency and strain of the five internal organs, replenish yin, and nourish the stomach and intestines when taken for a long time.

Modern pharmacological studies have proved that Dendrobium officinale has a variety of pharmacological effects such as regulating the gastrointestinal tract, regulating immunity, antioxidant, anti-fatigue, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, and hepatoprotective.

Sixty percent of modern people are generally "yin deficiency", this kind of "yin nourishing holy product" is all done, and famous doctors of all generations love it!


Compared with traditional drug treatment, dietary therapy has the advantage of being safe, has no side effects, and can play a role in long-term health care.

In order to make full use of the medicinal value of Dendrobium officinalis, avoid the side effects of the drug, and achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases, we hereby share two Dendrobium dietary remedies with you, and family members can do it at home.

Dendrobium duck soup

Ingredients: 1 duck, 10 grams of dendrobium, 5 grams of wolfberry, appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of salt


1. Wash the duck, remove the internal organs, and cut it into pieces for later use. Dendrobium officinale is washed with water, and wolfberries are also slightly cleaned.

2. Blanch the duck pieces in boiling water to remove blood and impurities, and then remove and drain the water.

3. Take a saucepan, add an appropriate amount of water, and add the blanched duck pieces, dendrobium, wolfberry and ginger slices.

4. After the fire is boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for 1~2 hours until the duck meat is cooked and the soup is rich. Add salt to taste and simmer for a few minutes before turning off the heat.

Function: It not only has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat, strengthening the spleen and soothing the nerves, but also suitable for a variety of people, especially those who need to nourish the body and improve their physical fitness.


Dendrobium duck soup is suitable for people with yin deficiency and fire, weak physique, malnutrition, and easy fatigue. It can help improve these symptoms, strengthen physical fitness, and improve immunity. Pregnant women, lactating women, people with spleen deficiency and food accumulation, and those with yin deficiency and fire should consume under the guidance of a physician. Pay attention to the appropriate amount when eating, excessive consumption may cause discomfort such as bloating and diarrhea.

Sixty percent of modern people are generally "yin deficiency", this kind of "yin nourishing holy product" is all done, and famous doctors of all generations love it!

American ginseng and dendrobium tea

Ingredients: 10 grams of American ginseng, 10 grams of dendrobium


1. Sort the American ginseng and dendrobium separately, wash them, dry them or dry them and cut them into slices for later use.

2. Put American ginseng and dendrobium slices into a clay pot, add enough water (about 1500ml), bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

3. Filter with clean gauze, remove slag, and collect the filtered juice. Place the strainer in a container and let warm before serving.

Serving Suggestion:

Dendrobium tea can be used as a daily drink, it is recommended to drink it twice in the morning and afternoon, replace the tea frequently, and drink it on the same day. This tea has the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing yin, nourishing jin and quenching thirst, and is suitable for people with symptoms such as qi and yin deficiency, thirst and dry throat, upset and insomnia.

It is important to note that although American ginseng and dendrobium are both tonic herbs, they are not suitable for everyone. Special groups such as allergies, uterine cold, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, pregnant and lactating women should avoid drinking to avoid adverse effects on the body. It is advisable to consult a medical professional or TCM practitioner for advice before consumption to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Tips: When buying a family, you can choose to cut it into small pieces, don't buy a whole dendrobium that looks beautiful, you can save a lot of money, and the effect is similar.

Sixty percent of modern people are generally "yin deficiency", this kind of "yin nourishing holy product" is all done, and famous doctors of all generations love it!

Source: Health Talk

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