
Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

author: Longnan Wen County released

Whether it's rain, cold joints, or overwork, these small changes can lead to recurrent episodes of joint pain. The change of seasons doesn't seem to affect this. So, what are some other ways to help people with joint pain in addition to medication?

In the traditional method, stir-frying coarse salt and hot compress is one of them. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hot compresses, also known as "ironing", can warm the skin, promote blood circulation, dispel cold and dampness, dispel blood stasis and relieve pain.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

Especially in the current climate, hot compresses seem to be more appropriate. At the same time, the permeability of hot salt helps the heat to penetrate deep into the body and absorb moisture and cold, so as to achieve the effect of reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

Physical therapies that promote blood circulation through hot compresses, such as sand therapy, salt therapy, bamboo pot therapy, and hot springs, which have long been popular among the people, are beneficial to rheumatic patients and can be used as an adjunct treatment to alleviate rheumatic joint diseases. The use of coarse salt is not limited to joint pain, its effects are actually more extensive than we think.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!


Fry coarse salt, with more benefits


Promote blood circulation and dispel blood stasis, dispel dampness and drive away cold

By frying coarse salt, it can effectively invigorate blood and dispel blood stasis, dispel dampness and drive away cold. This method is able to promote blood circulation and enhance local resistance.

The principle of hot compress is mainly to increase the local skin temperature, relax the muscles, and expand the skin capillaries, thereby improving local and even systemic blood circulation.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

Studies have found that warm stimulation can improve the phagocytosis function of the reticuloendothelial system, promote the metabolism of various substances in the body, and have significant effects on a variety of inflammatory responses. In addition, warm compresses can also promote intestinal peristalsis, speed up blood circulation, relieve tissue adhesions, and improve local nutritional status.

How to use: Put the fried coarse salt into a bag, and then apply a hot compress to the waist, knees, shoulders, abdomen and other areas of the body to achieve the effect of health treatment.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

Hot salt has strong heat retention and permeability, which can not only transfer heat to the body, but also suck out the sick and cold qi in the body. Coarse salt hot compress helps to relax muscles, dilate capillaries, increase sweat gland secretion, promote blood circulation, improve the body's metabolism rate, and has the effect of warming meridians and activating meridians, reducing inflammation and dissipating cold, and relieving pain.

It has a significant therapeutic effect on symptoms such as paralysis, backache, arthritis, chronic stomach pain, diarrhea, neuralgia, and chills. Especially after cupping, applying a hot salt bag to the affected area immediately can often get twice the result with half the effort, which is conducive to strengthening the right and dispelling evil and promoting the recovery of the sick body. For different diseases, what are the specific methods of hot compresses, which need to be adjusted according to the actual situation.


Removes moisture

If you have a lot of moisture in your body, you can apply a hot compress by applying coarse salt to the soles of your feet. After each foot soak, apply a warm compress to effectively remove moisture.

After a course of treatment, there will be noticeable changes in the body, and the moisture will be effectively discharged. For those who are cold, applying a hot compress after soaking their feet every day can also significantly ward off cold.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!


Relieves pain and analgesia

For gout patients, placing a warm compress on the knee can relieve pain and analgesia, and long-term use can also improve blood flow and relieve rheumatism. Stir-fried coarse salt is applied to the painful areas of the joints, which has a relieving effect on joint stiffness and pain.

How to use: Wrap two catties of coarse salt hot compress on painful and cold-sensitive joints, and apply hot compresses for 15-20 minutes each time until the coarse salt gradually cools.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

This method can only relieve joint pain and cannot completely replace treatment methods such as medication and surgery. It is advisable for patients to seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid delaying the best time for treatment.


Nourish the kidneys and nourish the yin

With the passage of time, many men often have related symptoms of weakness due to the gradual depletion of yin fluid in the liver and kidney.

Salt enters the kidney meridian and has the effect of nourishing the kidney and nourishing yin; The navel was chosen as the hot compress point because it is a key place to regulate the body's yin fluid, and the salt is easily absorbed through this area. On the one hand, the heat helps the human body absorb salt, and on the other hand, the heat directly stimulates the navel and effectively regulates the meridians.

How to use: Take an appropriate amount of salt and a little cumin and stir-fry, put it in a cloth bag and apply it to the navel. This helps to regulate and replenish yin fluid, promoting the balance of yin and yang in the body.

It is recommended to apply a hot compress between 17 and 19 o'clock in the afternoon, which is the active time of the kidney meridian, which is very suitable for tonifying the kidney.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

Precautions: If you use a large salt hot compress for the first time, there may be a red and white pattern on the belly, which usually subsides naturally after three or four times. If you have a wound or ulcer around the belly button, avoid using this health treatment.


Improves neck and shoulder pain

Neck and shoulder pain can be relieved by sautéing salt and hot compresses. After the salt is heated, it will not cool down quickly, and the heated salt applied to the neck and shoulders can make the local temperature rise, regulate the autonomic nervous system, optimize the motor nerve function, promote capillary dilation, accelerate blood circulation, and then gradually relax the muscles, increase the flexibility of the joints, effectively eliminate fatigue, and improve neck and shoulder pain.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!


Helps lose weight

For people with edematous obesity, TCM believes that warm compresses with coarse salt can help to drain excess water from the body, thereby achieving weight loss.


Anti-inflammatory and swelling-reducing

The heat of the salt can also play a role in reducing inflammation and swelling. It activates the phagocytosis of the reticuloendothelial system and increases local metabolism, so it has anti-inflammatory, swelling-relieving, reflex muscle spasms and pain reduction.

Coarse salt hot compress is also helpful for improving children's indigestion, wind chill and cold, and women's cold dysmenorrhea.

Tips: Coarse salt refers to the crystals made by boiling the brine extracted from seawater or salt wells, salt ponds, and salt springs, that is, natural salt. It stimulates and promotes the secretion of sebaceous glands, has a sweating effect, and helps to remove waste and excess water from the body.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

Due to the high hygroscopicity of salt, it is important to ensure that the water in the salt completely evaporates, regardless of the heating method. Otherwise, water may seep into the body, which may not be harmful to the body in a short period of time, but may cause greater damage to the body for a long time.


How to choose kosher salt?

About the salt used: choose coarse salt with a large particle size, use about four catties each time, and its composition is mainly sodium chloride (NaCl). With simple heating, the composition of the salt basically does not change, so it can be reheated multiple times.

Every 1 to 2 weeks, you can sift the salt with the rice basket at home, because the amount of salt will naturally decrease over time, and only new coarse salt needs to be replenished.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!


Pay attention to warm compresses

Warm compress steps: Place the heated salt bag on the area that needs to be heated, whether lying flat or sitting, and it will not affect your TV or surfing the Internet.

It is generally recommended to apply a warm compress for 1 to 2 hours. To reduce heat loss, you can cover some items appropriately.

Use it to "hot compress" has many effects, nourish the kidneys, invigorate qi and strengthen the heart and lungs, and the method must be learned!

Precautions for hot compresses:

1. Before applying heat, be sure to test the temperature of the packet to make sure it does not overheat. If the temperature of the pack is high, put an extra towel or make a cloth cover where it comes into contact with your skin to prevent burns.

2. Avoid washing your hands or bathing with cold water for half an hour after applying a hot compress.

3. Drink more warm water than usual after a warm compress (remember not to drink cold and ice water) as this helps the body flush out toxins.

4. Wash the outer packaging of the hot compress salt bag regularly to maintain hygiene.

5. During menstruation, it is recommended not to use warm compresses.

Source: Health Talk