
African "wild" tribes: naked as beauty, women are painted with red mud, they do not bathe in their lives, and men can live to be 18 years old to live a long life. The vast African continent is home to a breathtaking sense of self

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African "wild" tribes: naked as beauty, women are painted with red mud, they do not bathe in their lives, and men can live to be 18 years old to live a long life.

The vast African continent is home to breathtaking natural wonders and hidden ancient and mysterious tribes. They are scattered in the corners of the primeval jungle, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, continuing the way of life passed down from their ancestors.

These tribes, as if they are forgotten corners of time, carry the imprint of ancient civilizations, quietly guarding the primitiveness and mystery of this land.

In the heart of the Namibian desert, there lives such an isolated primitive tribe - the Simba. They exist in a unique way, as if they are the elves born in this red land, writing a hymn to life with red soil, and also interpreting a civilizational dialogue about survival and perseverance.

When you first meet the Himba, you will be struck by their peculiar "red clay man" image. In the scorching desert sun, the Himba people don't seem to feel the heat, because they are naked, and they are all smeared with a thick layer of red mud, and from a distance, they look like walking sculptures.

The world may wonder why the Himba people dress themselves up like this, just to be different, and the answer is, of course, no.

In the eyes of the Himba people, red clay is not a simple ornament, but the crystallization of wisdom against nature. The Namibian desert climate is hot and dry, and red mud has natural sunscreen and insect repellent properties, which can protect the Himba people from the scorching sun and mosquitoes.

Over time, the smear of red clay has become an integral part of the life of the Himba people and a symbol of their cultural identity.

In addition to the unique mark of "red mud", the daily life of the Simba people is also full of primitive and mystical colors. They live by grazing, live by water and grass, and live a simple life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Their homes, simple thatched huts made of tree branches, mud and hay, are scattered across the vast grasslands, living in harmony with nature.

In the Himba ethnic group, the gender division of labour is clear and traditional. Men are responsible for herding and hunting, and maintain the survival of the tribe; Women stay at home, take care of housework, raise children, and inherit the cultural blood of the tribe.

In addition to smearing red clay, Himba women also wear a variety of exquisite shells and beaded ornaments, showing their unique understanding of beauty.

However, behind the seemingly peaceful and peaceful life, the Himba people are facing a serious challenge - a demographic crisis.

Due to the long-term living in a closed environment, the phenomenon of consanguineous marriage is very common, resulting in a high incidence of congenital genetic diseases among the Himba people, a shocking rate of neonatal death, and a sharp decline in the tribal population.

In order to continue the bloodline, the Himba practice polygamy, a man can marry multiple wives, and the more wives, the more prosperous the family.

Within the Himba community, the ox is an important symbol of wealth, and the more cattle a man has, the easier it is to marry a wife, and the wives live under the same roof, respecting and supporting each other, and maintaining family harmony.

Despite this, the demographic crisis of the Himba people has not been effectively alleviated, and the imbalance between men and women is becoming more and more serious, and the future of the tribe is clouded.

As the times change, more and more explorers, travelers and photographers set foot in this mysterious land, and the Himba people have gradually unveiled the veil of mystery and entered the world's vision. The impact of modern civilization has also begun to affect this ancient and traditional tribe.

Some young Himba people are beginning to leave their closed homes and go to the cities in search of a new life, eager to integrate into modern society and embrace a new way of life.

The other part of the Himba people, who have lived in this land for generations, have a deep attachment to their homeland and culture, and believe that the color of red clay will always flow in their blood.

Reference: Nanhai Net "Namibian Simba: The Red Clay Man Who Is About to Disappear"

African "wild" tribes: naked as beauty, women are painted with red mud, they do not bathe in their lives, and men can live to be 18 years old to live a long life. The vast African continent is home to a breathtaking sense of self
African "wild" tribes: naked as beauty, women are painted with red mud, they do not bathe in their lives, and men can live to be 18 years old to live a long life. The vast African continent is home to a breathtaking sense of self
African "wild" tribes: naked as beauty, women are painted with red mud, they do not bathe in their lives, and men can live to be 18 years old to live a long life. The vast African continent is home to a breathtaking sense of self
African "wild" tribes: naked as beauty, women are painted with red mud, they do not bathe in their lives, and men can live to be 18 years old to live a long life. The vast African continent is home to a breathtaking sense of self

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