
Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party

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Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party

Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party 1

  The party flag flutters ahead

  Leaders, judges and friends: Today, on behalf of the transportation system of Chenghai District, I am very honored to participate in the speech contest held by the District Working Committee, and feel the glorious rain and dew of the party with you. The title of my speech is: The Party Flag, Flying Ahead.

  83 years of historical vicissitudes and turbulence; In 83 years, there have been many heroes and deep love. You are the beacon that shines on our path. You are the banner that guides us in the direction of victory. This lighthouse and this banner is our great Communist Party of China. There is no kind of writing or language that can express our respect for the party in our hearts as vividly and vividly as the party flag. Decades of long years have already cast the party into a sacred long poem in our chests, and the party flag is the "poetic eye" in this long poem; Over the past 80 years, the party has become a long scroll of history written by us with countless great achievements, and the party flag is the "soul of literature" in this long scroll! On the party flags dyed red with the blood of countless martyrs, I saw that what was rolling was the angry waves that overthrew Japanese imperialism, what was rolling was the raging tide of anti-hunger, anti-civil war, and anti-oppression, what was flowing was the surging waves of blood for the defense of the motherland, and what was rippling was the ripples of love for the masses of the people...... Looking at it, I seem to have broken through time and space, with a pair of vigorous wings and sharp eyes, inviting to swim in the long river of history......

  In the face of the solemn party flag, we seem to see that Mao Zedong waved his hand, setting the right course of the revolution again and again, guiding the Chinese revolution from victory to new victory. From the Autumn Harvest Uprising to the establishment of the Yan'an Revolutionary Holy Land, from the Zunyi Conference's Long March to the Chongqing Negotiations and the Liberation War, the Chinese people split the chaos, cleared the clouds and saw the sun, and finally toppled the "three mountains" and founded socialist New China. The Chinese people have stood up!

  In the face of the solemn party flag, we seem to see that Deng Xiaoping raised his hand and drew a grand blueprint for reform and opening up, and the Chinese people told the "story of spring" and sounded the gongs and drums of the new era. In 20__, at the time of pitching, in the snap of a finger, unprecedented vicissitudes of life took place in Chixian Shenzhou.

  In the face of the solemn party flag, we seem to see the flame of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation raised between raising our hands. The return of Hong Kong and Macao, Beijing's successful bid for the Olympic Games, and China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) have continued to lead to great events. The large-scale development of the western region has once again affected the overall situation, and the thinking of the "three represents" has become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. China stands on a new starting line. The party's general has drawn a newer and more beautiful blueprint to lay a more solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Facing the party flag, I feel how happy I am as a young life -- bathed in the ubiquitous warmth and light of the party, listening to the party's teachings, and letting poetry spray like the rising sun. In the face of the party flag, we feel the responsibility of carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future, and feel the weight of advancing with the times!

  As the saying goes, "If you want to get rich, build roads first." "Chenghai National Highway is the city's economic artery, through the east and west, the traffic is busy! As a worker who struggles in the front line of highway production, it is the first responsibility to ensure the safety and smoothness of the highway! For our own responsibility, we work hard, diligently and meticulously maintain roads, carry forward the fine tradition of hard work, diligence and thrift, adhere to the general policy of highway construction, and transform all kinds of highways in a planned way, we actively participate in the construction of highways in the whole region with the attitude of the master, the road appearance has been greatly improved, and a highway network with the urban area as the center radiating outward, extending in all directions, and crisscrossing has been basically formed! Who can say that the economy of Chenghai will not take off because of our hard work? The people of Chenghai will not be rich because of our efforts? You see, the "small family of advanced workers" organized by the municipal trade unions, the "all-excellent class" and the "double civilization class" organized by the municipal trade unions, and even the "May 1 Labor Medal" and "National Model Workers' Family" of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions! Under the banner of the party, we highway people have opened up the situation, the future, and a better tomorrow with a brand-new image, a vigorous style, and a high fighting spirit. We, for the party flag, our life, will also be wonderful because of the party flag!

Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party 2

  Dear teachers and students,

  Good morning everyone! Bathed in the morning sunshine and full of pride, we are about to usher in the 95th birthday of the Communist Party of China.

  Looking back at the blood-soaked road, there are footprints recording how many winds and rains and vicissitudes, countless martyrs threw their heads and spilled their blood, and went forward to win the country's independence and national liberation.

  A rooster sings that the world is white, calling spring to shine on the world. Our motherland has steadily entered a new era of building socialism: the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, the economic artery at the turn of the century, has sounded the whistle full of expectations and pursuits at the junction of urban and rural areas; The Three Gorges Project depicts the outline of economic openness; The opening up of Pujiang will carry forward China's reform and opening up into the future; The return of Hong Kong and Macao washed away a century of shame; The five-star red flag fluttering on the Olympic podium gilded the rooster-shaped map with golden colors. There is also the invention of Einstein's theory of relativity; Heisenberg measured the creation of mechanics; the development and utilization of nuclear energy; The heroes of Apollo, who landed on the moon and fought against the floods of the Yangtze River, Nenjiang River and Songhua River, pushed human civilization to the pinnacle of history, and one outstanding figure after another erected an immortal monument for human society.

  Looking back at yesterday, the motherland has made brilliant achievements, and looking forward to tomorrow, we are full of pride in the new world. The new century is a century full of hope. In this century, socialist modernization is waiting for someone to build it, and the communist ideal is waiting for someone to realize it. Students, let us make a grand wish today: closely follow the party's leadership, love the motherland, study diligently, actively practice, and paint a grand blueprint for the 21 st century with our own hands.

Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party 3

  The birthday of a political party born in the midst of hardship is often an inadvertent day. The sinister environment makes it impossible for her to calmly choose a "good day and auspicious day", but it reveals the meaning of her birth in response to the situation.

  As a great political party, China's exact birthday was not verified by party historians until the end of the 70s of the last century. In May 1938, when the central leadership first proposed the party's birthday, it was based on the memories of two comrades who participated in the first party congress in Yan'an at that time, Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu. They only remember one summer, it was very hot, probably in July. Because it was impossible to verify accurately, July 1 was designated as the party's birthday - a day that seemed more casual than casual.

  Many days have been written in history by the birth of a great man, a page has been added to the calendar, and the first of July has become extraordinary and shining because of a great political party.

  Even for the most ordinary person, his birthday is a memorable day. At that moment, people gathered for him and sang songs for him. Gifts and blessings from family and friends prove that you have family affection, friendship, and love and respect you have won. The celebration of her birthday is a proof that she has won the heartfelt love of the people. The festive messages delivered by party leaders always have a vision for the future of the party. It is not the same as the wish made before the candle, but it is a sign that a political party is confident in the future.

  In fact, every party member has two "birthdays". A birthday gives life to nature, and a birthday is the belief that has found a lifelong struggle. In a way, the latter makes more sense than the former. There is no choice in natural birth, but the choice of ideals and beliefs comes from personal will and reason, and this birthday is completely one's own.

  "Today is your birthday my China, early in the morning I release a flock of white pigeons, for you to bring an olive leaf, the pigeon in the mountains and mountains fly over the ......", whenever I sing or hear this popular classic old song, my mood is so agitated, as if in the empty blue sky, white clouds, birds flying, farmers in the fields are singing happily. Yes, how happy I am in the new era, bathed in the warm sunshine, in your broad arms, listening to your long stories, feeling your endless warmth.

  90 years, ups and downs. Looking back at the course we have traveled, it has been so tortuous. Do you still remember the Lugou Bridge Incident? Do you still remember the Southern Anhui Incident? Do you still remember the Nanjing Massacre? There was also the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the Zunyi Conference, and the Yan'an Cave,...... In that bloody and bloody era, countless martyrs threw their heads and shed their blood, went forward one after another, and carried out arduous struggles to win the country's independence and national tranquility. Who said that the red flag was not dyed red with the blood of heroes, and who said that communists did not stand at the forefront of history to save the people from fire and water.

  90 years, great achievements. It was the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong that raised the beacon, illuminated China's way out, guided the sons and daughters Chinese of China, overthrew the "three mountains", and established New China. Resounding across the world, shocking the world. In the newly emerging communist country, which was devastated and all industries were in ruins, it was our party that led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to embark on the road of national reconstruction and national rejuvenation. The spring breeze of reform has blown green the north and south of the river, all walks of life are full of vigor, and all parts of the country are thriving. Three Gorges Hydropower Project, plateau out of Pinghu; Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the moat becomes a thoroughfare; The return of Hong Kong and Macao washed away a century of shame; The success of manned space flight has made the Chinese people very proud.

  90 years, in the blink of an eye. In the long history of mankind, our party has experienced only a short period of 86 years, and in the past 86 years, there have been ups and downs, setbacks, explorations, and joys. Today, you have grown from a dozen or so people at the beginning to 70 million now, and you are still developing and growing, and I have come to understand the truth that "water can carry a boat and capsize a boat," and I have learned that our party truly represents the fundamental interests of the masses of the people.

  The long road is dedicated to the distance, the rose is dedicated to love, on your 68th birthday, what should we dedicate to you, my dear party?

  As a party member, you should love the party, the people, and the party's sacred cause; It is necessary to safeguard the party's authority, publicize the party's policies, maintain the image of party members, take the lead, take the lead, and add glory to the party flag at all times and everywhere.

  As civil servants, they should conscientiously study, learn Deng Xiaoping Theory, learn high-tech knowledge, study laws and regulations, arm their minds with scientific theories, build the party for the public, govern for the people, and make meritorious contributions in their own posts; We should learn from the heroes and models in the new era, learn from the Liwan guards Qin Zhenfeng and Liu Yipeng, learn from their spirit of dedication to their jobs, and learn from their character of serving the people.

  As the masses, they should support the party's leadership, implement the party's policies, and abide by laws and regulations; They should continue to learn, keep up with the pace of the times, and make their own extraordinary achievements in their respective fields of work.

  Today is your birthday, bauhinia flowers bloom for you, 70 million party members celebrate for you, and 1.3 billion Chinese people bless you.

  Today is your birthday, the Yellow River sings for you, the Great Wall dances for you, and Mount Tai waves and shouts for you.

  In this prosperous July, we dedicate ourselves to you with eternal loyalty and enthusiasm - my amiable and lovely Communist Party of China, may you always maintain your youthful vitality, be with the rivers, and shine with the sun and the moon. The horn has sounded, the ambition is in our hearts, under your guidance, we will meet the challenge with pride, please believe that the new century will be brilliant.

Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party 4

  Leaders, teachers and students,

  Today, accompanied by the majestic March of the Volunteers, the bright five-star red flag is rising again in front of our eyes - a hopeful new school year has begun. First of all, on behalf of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders who came to participate in the ceremony, and extend a warm welcome to the teachers and students who have joined the family of No. 2 Middle School!

  Looking back on the past academic year, all the teachers and students of our school have made great progress in all aspects of their work under the correct leadership and keen attention of the Urban Education Bureau. Campus construction has been further developed, the quality of education and teaching has been comprehensively improved, routine management has been put in place, and classroom reform has been deepened. Licheng No. 2 Middle School has quickly become a popular school that is deeply concerned by the society, welcomed by students' parents, and longed for by students. In this year's college entrance examination, 917 students from the 38th grade of our school took the college entrance examination, and 666 undergraduates took the college entrance examination, with an online rate of 72.6%. Among them, the undergraduate online rate has ranked first in Jinan for the third time, and a large number of outstanding students have been admitted to Shandong University, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, Beijing Normal University, China University of Political Science and Law, National University of Defense Technology and other famous universities. Under the careful education and patient training of the teachers, the students of grades 39 and 40 abided by discipline and studied hard, and achieved remarkable results in the final examination of the last semester. At the same time, our students can develop in an all-round way, and have achieved good results in various competitions, practicing the school-running concept of "building a development ladder for every student". As a result, there has been an unprecedented phenomenon of two moderate heat in Jinan City, which makes us supreme glory.

  Every progress and achievement we have made is inseparable from the tenacious struggle and hard work of all teachers and students in the school. Here, on behalf of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers and students for their conscientiousness, hard work and diligent study over the past year!

  The achievements of the past year record the hard work of every person in No. 2 Middle School and contain our wisdom. Today, the new school year has begun, and the new situation, new opportunities and challenges require all teachers and students to do a good job in every job with high enthusiasm, practical style and new ideas. We must bear in mind Comrade Deng Xiaoping's thinking that "development is the last word," choose the advantages of tradition, and take the road of sustained development. It is an important task for us to actively explore and implement the reform model of high school classroom teaching, and to study and practice the new curriculum reform. This year, our province is the first in the country to enter the new high school curriculum reform, which is a challenge for every school and teacher, but also an opportunity, we must seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenge, and creatively do our teaching work in accordance with the new curriculum standards.

  Further strengthen the construction of campus culture. There are two key points in the construction of campus culture in this academic year, one is to carry forward the cultural accumulation of half a century of Licheng No. 2 Middle School, the essence of which is our school spirit, school motto, study style, teaching style and the unique behavioral norms and management mechanism of Licheng No. 2 Middle School, which is our campus culture, our characteristics, we make this carry forward, so that the subtleties see the spirit of No. 2 Middle School. Second, we should carry forward and cultivate the national spirit, what is our national spirit? That is, the spirit of tenacious struggle, courageous struggle for the first, and refusal to admit defeat displayed by the Chinese athletes at the Athens Olympic Games, and we should learn from them, shoulder the heavy task of national rejuvenation, and strive to become qualified personnel with both ability and political integrity.

  Licheng No. 2 Middle School has been established at a newer and higher starting point, which can not only expand the brand advantage of the school, but also effectively transform the brand advantage into resource advantage and benefit advantage, we want advanced educational concepts, high-level training goals, scientific education methods, to create the quality of running a school in the second middle school, and win the praise of the society with high-quality education, which is our goal, the success of the junior high school will accumulate experience in the school-running model for the education in our district, promote the development of education in our district, and establish a good social image of the education system in the district。

  Teachers, we continue to carry forward the fine style of love and dedication to students; We should clearly understand the new requirements put forward to us by the in-depth development of educational reform, consciously study modern educational theories, update concepts, actively explore teaching reform, and improve teaching efficiency. At the same time, we should strengthen our own moral cultivation, enhance our ideological realm, practice the educational promise of "being a model for others" and "being a role model" with noble teacher ethics, shape the souls of young students with pure hearts, and promote the character development of students with healthy personality charm, so as to create a harmonious, healthy and humanistic interpersonal atmosphere in our school, and strive to practice the lofty goal of promoting human development through education.

  Students, as students of No. 2 Middle School, you should first cherish the precious learning opportunities and good youth time, keep in mind the school motto of "life is diligent", start from little by little, concentrate on it, and strive to repay your parents and school with excellent results. If you do not receive a good education and do not have rich knowledge, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the future high-tech society, let alone repay your parents and contribute to society, so you must correct your learning attitude, take the initiative to study, carry forward the spirit of tenacious struggle, not afraid of difficulties, dare to compete, be diligent in thinking, be good at summing up, learn to learn, learn to create, and work hard to further improve your academic performance. In addition, you should continue to carry forward the good habit of abiding by rules and disciplines, strictly abide by the "Code of Conduct for Middle School Students" and the school's management system, strengthen your sense of responsibility, constantly regulate your words and deeds, learn to be a person, learn to cooperate, and become an excellent student with noble character, sound personality and lofty ambitions as soon as possible.

  Teachers and students, Licheng No. 2 Middle School has become a school with standardized and scientific management, excellent education quality, good social reputation and high-quality educational resources, and has become an ideal middle school for young students. Let us work together to create a national exemplary high school and create a better tomorrow for Licheng No. 2 Middle School!

  I wish the teachers a smooth work and a happy spirit in the new school year! I wish the students progress in their studies and healthy growth!

Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party 5

  It is you who let us build up self-confidence and raise the heads of Chinese in the world;

  It is you who give us strength to overcome the enemy who has committed sin against you;

  It is you who point us the direction, and the usufruct has no hesitation or sorrow, because those heroes who drink and blood are in our hearts;

  It is you who believe that history will not go backwards, and you will always float in the sky above the Republic, because there are Chinese sons and daughters for no reason, who are marching forward bravely under your guidance;

  Ah, motherland, you are still standing in the place where the sun rises after the cangsang, and you will always stand in the east of the world.

  On the eastern horizon, on the podium of the world, the crystal eyes of the sons and daughters reflect your rise; At the Great Wall Station in China, the white snow of Antarctica backs out your bright red, such a bright red, purifying generation after generation, the youth of New China calls us to learn from our revolutionary predecessors, pay tribute to the martyrs, how to compare the bright red mood, at this moment, only with a patriotic passion to look at you, grow, rise, forever rise in our hearts.

  We are the successors of New China, and we must contribute our own strength to the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

Sample speech under the national flag on the founding day of the party 6

  Dear Teachers and Students,

  Hello everyone!

  Labor is the most glorious because it creates wealth and miracles for mankind. Today's material and spiritual civilization did not fall from the sky, but were accumulated by all mankind in the long process of labor. The hard work of the sons and daughters of China has not only created the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization, but also made today's glorious China. Indeed, it is precisely because of the unremitting labor of the dam builders that the Three Gorges Dam has been able to stand between heaven and earth, and it is precisely because of the labor of thousands of foreign workers that the prosperity of China's Shenzhen, Xiamen, and other special economic zones has been achieved.

  Where there is hard work, there will be harvest, and where there is labor, there will be results. Any kind of labor can create wealth and contribute to mankind, so any kind of labor should be respected and the fruits of labor should be cherished. However, some people are not like that. They spit, dumped garbage, scribbled on walls, and scribbled on statues. This disrespect for the labor of others is a sign of incivility and lack of public morality. By extension, they do not take care of public property, do not cherish food, do not turn off the faucet, do not pay attention to lectures in class, and talk casually...... It is a sign of disrespect for the labor of others.

  Students, it is an eternal truth that labor creates everything. Let us take advantage of the "May 1st" International Labor Day to continuously improve our consciousness, strengthen self-cultivation, develop a good habit of loving and working hard, but also cherish the fruits of others' labor, respect others' labor, and let the beautiful flower of labor bloom forever on our life road!

  Thank you.

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