
How do honest people survive? I've been crazy!

author:The City of Calm

It is difficult for loyal and honest people to survive with hard work, but those who are not traitors or thieves can be left and right! The same is true for engineering companies!

That year, I was a young clerk in the cost department. At that time, the company was in the development stage, and the departments were not very perfect. In fact, there are only two people in the so-called cost department, and one of them resigned because he was tired of work and had limited experience and knowledge to be incompetent for his job! I was the only one who was still persistent! In those years, it was difficult to complete the heavy work by working overtime every day, weekends and holidays. So much so that I've never watched a TV series in its entirety!

How do honest people survive? I've been crazy!

But at first, I thought I was struggling, and doing more when I was young would help my life and work in the future. It is also necessary to make some contributions to the company and society, and not to be presumptuous, so that the heavy work is very important. I have never refused the work assigned by my colleagues, and I have completed it very actively and conscientiously. But one day I felt wronged!

My immediate boss arranged for me to make the bidding documents, the head of the market development department arranged for me to make a budget for a project, the two project managers asked me to count the engineering quantity and quotation of two projects, and the project settlement of one project. At the same time, five urgent tasks weighed on my head like a mountain of five fingers. And everyone knows what time the bidding work must be completed. All of these tasks will take two days to solve the battle! I'm crazy, let alone five tasks, even two of them I can't guarantee that I will be able to do them!

How do honest people survive? I've been crazy!

Other colleagues, including the leaders who arranged the work, all left work and went home at 5 p.m. on time, and I fought alone until dawn at night! I first made the budget arranged by the marketing department, then the bidding documents arranged by the boss, then the budget quotation of the two project managers, and finally the settlement of a project. And so, get to work!

Staying up all night in those years was a common occurrence for me. Born in a poor rural family, I inherited my ancestors with hard work and hard work. In order to stay in this city, there is no need to raise the whip and work hard, I believe that God rewards hard work!

How do honest people survive? I've been crazy!

"Where there is a will, it can be done, the cauldron is broken, and the one hundred and two Qin Passes belong to Chu after all. Hard-working people, the sky is not bearable, lying on the salary to taste the gall, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu. ”

"Therefore, the heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and act chaotically, so they are tempted to endure and benefit what they can't"!

I would recite these poems of encouragement to myself every morning when I woke up in the early hours of the morning. However, there is no blood in the air, and the problem cannot be solved by the exhaustion of the muscles and bones.

How do honest people survive? I've been crazy!

In the middle of the night, in the vast empty office, only my room had the light on. Brew cups of strong coffee to resist nervous fatigue! It wasn't until dawn that I lay down on the table and took a nap! I didn't finish a single job in one night, first, the workload was really large, but I still lacked some experience and was not very efficient.

The next day, another morning of work. Half of the time has passed, and not a single task has been completed! All the leaders who arranged the work have begun to come over to learn about the progress of the work! There is no doubt that they have begun to be unhappy!

Start work in the afternoon:

My immediate boss came over and accused: "Xiao Wang, you are an employee of our department, you should focus on the work of our department, and you should do the bidding first?

After a while, the head of the market development department came drunk and pointed at my nose and reprimanded: "Xiao Wang, why hasn't the work I arranged finished yet? Ah, how do you do things? I warn you, no one can speak well, and my work must be completed first! Otherwise, I will ask you!"

The other two project managers called and complained and urged: "Xiao Wang, how is the amount of work and the budget that you have counted? The construction unit is waiting for it? I have urged it several times!"

The general manager of the company made a surprise visit to our office. Was it a surprise inspection or a condolence to an employee who worked all night at night?

"Xiao Wang! The project department has responded that there is a project budget, but you haven't done it, this efficiency is not good, the project manager has found me here, I have to hurry up! Am I being complained about by the project manager?

After the general manager went out, I couldn't control my emotions anymore like crazy, and I completely collapsed! I ran downstairs, found a place where there was no one, and cried with tears in my eyes!

Even if I cried, I couldn't cry for too long, I had to hurry! I went back to the office and continued to finish the work quickly. I had to take a nap intermittently, open my eyes and get back to work!

How do honest people survive? I've been crazy!

The work of honest people is getting more and more! But because of those hard and tiring days, I have grown rapidly. Experience and knowledge are rapidly improved, and every step in life and every trench eaten counts. It will become your unparalleled ability in the future, and your future work efficiency will be twice the result with half the effort, and the difficulties will be solved!