
Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

author:New Discovery Magazine
Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

Times have changed, and people's list of doubts about life is also being updated: at what age is the best time to start learning a foreign language? Can learning a musical instrument make a child smarter? How to reduce stress scientifically? When you turn on the Internet, a variety of even diametrically opposed statements pop up on the screen, which overwhelms many people.

In a fast-paced society with an abundance of information, it has become a challenge to find scientifically authoritative, understandable, practical answers that will stand the test of time. Don't worry, the popular science book "Psychology and Us: How to Recognize Self and the World" published by the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences focuses on the unique life doubts of the new era, and provides you with one-stop solutions to parent-child reading, children's education, emotional management, brain development and other problems, and resolves thousands of troubles in life.

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

The team of top psychologists is passionate about science popularization, and the trust value is full

In today's society, the importance of mental health is becoming more and more prominent, and people's demand for psychological knowledge is becoming more and more intense, and various psychology books have emerged on the market. However, there are not many popular science books written by academically literate and well-trained front-line psychologists that answer the doubts of life in simple terms.

"Psychology and Us: How to Know Self and the World" is such an original psychological popular science book that integrates psychological theories, classic experiments, life cases, interdisciplinary research, and practical suggestions to answer the public's doubts about life.

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

The book is created by the Cognitive and Developmental Psychology Research Office of the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the former director Fu Xiaolan has joined hands with many front-line psychologists to popularize science, combined with the most common life doubts encountered by the public, and wrote their academic research into interesting and easy-to-understand popular science articles in vivid and lively language, which not only retains the scientific and rigorous academic research, but also allows the public to understand and use.

The topics selected in this book are closely related to current life, but the author is not in a hurry to tell you the answer directly, but leads you to explore the problem step by step, starting from the authoritative research on this topic, combined with typical psychological experiments, research data, cutting-edge progress, etc., to introduce you to how psychologists study this problem with relish. After reading the article, the answer will be clear.

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

The author is not limited to this, and will be enthusiastic to share with you what problems still exist in this research, how they will carry out research in the future, and the three questions of proper scientific research: "what is the problem", "where does the problem come from", and "where will the problem go".

This step-by-step process of exploration not only allows you to find the answers yourself, but also allows you to feel the enthusiasm for scientific research and scientific rigor of front-line psychologists, helping you develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Such a journey of psychological exploration led by a team of top psychologists quickly fills the reader's trust value and helps readers deal with life's troubles wisely in easy reading.

Focus on the doubts of modern life and help you "fight monsters and upgrade."

As we all know, childhood is a critical period of rapid changes in a person's cognition and development, but cognition and development do not stop at childhood, but run through a person's life.

With the changes of the times and the progress of science and technology, psychologists can use advanced instruments and technical means to conduct more in-depth and detailed research on human cognition and development, and the Laboratory of Cognitive and Developmental Psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is a pioneer in this field.

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

Using behavioral and cognitive neuroscience as a platform, they study the behavioral and neural mechanisms of basic and higher mental processes in humans, as well as the development, maturation, and decline of cognition.

This scientific content may sound boring, but it is closely related to modern life: Is there a critical period for learning a foreign language? How do I read with my child? How to cultivate children's self-awareness? How to recognize camouflage expressions? Does meditation really work? What is "Mind Reading"?

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

These distinctive life doubts are included in the six chapters of our book: language acquisition, cognitive development, physical intelligence, emotional regulation, visual world, and brain perspective.

From children's education to adult self-improvement, from screen time management to brain development, from emotion management to interpersonal communication, this book covers the most common issues encountered by the public in their daily lives, delves into the psychological principles behind them and the mechanism of brain operation, and provides scientific answers and practical advice.

At different stages of life, we will encounter different puzzles and need to constantly "fight monsters and upgrade" to the next stage. This book focuses on the issues of modern life, helping you improve your mental intelligence in an all-round way, resolve the troubles of life, better understand yourself and the world, and move forward easily.

It is easy to explain the principles of psychology, easy to understand and practical

Scientific and authoritative psychological knowledge should not be limited to the academic community, but should also go into thousands of households, effectively answer the questions that the public is concerned about, and be understood and applied by the public, which is the need of the current society and the original intention of the publication of this book.

From life to life, this is true of education, and the same is true of popular science in psychology. Psychologists are also well aware that the ultimate goal of psychological research results is to better serve the public and society.

Therefore, each article in this book responds to the life issues that the public cares about, and cuts into the theme with simple and straightforward questions about daily life, supplemented by a clear and concise exposition of psychological principles, combined with classic psychological experiments, daily life examples and vivid comic illustrations to interpret, easy to explain the principles of psychology, easy to understand and practical.

The important thing is that this kind of science popularization that integrates theories and cases and is full of pictures and texts can not only inspire readers to find solutions to current problems, but also deepen readers' understanding of the principles of psychology, and apply the knowledge of psychology to future study, work and life, so that they can truly understand and use it.

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

Mental health is an important topic in the current society, and front-line psychologists from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are enthusiastic about popularizing science, hoping to help readers "know what it is and why it is true", and be able to "apply what they have learned" in the future to deal with life problems scientifically.

Open the book and embark on a magical journey of psychology to explore the unknown self and the world.

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

Article source: Central China Science Popularization Harlow New Knowledge

Psychologists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are passionate about science popularization to help you resolve your life troubles

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