
Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

author:Butterfly flower rain

What does a teacher's corporal punishment of a student bring to the teacher?

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

Some teachers were killed by students, some teachers were killed by parents, and some teachers committed suicide by jumping into the river......

And teachers are reported by parents, so what awaits them?

The lighter ones are apologies, giving money, being humiliated by parents, and possibly kneeling; at worst, they are transferred, demoted, or dismissed, and even have their teaching qualifications revoked.

There are countless cases of teachers being dealt with for corporal punishment. And our principal also repeatedly emphasized that the red line of corporal punishment cannot be stepped on, otherwise you will bear the consequences.

And who doesn't know that corporal punishment of students is an insurmountable red line of teacher morality, and they are well aware of the serious consequences it will bring.

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

And whenever there is a case of corporal punishment of students on the Internet, the crowd will be angry, and they will criticize and write one after another, eager to drown the teacher who did it with spittle.

If there is online public opinion fueling the fire, then the teacher concerned will often deal with it more than lightly, and the teacher who sees it will be terrified.

And in this case, why do some teachers still pick up the big stick of corporal punishment and hit the students one after another, like moths to a fire? Is it because the teacher does not know the priorities, or is the teacher morally corrupt? Is the teacher so stupid that it is bubbling, or is it that the teacher can get some benefit from it?

None of this is justified. Teachers may be simple and pedantic, but they are definitely not stupid, they definitely know what to prioritize.

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

They all went to college and took the establishment examination, and it is still clear whether they have a stake in this point.

It cannot be said that there are no moral corrupt among teachers, but this proportion is very small. And if the teacher's professional ethics are corrupt, just corporal punishment is not at all. Teachers' corporal punishment of students is only a violation of professional ethics, so how can it be considered moral turpitude?

It is even more nonsense to gain from teachers punishing students with corporal punishment. The essence of the teacher's corporal punishment of students is to hope that the students will be good, and if there is any benefit, it is that he hopes that he can have a good grade. And if you lose your job just for a good-looking result, then it is better to choose to lie flat.

is in the system, but the grades are very bad, and others don't care about themselves, don't they live happily with their salaries, but why are so many teachers taking this risk?

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

Teachers corporal punishment of students, which may seem like a small problem, is actually a concentrated manifestation of a big problem. It's like a heart attack, like an aneurysm on an arterial blood vessel that doesn't know when it will burst.

We have copied the Western education model and advocated happy education, but we completely ignored the disciplinary model in their education. Teachers in the United States are not allowed to physically punish students, but there are school police in schools. School police can forcibly tow away students who make trouble, and they can be confined to them.

With the approval of the school board, students can also be expelled. If an American student bullies another student, it is punishable. A few years ago, a group of children bullied a Chinese student, and the bully was sentenced to more than 10 years for torture.

This is the American management model, and they are extremely strict with the management of students.

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

The Ministry of Education stipulates that teachers can punish students for standing in the classroom for half an hour, but who dares to do so.

Because any move by teachers is likely to be met with strong counterattacks from students and parents, so that teachers have no ability to deal with it at all - because schools and education bureaus often slap the board on the ass of teachers when dealing with such things - who let your establishment and salary be in their hands?

It is precisely because of this that some students openly confront the teacher in the classroom, insult the teacher, and even commit violence against the teacher; some parents not only slander the teacher, but some parents even rush into the classroom with a group of people to beat the teacher, and the teacher has no choice?

Teachers can only endure how students make trouble, because students are not allowed to be expelled from nine-year compulsory education. In other words, no matter how presumptuous and excessive the students are, there is no way to solve it.

They have already been pushed into a corner, so why do teachers still want to physically punish students? In fact, it is because teachers have to manage students to ensure the normal order of their teaching.

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

In a class, if one or two students openly oppose the teacher, then there will be a broken window effect. If the teacher chooses to back down at this time, then the prestige will be swept away, and other students will imitate, how to ensure the order of teaching and the discipline of the classroom?

And it is precisely because of such a group of teachers that there are no major problems in our education and in our society.

Now, there are a lot of Buddhist teachers who turn a blind eye to the mistakes of their students and let them do whatever they want, just ignore them. Why do they do that? Because they're just teachers, and teachers are just a job, and they need to live – what's wrong with that?

Now, respecting knowledge and talent has become almost an empty word, and anyone can scold teachers and criticize education. This only adds to the pressure on the teachers' shoulders and makes it difficult for them to walk carefully at every step.

No teacher wants to physically punish a student, and no teacher likes to be angry for no reason. Why should the teacher be angry, why should the student be physically punished. Our parents have clarified this truth and learned to empathize with teachers, so that education can return to the right path.

Let us remember: under the nest, will there be no eggs?

Why does the teacher go forward and punish the students one after another? Isn't it hurting oneself by such moths to the fire?

Dear readers, what do you want to say about the fact that the consequences of corporal punishment of students by teachers are very serious, why do teachers still punish students like moths to a fire?

[I am Butterfly Flower Rain Education, focusing on current affairs and the latest education trends, and I like to express my thoughts and thoughts in words. Friends who like me, please follow me: Butterfly Flower Rain Talk Education]

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