
The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

author:Jinchang City Expressway No. 1 Brigade

1. Do not go directly into the high-speed and forget to prepare

It is crucial to conduct a thorough safety check of your vehicle before going on long drives, as there is a high risk of your vehicle breaking down on the highway.

A thorough inspection of your vehicle is a crucial step in ensuring safe driving.

First of all, check if the air pressure of the tires is up to standard by using a tire pressure gauge to ensure that the tire inflation pressure is appropriate.

Flat tires can occur due to low or high air pressure.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

In high-speed driving, a flat tire may cause the vehicle to lose control, and if the surrounding vehicles cannot avoid it in time, it is easy to cause a serious accident of multi-vehicle chain collision.

Secondly, you need to check the condition of the fan belt. Generally speaking, the fan belt should be replaced in time when the vehicle travels about 30,000 kilometers.

During the inspection, repeated pressure can be applied to observe whether there is a crack or breakage.

This step is crucial because at high speeds, when the engine is running at high speeds, the rubber material can come off due to the high temperature of the fan belt. This can lead to serious problems such as engine overheating, engine damage, and loss of power.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

Therefore, regular safety checks on the vehicle and ensuring that the tire pressure and fan belt are in good condition are indispensable preparations before long drives.

It can effectively reduce the risk of accidents on the highway and ensure the safety of drivers and passengers.

2. Do not occupy the emergency channel at will

On highways, parking of any kind is strictly prohibited.

This is because vehicles are moving at a high speed on highways, and if a vehicle stops illegally or tries to make a U-turn, it is likely to cause a serious traffic accident.

The emergency lane is regarded as a lifeline for driving safety. Only when the vehicle is broken down or involved in a traffic accident, or if the occupants of the vehicle have a sudden illness and require emergency treatment, they are allowed to occupy the emergency lane to park.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

Otherwise, it is necessary to continue driving even if you encounter a vehicle breakdown.

Because occupying an emergency lane can seriously endanger the safety of yourself and other vehicles. Overtaking, stopping for a break, and changing drivers are not considered emergencies.

Rather, it is clearly defined as an illegal act, so the relevant regulations should be strictly followed on the highway to ensure driving safety.

3. Don't drive tiredly

In order to ensure driving safety, it is necessary to strictly follow the scientific driving time regulations.

According to scientific research, after 4 hours of continuous driving, a mandatory rest must be taken, and the rest period should be more than 20 minutes.

Such regulations help to reduce the fatigue level of the driver, improve their concentration and reflexes, and thus better respond to unexpected situations.

Especially when driving long distances, two or more drivers should take turns driving.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

Because the human body is prone to fatigue during long-term driving, the reaction speed of the driver in the fatigued state is significantly slowed down, and even drowsiness, which will greatly increase the risk of traffic accidents.

Fourth, in the event of an accident, keep in mind the "nine-character formula".

Many novice drivers may feel panicked when faced with special situations on the highway.

Turn on the warning lights as soon as possible to alert the vehicles behind you.

If the vehicle is still able to drive safely, it is important to move into the emergency lane to avoid blocking the traffic behind you and also to make room for rescue vehicles.

Immediately set up a warning triangle and call the police. In this case, do not take other actions so as not to aggravate the situation.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

Responding to special situations in a timely and correct manner is key to ensuring the safety of oneself and others.

Please remember the following slip of the tongue: stop by the car, evacuate, and call the police.

5. Control the speed and distance of the vehicle

On highways, there are a series of regulations on the minimum speed of vehicles to ensure traffic safety.

First of all, in general, the minimum speed on highways must not be less than 60 kilometers per hour.

Speed limit signs on highways stipulate that the maximum speed limit must not exceed 120 kilometers per hour. Due to the different speed requirements of different road sections, drivers need to pay attention to the information of the navigation road section at all times in order to adjust the speed.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

When driving at high speeds, it is important to maintain an appropriate distance from the vehicle in front.

In adverse meteorological conditions, such as fog, rain, snow, dust, hail and other low-visibility weather, the driver should reduce the speed of the vehicle in time and increase the distance between the vehicle in front of it to ensure driving safety.

The distance to the vehicle in front can be appropriately shortened, and the minimum distance shall not be less than 50 meters when the speed is less than 100 kilometers per hour.

When the speed exceeds 100 kilometers per hour, keep a distance of more than 100 meters from the vehicle in front of the same lane.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

6. Pay attention to overtaking

It's crucial to prepare ahead of time. While driving, looking in the rearview mirror and turning on the turn signals at the right time can provide multiple benefits.

First of all, this practice makes the angle of the turn smaller, which makes it easier to control the vehicle and improves driving safety.

Secondly, early observation of the situation in front of the overtaking lane enables the driver to respond in advance, better grasp the road situation, and reduce the possibility of unexpected situations.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

In addition, if you find that there is a vehicle not far behind the overtaking lane, you will not delay the action of giving way in advance, so as to avoid being forced to brake and slow down when you are about to overtake, and maintain the smoothness and stability of driving.

7. Don't be careless when driving at night

Due to the influence of the biological clock, driving at night tends to increase the likelihood that the driver will feel tired, so the time of continuous driving should be reduced accordingly, and no more than 4 hours is generally recommended.

The limited range of vision at night compared to the daytime and blurred vision add to the challenges of driving.

At the same time, the number of large trucks usually increases during night driving, further increasing the potential safety hazards.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

When driving at night, drivers rely on headlights due to lack of light, but the high beams usually only reach a distance of about 200 to 300 meters, which limits the driver's ability to observe the road ahead and the oncoming traffic behind.

8. Don't panic when you get a tire burst at high speed

When dealing with unexpected situations, drivers need to remain calm and react quickly.

First of all, you should immediately release the accelerator pedal to slow down the vehicle, and firmly control the steering wheel to ensure that the vehicle stays in a straight line.

In the process of natural deceleration, the driver should look for opportunities to turn to the emergency lane to stop, in order to avoid causing accidents, during the deceleration process, avoid rushing back to the steering wheel, because such an operation may cause the direction to lose control.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

Especially when there are many vehicles driving in the same direction, it is more necessary to control the direction, and you can gradually slow down by repeatedly pressing the brake pedal intermittently until it is safe to stop the vehicle on the side of the road.

This minimizes the possibility of accidents and ensures the safety of drivers and other road users.

9. Traffic jams in peak sections should be dealt with correctly

When the highway is free on holidays, it is often accompanied by a large-scale traffic jam. To avoid this, drivers should take a series of measures before hitting the road during rush hour.

First, make sure your vehicle's tank is full of gas and carry enough food and drinking water before entering the highway, while also making sure that your personal affairs are taken care of so that you don't lose time during your trip.

Secondly, try to avoid going to well-known tourist attractions to avoid encountering crowds, so as to avoid the feeling of "heart blockage".

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

In addition, when returning during important holidays, it is best to start a day earlier to stagger the return rush hour to reduce traffic stress and travel time.

10. Friends in the north pay attention to ice and snow weather

On the way to the highway, if you encounter rain, fog, frost, ice and snow and other bad weather, the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car will be large, at this time, if the windshield is foggy, remember not to wipe the fog on the glass while driving, because this small action may cause serious accidents.

The correct thing to do is to use the in-car air conditioner to adjust the temperature in the car to eliminate fog on the windshield.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

At the same time, if the vehicle is skidding, do not panic, do not brake sharply or slam the steering wheel, but should reduce the speed of the vehicle and brake to straighten the vehicle smoothly or pull over safely.

Especially in winter, when encountering snow, ice, rain and fog, the road tends to become very slippery, so it is necessary to avoid sudden braking and sharp turns before turning, and do not hit the steering wheel sharply, so as not to cause the vehicle to lose control.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

When driving on a high speed after rain or snow, never force the wipers on during the hot car phase.

Because the wiper is easy to damage the rubber wiper blade on it when it is frozen, it may even cause the wiper motor to burn out directly.

The right thing to do is to take a simple approach to dealing with a situation where the wipers are frozen. After starting the vehicle, the driver should turn on the heater and aim it at the front windshield to melt the ice that freezes the wipers.

The 10 "taboos" of driving at high speed, those who know 7 are considered old drivers, see how many you occupy?

This can effectively solve the problem of the wiper being frozen, avoid unnecessary damage to the wiper, and ensure the safety and smoothness of the driving process.

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