
Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

author:Lenten Games

For domestic MMO players, "Hello dear players, I'm your dad. "It's never a joke.

After all, in the past decade or two, the content of the games that players have played has been designed by game curators. Any activity in the game is "carefully calculated" to the expected payout, and players are like marionettes, and in order to catch up with the progress of the game, they must complete the daily tasks according to the planned expectations in exchange for a small profit.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

In a sense, this design method is very lazy, but players who are still willing to continue MMO have long been trained to be excellent "executors", who are happy to carry out daily tasks every day, and even give up thinking about whether the resources spent hours in exchange for two yuan are more effective.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

It's no exaggeration to say that MMOs have been following this principle in the past, where players are more "played" than played. Many people waste years just to pass the time of boredom and face the inertia they have already formed.

If the rules of the industry have always been like this, it would not be surprising that MMOs have declined - it is not until 2023, with the emergence of the mobile game "Against the Cold", that this phenomenon has been completely reversed.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

Before the open beta, the mobile game "Against the Cold" had a promotional slogan of "making MMOs great again". At that time, this statement caused countless players to laugh, how can any domestic game change the current market situation by itself? What is amazing is that this game has been online for less than a year, and it has completely realized the impossible, breaking the best record in MMO history at the same time, making MMO break the circle again, and successfully attracting countless gamers who have only played MOBA or open world.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

The key to the success of the mobile game "Against the Cold", in addition to the excellent settings such as "no liver and no krypton", "intelligent NPC", "AI single copy" and "fashion price war" that the game has always adhered to, the underlying logic that is most easily ignored is that the game completely breaks the traditional MMO "played by the game" model, and gives players complete freedom with the different paths and the same destination system.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

In traditional MMO, the player's goal is very single, either to conquer the most difficult dungeon, or to kill all sides in PVP, all the resource acquisition in the game is around this ultimate goal to achieve, in this process, players will naturally be "diverted", can not accept the system planning, become "non-mainstream users", become an irrelevant existence in the game.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

However, at the very beginning, the mobile game "Against the Cold" has crammed dozens of gameplay modes into the game with the attitude of "the king of stitching", from traditional MMO character development, mission achievements, dungeon challenges, battlefield confrontations to open world exploration, manor construction, identity life, emotional development, etc., with rich game playable content, so that players with different preferences and needs can find their own fun as much as possible.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

Moreover, the mobile game "Against the Cold" abandons the setting of daily tasks, and instead adopts the extremely genius "different paths to the same destination" system, players can freely choose the game content they want to play, and get the same rewards as others, whether they like to play dungeons or plant flowers and grass, or even just chat with NPCs or share their feelings in the circle of friends, everyone's benefits are the same.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

With the help of this set of rules, the mobile game "Against the Cold" allows players with different hobbies to play the game according to their own subjective will. When you are busy, you can get all the rewards of the day in three or five minutes, and when you are leisure, you can also spend a few hours exploring the world or clearing dungeons, and under the rules of the season system, no matter how players play, they can easily graduate in the end.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

It is precisely because of this system that the mobile game of "Against the Cold" maximizes the retention of players, some players said: I play the "Reverse Cold" mobile game, I can allocate the game time according to my personal free time, play if you want to, don't play if you don't want to play, there are no time-limited activities, no daily constraints, I can be stand-alone in the copy, I can not participate in the activity, the online is to grow vegetables, the gangster battle on Saturday, I have time to pick up garbage, I am in a good mood on the weekend, I am in a good mood to play three or three, I have updated the lottery day reward, buy and buy new fashion, how to play is completely up to me, not to be played by the game.

Chinese players bid farewell to the era of "being played by games", and how to play will achieve "complete freedom" from now on

And his remarks quickly won a high degree of recognition from players, which intuitively proved the advanced and successful concept of the mobile game "Against the Cold".

It is not surprising that the mobile game "Against the Cold" can make MMOs great again, don't you think?

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