
When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

author:Akiko Taiyasu

In this complicated and complex world, if you are middle-aged, do you want to live freely and comfortably?

Then there must be an indifferent, simple, and open-minded mentality

and a kind of "don't fight when you encounter things, don't care about people" great wisdom of life

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

Because of a good state of mind

It is an important support and motivation for people to face challenges and difficulties in life

And the wisdom of "don't get entangled when you encounter broken things, and don't care about bad people when you encounter them".

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

It is the "key" that can help you "unlock the true value and meaning of life"

A woman with a good mindset and endless wisdom for life

In the trivial and ordinary daily life, you can find those neglected subtle beauty and true feelings

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

It can also be in some low-key, unassuming, comfortable and fashionable spring wear

Get the "point" that best suits you

Just like these beautiful bloggers who appeared today, they belong to such a kind of person

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

As the weather warms, the sisters who love beauty have taken out their own high-end charm of the crewneck shirts, opening a new round of beauty competition

If you want to wear it for daily wear or commuting, you may want to use a combination of high-waisted slim skirts/pants, which is both versatile and can't go wrong

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

In addition to comfortable knitwear, the intellectual white shirt that has always been loved by people is also one of the artifacts used by temperament women to concave shape

In early spring, when the weather is unpredictable, they will combine them with a waistcoat and a knit underneath to create the perfect proportions

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

For sisters who like to wear skirts in spring, a skirt with excellent slim attributes is an out-and-out "powerful actor"

The wearing of khaki cardigan + dress of the same color can not only create an elegant and feminine image, but also create a high-end and fashionable visual beauty

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

There are no limitations to the figure, and the high-waisted straight-leg pants that can be controlled no matter what kind of body shape can be used in daily life this spring, showing a state of increasing progress

Clean and sagging lines can effectively alleviate the problem of thick calves, O-shaped legs and X-shaped legs, and you can enter the spring workplace beautifully and sassy with any shirt + knitted sweater

When I reach the age of 40, I will be like her, "simple clothes, fashionable wear", and the age reduction is very advanced!

Silk scarves that can not only keep warm in the cold winter, but also embellish the shape in spring and summer, occupy a certain position in the wardrobe of the public

When collocation, try to choose a 50cm-90cm size silk scarf to match, whether it is tied on the bag, hands, neck, or casually draped over the shoulders, it can be the finishing touch for the overall matching