
The consequences of a helium leak on the ISS and how long can American astronauts hold out?

author:Top Noodle X

The consequences of the lack of helium on the International Space Station are very serious! Because helium is critical to the temperature control of spacecraft and the stability of fuel systems, a leak that gets out of control can lead to a range of catastrophic consequences.

The consequences of a helium leak on the ISS and how long can American astronauts hold out?

Screenshot of the report

First, the temperature can get out of control, which can affect the astronaut's living environment and the normal functioning of the equipment.

The consequences of a helium leak on the ISS and how long can American astronauts hold out?

Mockup of the space station

Second, the fuel system can also have problems due to helium leaks, such as fuel explosions and navigation system failures, which can directly threaten the lives of astronauts.

As for how long the nine astronauts will be able to hold out, it depends on a number of factors. For example, the amount of helium they currently carry, and how effectively they use and manage these resources. According to some reports, two astronauts on the International Space Station have been facing a shortage of life support resources due to a helium leak from the spacecraft. They even used the rubber seals of the space station to temporarily seal the helium leak point, and originally planned to stay on the ISS for 8 days, but due to helium leaks and other problems, it was ultimately delayed for nearly half a month.

The consequences of a helium leak on the ISS and how long can American astronauts hold out?

International Space Station

However, the specific persistence time needs to be judged according to the actual situation at present. If astronauts can manage resources effectively and receive timely rescue and support, they may hold out longer. However, if the situation continues to deteriorate, then they may need to take measures as soon as possible, such as rescue through other spacecraft.

In conclusion, the lack of helium on the ISS is a very serious problem that requires measures to be taken as soon as possible. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the safety and health of astronauts and provide them with necessary support and assistance.

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