
Laughing numb! The 48 people in the class and 47 of them scored over 600 points in the college entrance examination on the hot search, and I died of laughter in the comment area

author:Cousin looks at society

There are 48 people in the class, and 47 college entrance examinations have more than 600 points, as soon as the news came out, it immediately exploded on the Internet. This extraordinary result immediately attracted the attention of netizens. What about the other one?


The results of the 2024 college entrance examination were announced, and the third year (class 1) of Liupanshui No. 2 Middle School in Guizhou Province achieved excellent results.

A total of 48 students in the class took the gaokao, and 47 of them scored more than 600 points, with an average class score of 637.23 points. One of the students scored 591 points, and the head teacher Duan Malin said that this result is the result of the students' hard work, as well as the joint efforts of the school and parents.

Netizens hotly discussed:

It was suggested that all 48 people should study civil engineering, as if people with such high scores should go to build buildings, and they simply laughed to tears

Laughing numb! The 48 people in the class and 47 of them scored over 600 points in the college entrance examination on the hot search, and I died of laughter in the comment area

Will it be an elite class for all staff, built with all teaching resources? This speculation is not unreasonable.

Laughing numb! The 48 people in the class and 47 of them scored over 600 points in the college entrance examination on the hot search, and I died of laughter in the comment area

This is not because everyone in this class scored 600 points, but because everyone who can score 600 points is assigned to this class. What about the only one classmate? Has he become a "class pet", or a "class shame"?

Laughing numb! The 48 people in the class and 47 of them scored over 600 points in the college entrance examination on the hot search, and I died of laughter in the comment area

When I saw these comments, I couldn't help laughing, and at the same time I had mixed feelings.

So in the end, I would like to ask: if each of us can score 600 points, will this society be better? What do you think about this?

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