
Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

author:Clever Wind Chimes 008

In March 2007, a case involving the right to reputation that attracted much attention from all walks of life was tried in accordance with the law in a court in Beijing, and the defendants in the trial were all well-known media personalities, including the famous film magazine "Popular Film", Guo Wei, the filming director of the movie "Dong Cunrui", and the other was CCTV.

The plaintiff's lineup is also very strong, including Dong Cunmei, the sister of the martyr Dong Cunrui, as well as Cunrui Middle School and Primary School in Longhua, Hebei Province, the management office of Dong Cunrui Martyrs Cemetery in Longhua County, and some elderly people who are over eighty years old.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

During the trial, the plaintiff unanimously demanded that the three defendants, including CCTV, publicly apologize for questioning the heroic deeds of martyr Dong Cunrui and the defamation of the martyr's reputation, and compensate 100,000 yuan for moral damages.

The most touching thing about this court trial is that the old leader of the unit where Dong Cunrui belonged before his death, although he is in a difficult position to act, but in order to protect the reputation of Dong Cunrui's martyr, he still chose to come to the court to testify with the support of his children, just to return the hero's respect and love.

Seeing this, I believe everyone must have all kinds of questions, so what is the ins and outs of this matter?

Things have to start with director Guo Wei, the heroic deeds of Dong Cunrui's martyrs must be familiar to everyone, but what really makes Dong Cunrui's deeds a household name is inseparable from the 1955 movie "Dong Cunrui" directed by Guo Wei.

It was this movie that allowed audiences across the country to see the voice and smile of the martyrs on the screen for the first time, and learned about Dong Cunrui's heroic and tenacious deeds that were not afraid of sacrifice.

But the world is impermanent, what people didn't expect is that for some reason and reason, director Guo Wei, who once created a glorious image of Dong Cunrui on the screen, told the media in an interview in his later years whether Dong Cunrui really bombed the bunker at that time, because there was no witness to see it, and the heroic deeds were doubtful.

His remarks were published in the 8th issue of the magazine "Popular Film" in 2006, titled "<董存瑞>The Classics Created by "Reality", in which he seemed to describe the filming process of the movie "Dong Cunrui", but in fact, he repeatedly questioned Dong Cunrui's own deeds of "heroically bombing the bunker".

Later, in an interview with CCTV's "Movie Legend - Dong Cunrui" program, Director Guo Wei once again raised doubts about the authenticity of Dong Cunrui's deeds, in his opinion, Dong Cunrui had no other comrades-in-arms around him when he died, and there were no witnesses, so it is doubtful whether there was a bunker bombed and who blew it up.

Not only did Dong Cunrui's troops stand up for Dong Cunrui and reprimand the media for irresponsible and misleading reports, but even Dong Cunrui's sister, who was over seventy years old, couldn't help it, and finally the director Guo Wei, "Popular Film" magazine, and CCTV at the beginning of this article were sued in court.

In fact, at that time, it was not only Dong Cunrui who was questioned, for a period of time, there was a trend of "spoofing heroes" and "imagining history" in mainland society, and some people even regarded the scandalization of heroes as a fashion, which caused great trouble to the public, and the matter of questioning Dong Cunrui happened during this period.

When it comes to Dong Cunrui's heroic bombing of the bunker, it can be said that it carries the memory and blood of all the people, not only because his deeds have long been written into primary school texts for us to be familiar with, but also because everyone knows in their hearts that it is these revolutionary ancestors who shed their blood to finally create our current peaceful and prosperous world.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

But with the passage of time, the country has been peaceful for a long time, more and more young people are born in the spring breeze, enjoy the sun, those originally moving, vivid and vivid heroic deeds have gradually become thin words, only to give some ulterior motives to take advantage of.

According to the theory of social psychology, everyone has a psychological motivation for everything they do, and psychological motivation is directly related to a specific social environment and historical era.

So, what is the psychological motivation for Dong Cunrui to resolutely choose to bomb the bunker with his flesh and blood at the critical moment of life and death?

As we all know, Dong Cunrui was born in 1929 and died in 1948, and the period of his life was the most turbulent and dilapidated period of the Chinese nation, with the warlords of the Kuomintang reactionaries fighting at home, and the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the later War of Liberation after many years of arduous fighting.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

Under such great changes unseen in a century, children from ordinary families like Dong Cunrui not only have to endure poverty and hunger, but also face the tragic situation of being affected by the war at any time and have no harvest, and their lives are bound to be very miserable.

is different from Dong Cunrui's honest image on the TV screen, the young Dong Cunrui has shown strong self-motivation since he was a child, and became the head of the children's regiment during the Anti-Japanese War.

At that time, the Japanese army's sweeps and invasions in North China were very frequent, and the punishment of the personnel who delivered intelligence to the Eighth Route Army was very severe, and it can be said that as long as they were discovered, they basically died.

But Dong Cunrui is very good at delivering intelligence, especially sending "chicken feather letters" to the Eighth Route Army, he usually disguises himself as a cowherd baby, and then hides the chicken feathers wrapped in cloth in advance into cow dung, and then loads the cow dung into a bamboo basket for transportation.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

Because the living conditions were very difficult at that time, and cow dung was flammable, therefore, poor families would often collect livestock dung, especially cow dung, and use it as burning wood when the weather was cold, so hiding the letter in a basket containing cow dung, on the one hand, it was not easy to arouse the suspicion of the Japanese army and the Japanese puppet army, on the other hand, because the cow dung itself was disgusting, so few people would do it.

Therefore, Dong Cunrui relied on this method to deliver a lot of important military information to the Eighth Route Army at that time.

It was also during this period that Dong Cunrui began to come into contact with the lofty ideals of communism, and began to understand why countless heroes and heroes shed their blood for China, and often rejoiced in the deeds of some combat heroes heard from the Eighth Route Army.

It is precisely because of this that Dong Cunrui is very eager to join the Eighth Route Army, but because he is too young, both the cadres of the Eighth Route Army and Dong Cunrui's family have raised objections, but this does not discourage his determination.

According to the memories of Dong Cunrui's sister Dong Cunmei, Dong Cunrui has been a very thoughtful person since he was a child, as long as he decides what he wants to do, he can't persuade anyone to come.

On July 15, 1945, after saying a brief goodbye to his sister, Dong Cunrui left his hometown directly with the army and became a soldier of the Eighth Route Army.

From his enlistment in 1945 to his death in 1948, during the three years that Dong Cunrui joined the army, he showed a strong fighting spirit, participated in hundreds of battles with the company, and also made meritorious contributions to join the party.

It was precisely in these three years of fighting and tempering with the party and the army that he truly understood and recognized the general righteousness of the country and the mission of our party, and also grew from a somewhat hairy boy to a heroic soldier who cherished the motherland and the people.

Perhaps, from the current point of view, Dong Cunrui was only in his early 20s at that time, and his outlook on life, worldview, and values may not have really been formed, so it is difficult to talk about real beliefs.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

But in fact, in that era of fire, 20-year-old Dong Cunrui had already experienced the baptism of blood and fire, seen the strength and cruelty of the Japanese army and the corruption and incompetence of the Kuomintang army, and was deeply shocked and infected by the fearless spirit of his comrades-in-arms who sacrificed everything for the people in battle after battle.

It is under this experience that there are classic shots in later movies and TV series:

When Dong Cunrui solemnly swore to join the party in front of the party flag, he shouted the famous sentence with tears in his eyes: I have handed over to the party for the rest of my life!

It is precisely with such a strong belief that Dong Cunrui stepped forward at the critical moment of the Longhua battle.

In May 1948, our army encountered stubborn resistance from the enemy during the attack on Longhua City.

The troops who launched the attack on Longhua at the beginning did not expect that in a small county town, the Kuomintang army would build such strong fortifications, and the troops were blocked by the enemy in front of the underground fortifications on the front line of Longhua Middle School.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

In the end, after paying the heavy price of destroying 700 enemies and nearly 2,000 casualties of our army, we had to temporarily choose to abandon the attack on Longhua. This defeat also demoralized the entire attacking force.

It was in this context that Dong Cunrui's unit received the news of another attack on the enemy in Longhua, and when they came to the battlefield full of anger to avenge their comrades, they found that this attack was still not smooth.

At the beginning, the battalion in charge of the attack, after paying heavy casualties, only occupied a landlord's compound around Longhua Middle School. The follow-up of the second battalion did not advance smoothly, the enemy built too many hidden bunkers in the defense line of Longhua Middle School, often pulled out one, and the other side quietly appeared another firepower point, which caught our troops off guard.

It was also in this context that Dong Cunrui's Sixth Company was pulled directly from the second line to the battle site, and their main task was to eliminate the pillboxes and hidden bunkers interspersed on the enemy's defensive line to ensure the smooth attack of the main force.

At that time, due to the lack of heavy weapons such as tank armor in our army, the only way to deal with the enemy's pillbox fire network was to use people carrying explosive bags to blast at close range.

However, the enemy was apparently aware of this, so he arranged dense covered firepower nets in the northeast corner of Longhua Middle School, on the bridge in front of the middle school, and in the ditch under the bridge, in order to intercept our soldiers in charge of demolition.

Because of the enemy's excessive firepower, several soldiers who took the initiative to attack with explosive bags on their backs were unfortunately hit by the enemy, and their lives were uncertain.

As a backbone, responsible, and bloody soldier, Dong Cunrui must have been very anxious when he watched his comrades-in-arms fall one after another, and as the leader of the first squad, he obviously shouldered more responsibilities.

Therefore, it is not difficult for us to understand why Dong Cunrui was able to take the initiative to ask the company commander under such circumstances to carry the explosives package to destroy the enemy's firepower point.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

At the beginning, the company commander directly opposed Dong Cunrui's request, because as a veteran who had fought for many years, he knew the danger of going, so he didn't want to lose Dong Cunrui, an excellent squad leader.

But when Dong Cunrui saw that the company commander didn't let him go, he was also anxious, and immediately made a military order: If you can't blow it up, you will never come back!

Seeing that Dong Cunrui was so resolute, the company commander agreed, but he didn't expect that in the end, Dong Cunrui really said a word and never came back.

The next story must be well remembered by everyone, Dong Cunrui and his comrade-in-arms Zhi Shunyi came to the enemy's bunker after a lot of hardships, but found that the tripod they carried with them had been damaged, watching the enemy's tongue of fire take away the lives of one comrade after another, Dong Cunrui made the amazing move of running to the bunker with the explosive bag.

The people have passed away, and now we have long been bathed in the soft light of peace, but the passage of time does not mean that we can forget history, forget the martyrs, forget the heroes.

Dong Cunrui, who used his body as an explosives support, died heroically at the age of 19, but his authenticity was questioned

In the case that was the focus of attention of the whole society mentioned at the beginning of this article, what was most unacceptable to Dong Cunrui's family, the veteran leaders of countless troops, and Dong Cunrui's old comrades-in-arms before his death was that the earth-shattering feat that countless people had witnessed with their own eyes had become an unsolved case without witnesses under the malicious instigation of people with ulterior motives.

During the court trial, many elderly people over eighty years old either took the initiative to come to the trial site or took videos to testify about Dong Cunrui's deeds, how could this scene be untouching.

Fortunately, in recent years, the country has gradually begun to pay attention to the propaganda and excavation of the combat heroes and their heroic deeds in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the Self-Defense and Counterattack against Vietnam, so that more people know the deeds of the heroes.

Here, I also hope that those who forget history, disrespect heroes, deliberately distort right and wrong, and even ridicule and spoof can immediately stop and return a sense of pride and emotion in the hearts of our people.