
Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

author:Eradicate all pests

Someone traveled to South Korea and had a big meal in South Korea, and then posted that South Korea's table manners are simple but not simple, saying that we also want to learn in our lives, saying that Korean dishes are like works of art, maybe there are no big fish and meat, but the delicacy makes people tremble.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

I'm really speechless for this kind of "Korean blowing", what is wrong with you blowing Korea, you have to blow Korean catering, through this netizen's posting picture, I can see that there are a lot of dishes on this big table, there are dozens of dishes, and there are so "lost" dishes in each plate, and then take a closer look at all pickles.

What kind of table manners, it is not simple, it is said that our food culture can not be learned in a lifetime, what is there to learn, isn't this "pickle meeting", the late teacher Zhao Lirong has already satirized this unreal thing in the 1996 sketch.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

In South Korea, a country where you have to "grit your teeth and stomp your feet" to eat watermelon, what is there to brag about these pickles, and what table manners do you pay attention to, I'm afraid this netizen doesn't know our traditional table manners, our traditional table manners are much taller than South Korea's, and South Korea is also a teacher who stole from us.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

South Korea, Japan and the surrounding Southeast Asian countries are all from us to learn the etiquette morality, from the food culture, architectural style, etiquette culture, clothing culture, etc., basically not the Tang Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

After learning a little fur, I returned to my own country and changed it a little, saying that it was my own culture, in today's words, it is plagiarism, which shows how ignorant the netizens who should post the pictures are, and they don't know anything about our profound culture.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

You can even blow Korean football or Korean intelligence, you just blow Korean food culture, aren't you kicking the iron plate, you really don't deserve to compare with the Manchu and Han banquets, and it is bullying you to compare with the eight major cuisines, so let's compare our street food culture to compare it.

This is a small dish provided for free in a small restaurant posted by netizens, which is packed in a large pot and a large pot, and it doesn't take a penny, although it doesn't look so exquisite, it's because it is not packed into a small plate, and the grade of being put into a small plate has gone up.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

Let's take a look at how many kinds of side dishes can be matched with a bowl of white porridge for 6 yuan posted by Guangxi netizens, this is still a street snack food, and these side dishes are estimated to have more types of side dishes than South Korea.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

In addition to a variety of pickles, there are also sesame sauce, leek flowers, fermented bean curd, many kinds of chili oil, crushed peanuts, sesame seeds, and so on.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants
Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

The only advantage of this kind of big meal in South Korea is that you don't need dish soap to wash the dishes, and you can wash it with tap water.

Whether the Korean dishes are exquisite or not depends on the price of Chinese cabbage and radish in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, and the three eastern provinces of the mainland.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

Where is we rich in products and fields suitable for planting all kinds of melons, fruits and vegetables, only a township is hundreds of acres and thousands of acres of planting, the "cabbage price" is the most telling, that is, this Chinese cabbage is particularly worthless, and people over there are used to make exquisite kimchi, each time to eat a little bit.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

Take our family as an example, as long as it is winter, we can't do without Chinese cabbage, but we don't eat it on a piece, but directly fry one or two cabbage, and the cabbage leaves are fed to the chickens and ducks, just fry the cabbage heart to eat, most of the northern winter is like this cornmeal porridge, fried cabbage, fried meat slices, fried shredded meat, stewed meat, stewed ribs, stewed fish, and now it's summer I'm worried about when the bundles of beans will have to eat.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

I really haven't eaten fine grains and watched these pickles as treasures, this netizen who went to South Korea is definitely nonsense with ulterior motives, why haven't you seen delicious food in our place, we are definitely the first in the world in terms of food culture, what Korean kimchi, what Japanese food, what Western food, what French food, on technology, on ingredients, on modeling, all kinds of Chinese food that is not as authentic as possible, only one kind of pasta has hundreds of tricks, this is still conservative, not to mention the cuisine of various places.

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

With all due respect, the Korean dinner posted by the netizen can't even be served on the wedding table in our rural areas, and the cold dishes at the rural wedding banquet don't need pickles to serve as a dish, because I can't afford to lose this person!

Touting Korean meals and table manners, isn't it just pickles for meetings, and they can't catch up with the ingredients of hot pot restaurants

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