
used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

author:Clever Wind Chimes 008

"Tsinghua Ugly Red" and "Inspirational Goddess", in the past 17 years, one name and two identities have been perfectly integrated in Sister Furong's body.

Nowadays, Sister Furong's gorgeous transformation and assets of hundreds of millions of yuan, not to be left behind, there are many clowns such as Mr. Guo and Liu Zichen, a snake spirit man, which seems to prove that an era of being madly ridiculed for ugliness is far from over, but if you want to talk about ugly seniors, you still have to worship Sister Furong as the ancestor.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

In April 2010, the first domestic psychiatric comedy film "Side A and Side B" landed in major theaters across the country, and Sister Furong was "electrocuted" on the big screen for the first time. In the poster shooting, Sister Fleur changed her previous "ugly color" and appeared with a black, charming, and graceful figure.

Sister Furong, who is famous for her ugliness, took the lead in abandoning the dividends brought by fame, perhaps, from this point on, Sister Furong has always wanted to use her own way to get out of her original identity.

"Clear water out of hibiscus, natural carving"

Since the end of 2003, a woman posted on Peking University's unnamed BBS and Shuimu Tsinghua BBS, which gradually caused a sensation.

The post was published in pictures and texts, and the woman in the photo was exaggerated, eccentric, dressed in some revealing clothing, and the accompanying text was a lot of lyrical text: Durable face...... My body is so hot that it makes men nosebleeds. Quite a few people associate it with "terror".

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

"The greater the contrast between the photo and the word 'beauty', the more comedic it has, the more eye-catching it is, and the more people heckle it. As the post moved from BBS to Tianya Forum, more people began to know about this woman, and the background of the photo was mostly in the Tsinghua Garden, and many people thought she was a Tsinghua student.

Tsinghua students, scantily cled, exaggerated limbs, and contrived expressions, the contrasting "beautiful" posts quickly spread on the Internet.

This woman with multiple identities is Sister Furong, and her screen name is taken from the ancient saying "Clear water out of Hibiscus, natural carving".

Sister Furong, whose real name is Shi Hengxia, is a native of Shijia Village, Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, and her parents are authentic farmers.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

She was born in 1977 and was admitted to Shaanxi Institute of Technology in 1996 to study mechanical design.

In 1996, most students at Shaanxi Institute of Technology still couldn't accept a girl like Shi Hengxia, wearing brightly colored tights, dressed sexy, and her hair tied up high.

Shi Hengxia, who walks on the road, also has a high return rate, not because he is beautiful, but because he walks too strangely - walking with a board and a glance, such as a catwalk model and exaggerated clothes, has attracted many people's side eyes.

Many students blamed their unreasonable words and deeds on Shi Hengxia's superiority from the town, but Shi Hengxia is actually a real rural person, and in the later stage of college, Shi Hengxia is determined to be admitted to Tsinghua University of Peking University, which is different from the ordinary ideas of his classmates.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

As a result, Shi Hengxia, who was at Shaanxi Institute of Technology, became one of the very few famous women in the school early, and a variety of outrageous actions are not at all like the quaint and introverted Shaanxi people, which seems to have been destined to Sister Furong's popularity is not without a trace.

Different from the extremely S-shaped pose in Shi Hengxia's famous photos, she has never had a dance foundation, in the whole college stage, except for the dance performed on New Year's Day, she has never participated in any theatrical performances, and her classmates have never seen her have other specialties.

Perhaps, Shi Hengxia once tried to work hard to break through her own boundaries, but her later failure in the graduate school entrance examination completely frustrated her.

Shi Hengxia, who was supposed to continue his studies and keep to himself, went to Beijing, and then vented his emotions on the virtual network, completely releasing himself in BBS, thus knocking on the door of an era.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Her words and photos are crazy, which has opened up the boring and boring life of students at Tsinghua University and Peking University, and many people are crazy and abused, which also indicates the official debut of Sister Furong.

Many students from Tsinghua University and Peking University still remember that at a certain party, Sister Furong who was present said that she was good at dancing, and after speaking, she rolled twice on the ground and started her performance, which shocked the students present beyond words.

In that era, many people saw a nonsensical shadow in Sister Furong, but Sister Furong moved it from the screen to reality.

"It's not red, it's smelly"

In 2004, Sister Furong became popular, and the Sohu website once issued the "China Bold Female Ranking", "Sister Furong" ranked second, and more data showed that there were more than 5,000 people online at the same time in the school's intranet, just waiting for Sister Furong to release the latest life photos.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

At that time, the Internet was a wild place, and the grassroots grew wildly. Sister Fleur's appearance came at the right time.

In Sister Furong's text, she deliberately expressed the anxiety of self-appreciation, with obvious erotic teasing, coupled with the rustic and silly style of the picture, which quickly pushed Sister Furong to the field of vision of the general public.

In today's view, Sister Fleur's photo is not pleasing to the eye, but it is not particularly out of line, but at that time, Sister Fleur dressed like this attracted overwhelming abuse, slander, ridicule, and sarcasm.

But infamy is also famous, no matter what, in the 10 years after 2004, Sister Fleur has always maintained a considerable popularity.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

When Sister Furong was the most popular, "Furong Teaching Primer Elementary Literacy Manual" was a must-read for netizens on the Internet, and it was a hotly discussed figure among countless people in the Tianya community, and the famous painting "Mona Lisa's Smile" was "swapped" by netizens, and the spoof effect also promoted Sister Furong's fame to rise rapidly, and traditional media such as TV, radio, and newspapers reported in turn, and Sister Furong was in the limelight for a while.

The well-known Sister Furong began to encounter the same "dilemma" as most celebrities: she was watched when she went out to buy groceries, became a frequent visitor to various large-scale press conferences, and her every move would be rushed by netizens to leave messages and comments.

There is no doubt that around 2005, the netizen who mentioned Sister Furong did not know was definitely not a "good" netizen.

The first generation of the Internet is also not short of imitations, before and after Sister Furong, Sister Feng, Houshe Boy, Shen Ke, etc., are all "instilling" a different visual experience to everyone, and from then on, the "ugly face" began to not be ashamed.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

All kinds of grassroots celebrities are like mud and sand, and Sister Furong at this time is probably awakened by a series of events.

In 2007, Shenzhen Satellite TV had an emotional variety show that was stopped, and Sister Furong's vulgar performance in it was protested by many audiences, which had a relatively bad social impact.

In 2010, many official media published articles "Sister Furong and others are not the mainstream culture of the Internet".

Combined with the previous comment article of People's Daily Online - "Sister Furong", it is a symbol of social vulgar culture.

All kinds of rational and objective comments made Sister Furong begin to reflect: In the timeline of China's Internet development, the phenomenon of "judging ugliness" may be a sensation, but in fact, it is insignificant.

The big waves are sweeping the sand, and after all, I have to "start" with Sister Furong, rather than being swept away by the waves, it is better to do it myself.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

So, Sister Fleur began to transform, trying to gain recognition for mainstream values. Before and after participating in the comedy movie "Side A and Side B", Sister Fleur frantically went to various lectures and learned various acting skills, and she needed to improve herself as quickly as possible.

She said that in a year, she can listen to 50 or 60 lectures, including economic management, Internet, finance, drama, film, etc., she prepares stage plays, hires screenwriters and directors, pays attention to the books that actors read, learns singing, dances, and so on.

She started the publicity of her solo concert, with a ticket of up to 1280 yuan, which was close to the first-line singer, and was bought out by fans on the spot, and the treble was broken.

She is eager to tear off the label of Internet celebrity, and hopes to position herself as an artist and public figure.

What happened to Sister Fleur condensed the process of the savage growth of grassroots stars and their desire to be accepted by mainstream values.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Suicide is suspicious, and the "silent exit" after hype?

"Farewell, this world!" this is the content posted by Sister Furong on Weibo on September 19, 2012.

Sister Fleur committed suicide?

In the next few days, such news quickly made headlines in major entertainment editions, many people sighed that she fought for the final position at the cost of her life, and many people questioned her fake suicide hype, and more people began to "light" a small candle under Weibo, leaving the words "go all the way".

Sister Furong's transformation was not successful, on the way to use fame to harvest commercial value, many of her practices are difficult to achieve long-term profits, when Sister Furong just became popular and contacted micro movies, she communicated with the film distributor for a few rounds, but in the end she only gave her 5,000 yuan.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Even when it came to a solo concert, after losing the initial attention, Sister Fleur had just started singing and some people left the venue one after another.

Some people commented that she has no stage performance, hard work but exaggerated, her line skills and role interpretation are only beginners, and her singing skills are even more KTV level.

The lack of professional accumulation is the biggest obstacle for Sister Furong to go mainstream.

Sister Furong, who quickly lost her attention, irrepressibly re-embarked on the "road of hype".

The "suicide" Weibo was deleted shortly after it was issued, and then the following paragraph broke out: "I can't ask for death, I was desperate, but I didn't expect you to say that I was hyping, you have to force me to die, you group of bloodless beasts who kill people without seeing blood!"

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Such a bloody passage comes from Sister Furong who is going to transform, and it is difficult for the public to have a good impression of her. Next, the assistant released through other channels why Sister Fleur was emotionally out of control.

Sister Furong said that in 2005, she was dating a young boyfriend of a graduate student, and she suddenly learned that he was about to get married a few days after posting on Weibo.

Later, after this Weibo was forcibly deleted by the assistant, Sister Furong had the idea of committing suicide, and with the company of her family, her mood gradually returned to normal.

Regarding this Weibo that caused a big wave of exaggeration, Sister Furong has been defending "There is no hype, I am really sad", and many netizens left messages that she had transformed into an inspirational Internet celebrity, but this incident was completely disappointed with her, and she suddenly returned to the original point.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Whether this suicide incident is hype or not, it has caused Sister Fleur to suffer a huge crisis of trust, and she later said that in the 10 years of popularity, she has gained a reputation and lost her reputation.

She often felt very unbearable, and for a long time, she hated the Internet, saying that "the Internet gave me notoriety", and her family did not understand her online behavior, at least in her hometown, Sister Fleur did not become a role model for the children in the neighborhood to learn from.

Sister Furong, who became an Internet celebrity, is a product of the times, but it does not mean that it must be buried in the dust of history.

The phoenix nirvana turned around and returned, from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

In 2016, Wang Baoqiang's wife Ma Rong's cheating agent incident boiled all over the Internet, and Sister Furong quietly posted a news, but it caused a lot of sensation: she said that she was waiting for Wang Baoqiang at the Civil Affairs Bureau on the 20th, and brought all the dowry to marry together.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Weibo's picture is no longer an extremely S-shaped figure, but instead a delicate and graceful middle-aged intellectual woman, who shows her bank card, mansion, and Mercedes-Benz car keys in the picture.

After 17 years, in 2004, Sister Furong relied on "out-of-the-ordinary" life photos to become the first generation of "trendsetters" on the Internet, and now she has opened a media company and become a CEO worth hundreds of millions, transforming into a gentle and generous middle-aged intellectual woman.

Sister Fleur's transformation must start with one person - Fleur's brother-in-law.

"I am Furong's brother-in-law, I want to cry every day and night, my wife looks like a pig, and there are men chasing after me", this is the lyrics in singer Wang Rong's "Furong Brother-in-law".

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

In that era of competing to consume Sister Furong, it was possible to catch the express train of fame by taking Sister Furong's car, but the brother-in-law of Furong in the story was indeed a person, but he was hurt by this song.

Becoming Fleur's brother-in-law undoubtedly requires facing huge pressure, in front of everyone's scantily clad and eccentric Sister Fleur, when the road to transformation is becoming more and more difficult, she still has to make S-shaped actions at the request of her partner, Sister Fleur has no way to refuse, and her boyfriend at the time, Fleur's brother-in-law also tolerated to the greatest extent, until this song came out, Fleur's brother-in-law decided to completely break with Sister Fleur.

But at this time, Sister Fleur found out that she was pregnant.

At the age of 29, in the face of the life in gestation, Sister Fleur couldn't give up no matter what, and in the face of her boyfriend's departure, Sister Fleur, who was alone, decided to raise the child by herself.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Sister Furong and a single mother, these two identities have been fused in one woman, and since then, "Sister Furong" has almost almost "disappeared".

Because of a change in identity, Sister Furong no longer caters to the bad taste of netizens and partners, and begins to seriously think about her own transformation, she is determined to start losing weight, and begins to learn tea art, yoga, and flower arrangement.

From a grandiose Sister Fleur to a cute and intellectual mother, Sister Fleur has done everything she can to quiet herself.

Sister Furong's favorite idol is actress Chen Xiaoxu, who plays Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", and she is also getting closer to her idol.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

On top of that, away from the hustle and bustle of the internet, Sister Fleur has a lot of time to spend with her children. From the child's body, she also began to face herself again, looking at the child's innocent smiling face, as if returning to the era when the Internet was just emerging in 2004, back to her original time.

In addition to spending time with her children, Sister Fleur also began to spend more time with her family.

Sister Furong's hometown is in rural Shaanxi, once when she returned to her hometown, she inadvertently pulled a boy's ear and found that the child's ears were full of earwax, she then thought that the boy was a left-behind child, his parents were not at home all year round, and the child's personal hygiene was no one to take care of.

She pulled the boy and gently pressed his head on her lap, at first the boy was embarrassed, but in the end he was comfortably plucked out of his ears once, and Sister Fleur, who found out about it, plucked out the ears of all the family members, and in the end, it was the mother's turn, but the mother was unwilling anyway, and refused Sister Fleur while laughing.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Mother works at home all the year round, no one has plucked her ears, over the years, the personal hygiene of the ears is very poor, but Sister Furong still let her mother lie on her lap obediently, seeing the "black stone" taken out of her mother's ear, Sister Furong felt a sour heart, she was away from home all the year round, and she never cared about her mother.

After sharing this story on Weibo, many netizens left messages: There are many Internet celebrities now, I just think you are the most beautiful now.

Today's Sister Furong runs a media company and often attends the scene of major press conferences, seeing the current Sister Furong and people who know her past, they will still coax her on the scene and let her make her own famous moves, and Sister Furong is not angry, let alone refuse.

I saw her dancing lightly, her gentle movements highlighted her figure, and then with a fan, she stirred up the atmosphere of the scene.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

But this is not the most beautiful time for Sister Furong, in 2019, Sister Furong, who is 42 years old, broke out a set of pictures.

This group of pictures is based on the Qing Dynasty architecture, with red walls and green tiles, gold and jade, Sister Furong with red lips and heavy makeup, wearing a golden skirt cheongsam, the waist line is like the waist of a 20-year-old girl, holding the vermilion column with one hand, pinching the waist with the other, and posing in an S-shaped action, which is extremely charming and moving.

This is Sister Furong in her forties, after washing all the lead, although Sister Furong is no longer on the front line of Internet celebrities, she has lived the most true self, she no longer abuses and attacks negative remarks, but faces life with a peaceful and gentle attitude.

used to be an Internet celebrity "Sister Furong": After disappearing for 18 years, she has changed from grandstanding to stunning Quartet

Today's post-00s generation has long been ignorant of Sister Furong, but as a cultural symbol, Sister Furong got rid of the "non-mainstream definition" of the times and lived her own mainstream life, which may be the best life for Sister Furong.

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