
Top 10 founding emperors in history

author:Gardenia talks

In China's more than 2,000 years of feudal history, there have been only ten great unified dynasties, and among these ten founding emperors, the difficulty of each of them to seize the world is very different.

The first, the minister of the Northern Zhou Dynasty - Yang Jian

Yang Jian was born in 541 A.D., and he was born into the prominent nobleman of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Hongnong Yang.

In 568, Yang Jian inherited the title of Duke of Sui from his father Yang Zhong, and in 578, Emperor Wu of Zhou died, Emperor Xuan of Zhou succeeded to the throne, and Yang Jian's eldest daughter Yang Lihua was named empress, so Yang Jian was promoted to the general of the Great Sima and Zhuguo, so his status and prestige in the court were very large.

In 580, Emperor Xuan of Zhou was critically ill, and the crown prince Yuwen Xian was only 7 years old, so Yang Jian assisted the government as the prime minister, and he began to usurp the power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty as soon as he ascended the throne, Yang Jian finally accepted the Zen concession of Emperor Jing of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in 581, ascended the throne, and changed the name of the country to Sui, changed the Yuan Kaihuang, and was known as Emperor Wen of Sui.

In 589, Yang Jian sent his son Yang Guang south to destroy Chen, so as to unify the north and south of China, after Emperor Wen of Sui succeeded to the throne, he implemented political and economic reforms, he implemented the system of three provinces and six ministries in the center, thereby consolidating the centralization of power, and implemented the tax reduction system many times during his reign, reducing the burden of the people, so that social and economic production can develop, Yang Jian also created the imperial examination that affected China for thousands of years, but in the later period of his reign, he gradually became suspicious of killing heroes, and listened to the words of the empress of literature, deposed the crown prince Yang Yong and established Yang Guang to succeed, so he buried the root of the country's demise.

Yang Jian died mysteriously in 604 at Renshou Palace at the age of 64.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Second place: Emperor Wu of Jin - Sima Yan

Sima Yan was born in 236, he is the eldest son of Sima Zhao, Emperor Wen of Jin, that is, Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone Sima Zhao, Sima Yan can be said to be the peak of birth, the Sima family at that time was very powerful in the Cao Wei Dynasty, Sima Zhao almost ascended to the throne in one step, but in 265 years 55-year-old Sima Zhao suddenly suffered a stroke and died suddenly, Sima Yan inherited his father's position as Xiangguo and the title of King of Jin, it was to take over the family and strong power.

266 years. Sima Yan forced Wei Yuan Emperor Cao Huan's Zen throne to succeed to the emperor, and changed the country name to Jin, known as the Western Jin Dynasty in history, the usual founding emperor is called Taizu, although Sima Yan is the founding emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, but he thinks that his father Sima Zhao has the greatest credit, so he posthumously named Sima Zhao as the Taizu of Jin, but Sima Yan is not all without merit, he launched the battle of Jin to destroy Wu in 279, so far to achieve national unification, Sima Yan during his reign, but also created the grand scene of Taikang's rule.

In 290, Sima Yan died of illness at the age of 55.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Third place: Qin Shi Huang - Ying Zheng

Ying Zheng was born in 259 BC in Handan, the capital of Zhao State, 246 years ago, 13-year-old Ying Zheng inherited the throne of Qin, King Qin was young, so the government at that time was controlled by Lü Buwei, in 238 B.C., Ying Zheng successively eradicated Chang Yu and the minister Lü Buwei, the power of the Qin State was firmly in his hands, and then Ying Zheng turned his attention to the outside, in less than ten years from 230 BC to 221 BC, he led the Qin State to destroy Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, Qi Six Kingdoms, the establishment of a centralized and unified multi-ethnic state - Qin.

Ying Zheng also became the first monarch to use the title of emperor, calling himself the first emperor, Qin Shi Huang implemented the three princes and nine secretaries in the central government, managed national affairs, and implemented the county system in the local area, strengthened the centralization of power, and during his reign he realized the unification of the book with the text and the car with the track, and attacked the Xiongnu in the north and conquered the Baiyue in the south. The construction of the Great Wall laid the basic pattern of China's political system for more than 2,000 years, and was recognized by later generations as an emperor through the ages, but in his later years, Qin Shi Huang pursued immortality and abused the people, so he shook the foundation of the Qin Dynasty's rule and buried the root of the country's demise.

In 210 BC, Qin Shi Huang died at the age of 49 during his eastern tour.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Fourth place: Tang Gaozu - Li Yuan

Li Yuan was born in 566 AD, his mother is the sister of Emperor Wen of Sui Dugu Empress, Li Yuan and Emperor Yang Guang of Sui are cousins, but Yang Guang has no way to govern the country, resulting in chaos in the world at the end of Sui, so Li Yuan took advantage of the situation in 617 to raise troops in Taiyuan, capture Chang'an, he only took one year, in 618 to establish the Tang Dynasty, and then gradually eliminate the separatist forces around the country, unify the country, Li Yuan during his reign, basically continued the system of the Sui Dynasty, but he abolished many of the harsh policies of the Emperor Yang of Sui, this series of measures laid the foundation for the later rule of Zhenguan.

In 626 AD, Li Yuan's second son Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Rebellion, Li Yuan was forced to Zen in Li Shimin, and he was honored as the Taishang Emperor, he reigned for only 8 years, but he was the Taishang Emperor for 10 years, and finally died in 635 AD at the age of 69.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Fifth place: Han Gaozu - Liu Bang

Liu Bang was born in 256 BC in a peasant family, after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC, he served as the chief of the Surabaya Pavilion in Pei County, and later because of the release of prisoners, forced to exile to Mangdang Mountain, after the Chen Sheng uprising in 209 BC, Liu Bang gathered 3,000 children to respond, and after capturing Pei County, he called himself Pei Gong, and later defected to Xiang Liang against the Qin rebel army, and was named Wu'an Hou.

In 207 BC, Liu Bang led the army into the Bashang to destroy the prince of Qin, so he was named the king of Han by Xiang Yu, but Liu Bang's ambitions did not stop there, he pacified the three Qin in 205 BC, ready to compete with Xiang Yu for the world, and finally defeated Xiang Yu in 202 BC to establish the Han Dynasty, known as Han Gaozu in history, Liu Bang after ascending the throne, abolished the heavy taxes and harsh laws of the Qin Dynasty, implemented heavy agriculture and suppressed business, so that the people could recuperate and recuperate, and social production could develop.

In 196 BC, when Liu Bang led his troops to quell the Anglo-Boer rebellion, he was seriously injured and could not afford to be injured, and died in 195 BC after formulating the White Horse Alliance, and he reigned for seven years at the age of 61.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Sixth place: Emperor Guangwu - Liu Xiu

Liu Xiu was born in 5 BC, he is the ninth grandson of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, but to the generation of Liu Xiu's father Liu Qin, he is already a petty official like Jiyang County Ling, because Wang Mang is unable to govern the country, a peasant uprising broke out in the last years of the new dynasty, so Liu Xiu joined the Green Forest Rebellion.

In 23 AD, Liu Xuan called the emperor, worship Liu Xiu as the general of Taichang bias, Liu Xiu forbears the disguise, obtains Liu Xuan's trust, and is named King Xiao, in 25 AD, Liu Xiu publicly broke with Liu Xuan, he established himself as the emperor, established the Eastern Han Dynasty, and then gradually defeated the separatist forces of all parties, unified the country, and successfully developed from the grassroots to the emperor who ruled the world, Liu Xiu succeeded to the beginning of the throne, adopted the policy of recuperation and recuperation, and repeatedly reduced taxes and light servitude, so that social and economic production could develop, laying the foundation for the reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty for nearly 200 years.

In 57 AD, Liu Xiu died at the age of 62.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Seventh place: Yuan Shizu - Kublai Khan

Kublai Khan was born in 1215, the grandson of Genghis Khan and the son of King Torre.

In 1250, Kublai Khan's brother Meng Ge succeeded to the throne as the Great Khan of Mongolia, Kublai Khan was appointed as the prime minister of the Han military in Monan, and later received the title of Jingzhao, he recruited the Han nationality during this period, Confucianism established the Jinlianchuan Shogunate Group, which cultivated Kublai Khan's ability to govern the country, in 1259 Meng Ge died, Kublai Khan succeeded to the Great Mongolian Emperor, after the succession of Kublai Khan moved the capital to Dadu, and in 1271 changed the name of the country to Dayuan, and then he ordered Boyan and other generals to attack the Southern Song Dynasty, and finally in 1279 the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed in the Battle of Yashan, so far the unification of the country was completed, and the provincial system was established during the reign of Kublai KhanThis system eventually influenced China's modern administrative system, and he sent troops on many expeditions, including present-day Japan and Vietnam, but all of them ended in failure.

Kublai Khan died of illness in 1294 at the age of 80, making him the longest-lived emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Eighth place, Ming Taizu - Zhu Yuanzhang

Zhu Yuanzhang's original name was Zhu Chongba, because of his poor family background, when he was a child, he was a cattle boy for the landlord, and later his parents died of illness and entered the Huangjue Temple as a monk, at the age of 25, Zhu Chongba participated in Guo Zixing's rebel army, so he was able to change his fate, he changed his name to Zhu Yuanzhang when he became famous, Yuan is the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang is a sharp weapon, the full name means to kill the Yuan Dynasty's sharp weapon, he finally realized his ideals, overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty at the age of 40 in 1368, established the Ming Dynasty, known as the Hongwu Emperor, although Zhu Yuanzhang was born in Hanwei, but his statecraft is very level, recuperating in the community, creating the famous Hongwu rule。

Zhu Yuanzhang rectified corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and killed decisively, so he was called a murderer by later generations, but it was his tough policy that laid a solid foundation for future generations, Zhu Yuanzhang reigned for 30 years and died in 1398, he died at the age of 71, the longest-lived emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and passed the throne to his eldest grandson Zhu Yunwen before his death.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Ninth place: Song Taizu - Zhao Kuangyin

Zhao Kuangyin was born in 927 AD, he defected to the privy envoy Guo Wei in the Later Han Dynasty, and in 951, Guo Wei ascended the throne and succeeded to the throne, establishing the Later Zhou.

In 954, Guo Wei died of illness, passed on to his adopted son Chai Rong, Chai Rong ascended the throne soon after, the Northern Han Dynasty colluded with the Liao State to attack, Zhao Kuangyin followed Chai Rong to drive the expedition to resist the country, so this outstanding performance was appreciated by Chai Rong, so his status in the army continued to rise.

In 959, Chai Rong died of illness on the way to the imperial car, and his son Chai Zongxun succeeded to the throne of Emperor Zhou Gong, just at this time when the Northern Han Dynasty once again united with the Liao State to attack, so Zhao Kuangyin led the army north to resist foreign enemies, and traveled to Chenqiao, Zhao Kuangyin launched a mutiny, and then led the army back to Beijing, coerced Emperor Zhou Gong to take the throne, and finally Zhao Kuangyin established the Song Dynasty in 960, and then he seized the military power of the forbidden army and the feudal town with a glass of wine, and adjusted the relationship between civil and military officials, which also had an impact on the situation of the later Great Song Dynasty, which emphasized literature and light military force, and was poor and weak.

In 976, Zhao Kuangyin died mysteriously in his sleep the day after drinking with his brother Zhao Guangyi at the age of 50.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

Tenth place: Qing Shizu - Aixin Jueluo Fulin

Aixin Jueluo Fulin was born in 1638, he is the son of Huang Taiji and the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, Huang Taiji died suddenly when Fulin was 6 years old, because no heir was chosen, so the princes of the Eight Banners in Huang Taiji's brother Dolgon, and Huang Taiji's eldest son Hauge who inherited the throne disputes, and finally under the proposal of Dolgon, set up 6-year-old Fulin to succeed to the throne, is for the Shunzhi Emperor, assisted by Dolgon and Zierharang.

In 1644, the Qing army waved into the customs, the capital of Beijing, in 1650, the regent Dolgon died of illness on the way to hunt, the 12-year-old Shunzhi Emperor was able to govern in person, he abolished the old practice of the kings Baylor to manage the affairs of the ministries, in order to strengthen the centralization of power, for the anti-Qing upsurge in the country, the Shunzhi Emperor adopted a soft policy, so that the situation improved, but Fulin devoted himself to the monk Zen, did not have the intention of being the emperor, and in 1660 his beloved Concubine Dong E died of illness, so Fulin began to sprout the idea of becoming a monk.

In 1661, Fu Lin went to Minzhong Temple to watch the eunuch Wu Liangfu's ordination ceremony, but he contracted smallpox on the night of his return, and died after dictating the edict at the age of 24.

Top 10 founding emperors in history

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