
76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

author:Li Honggang

In the photo, this woman is Cheng Fangyuan, and she is also the second wife of Wang Gang, a professional household of "Heshen", who has not appeared in the public eye for a long time, and her reappearance is unrecognizable!

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

I saw that the green tendons on her neck were up, it was obvious that she was emaciated, she was also wearing reading glasses, her eyes were tired, and although her hair was still black, she couldn't hide the traces of old age, and now the 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan has no past demeanor after years of baptism.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

And many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily on the show: "It's me who I'm sorry for Yuanzi, it's all my fault!"

At the beginning, it was rumored that the main reason for the divorce of the two was because Cheng Fangyuan did not have children, is it really because of children?

1. Extremely talented to embark on the road of music

Cheng Fangyuan, born in Shanxi in 1960, is financially wealthy because her parents are intellectuals, and she had a very good childhood.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Since childhood, Cheng Fangyuan's very musical talent has been shown, Xueba can never forget, she was two years old and never forget, all the songs she listened to she can quickly remember the melody rhythm, and then hum it accurately by herself.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Cheng Fangyuan has a lively and cheerful personality, she joined the Propaganda Department when she was in elementary school, and her first relationship with the erhu came from her secret crush, she secretly fell in love with a little boy in the same class, and unconsciously paid attention to everything that happened to him.

One day, she saw the boy playing the erhu and fell in love with the instrument. Cheng Jiayuan also has some expectations, and he can play the piano with him when the time comes.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

With such a girl's heart, Cheng Fangyuan tried his best to go home, and he used his parents to buy a new pencil under the pretext of wanting to buy a new pencil, and he borrowed money from his sister, and barely scraped together six yuan, so Cheng Fangyuan had his first erhu.

After that, she practiced with the boy, and after a long period of contact, Cheng Fangyuan liked the erhu even more.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Soon after, due to the transfer of his parents' work, the family came to Beijing to settle down, because his parents were in the Beijing studio, and Cheng Fangyuan lived in the family home of the studio.

Under such artistic influence, Cheng Fangyuan had a lifelong idea of taking the road of music, and his parents were also very supportive, and after the continuous dedication of talent and sweat, Cheng Fangyuan was successfully admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music.

2. The path to success in a music career

After professional training and study, Cheng Fangyuan can be said to have fallen in love with the erhu and played even better. Three years later, Cheng Fangyuan was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music, performed as an erhu player, and performed as an accompaniment for the famous singer Li Guyi.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Cheng Fangyuan's erhu career is very good, but at this time, she is enthusiastic about pop music. She is particularly fond of English songs, and even sings English songs while playing the erhu, which attracts Wang Kun's attention.

Wang Kun is a music master in the vocal circle, and she starred in the first opera "The White-Haired Girl" in the mainland. After that, Cheng Fangyuan was favored by Wang Kun and learned guitar and vocal music.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

In an orchestra performance, the leading actor was suddenly absent, and Wang Kun put Cheng Fangyuan, who had never been on stage at that time, on top, and Cheng Fangyuan lived up to Wang Kun's expectations and saved the scene perfectly. Cheng Fangyuan officially appeared on the pop stage and debuted as a singer in 1981.

In 1985, Cheng Fangyuan sang a cover of "Childhood", and at the same time sang her to the fire, and became well-known, and was rated as a national first-class actor.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

In the Spring Festival Gala in 1986, Cheng Fangyuan took the stage to sing "Please Come to the End of the World", which was completely popular all over the country.

In 1993, Cheng Fangyuan won the "Most Popular Singer" award.

In 1994, Cheng Fangyuan held a solo concert "Blue Flavor", and was the first singer to hold a concert in the mainland.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

In 1995, Cheng Fangyuan had a new interest and went abroad to study musicals. Cheng Fangyuan always dares to act in the career she loves, and takes action immediately when she has ideas, and through continuous efforts, she has carved out a successful path for herself in her career.

3. The dismal end of two loves

Compared with the smooth career, Cheng Fangyuan's love is much more bumpy, literati like poetry and songs, art needs to be full of emotion, Cheng Fangyuan is undoubtedly a delicate person.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Cheng Fangyuan likes to fall in love, and the intimacy with the object is the secret of her high mood, and in later shows, she also admitted that her state at that time was "constantly breaking up and falling in love".

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

During Cheng Fangyuan's love of English songs, she met a university teacher, and they often discussed English together.

This teacher is also her first husband. He is more than ten years older than Cheng Fangyuan, and of course his family is against this, but Cheng Fangyuan is attracted to fall in love, likes his conversation and knowledge, and chooses to be together even if he is not blessed.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Non-positive words did not wake up into a square circle, and the cold violence after marriage woke up. It turned out that her husband did not support her career, and even thought that her status as a singer would embarrass her, he just wanted Cheng Fangyuan to be a housewife.

At the beginning, there was still a quarrel, but after finding that the contradiction was irreconcilable, they didn't even quarrel anymore, and the two looked at each other without saying a word, and this wordless marriage came to an end after a year.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

The later story, everyone knows, Cheng Fangyuan met Wang Gang again.

Cheng Fangyuan and Wang Gang met in the program "Variety Show", and both of them are the hosts of the show.

When they met for the first time, Wang Gang had a good impression of Cheng Fangyuan, knowing that Cheng Fangyuan liked Teresa Teng, and took a lot of effort to buy tickets for Teresa Teng's concert and give them to Cheng Fangyuan.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

The failure of the last relationship made Cheng Fangyuan cautious, but he still agreed under Wang Gang's continuous pursuit.

Wang Gang explained to her that he was divorced and had a daughter, Cheng Fangyuan said that he didn't mind, and the relationship between the two soon entered a new stage.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Cheng Fangyuan and Wang Gang got married in 1996, and the two who are in love and have the same ambitions get along very well in love, they thought that their marriage would continue to be harmonious, but they did not expect that contradictions would ensue, and one contradiction after another turned into fierce quarrels.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Wang Gang is transforming his career, hoping that Cheng Fangyuan will focus on his family, and he also hopes that he can have a child with Cheng Fangyuan. But Cheng Fangyuan is also a career-oriented person, and it is difficult for her to give up music and devote herself to the family, which also caused Wang Gang's mother to be dissatisfied, thinking that her daughter-in-law does not want to have children.

The pressure of many aspects is multiple contradictions, and their love has gradually entered the point of no return. Five years later, the two signed a divorce agreement and chose to end their marriage.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Many years later, Wang Gang told the events of the year on the show, and he apologized to Cheng Fangyuan, admitting that he was drunk and stubborn at the time and did not go home in the middle of the night, which made Cheng Fangyuan sad, saying that his childish behavior was not living a good life at all.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

But he and the third life is going on, his wife is twenty years younger than him, and after the two have a son, Wang Gang works hard to earn milk powder money to support his family.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

Cheng Fangyuan used to like to fall in love, but after two failed marriages, it also broke her illusion of love, and she understood that love brought her a lot of pain.

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old


After divorcing Wang Gang, Cheng Fangyuan did not choose this marriage, but devoted herself to the music career, and she also likes to travel and photograph in her spare time.

Now, Cheng Fangyuan lives with her father, there are no financial worries, no family trivialities, and she is also living her own style!

76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, and 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is too old

It's just that creation makes people, 76-year-old Wang Gang is still making milk powder money for his son, 63-year-old Cheng Fangyuan is not old, I don't know if this is the life that Cheng Fangyuan wants?

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