
"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

author:Little Bell Reading Library

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"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Wang Gang has a lively and cheerful personality since he was a child and loves to stand out. When he was 21 years old, the god of luck befell him, and he was recognized by the senior interviewer of the art troupe, and since then he has started his brilliant life as a literary soldier.

After several years of career in the Art Troupe, Wang Gang was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the Shenyang Military Region and struggled on the stage as a literary and artistic worker. It was also here that he met the beautiful and moving Du Xiaojuan and had a deep emotional entanglement.

Du Xiaojuan is well-known at home and abroad for her reputation as the "flower of the song and dance troupe", and is an eye-catching focus figure in the troupe. In the face of others' silent crush on her and their respect, Wang Gang bravely showed his unique charm and actively expressed his warm affection to her.

After a period of in-depth contact and understanding, the two finally ignited a spark of love, coupled with each other's equal social status and stable work, so in 1978, when Wang Gang was 30 years old, they tied the knot.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

After marriage, Wang Gang's career is in full swing, and his family life is harmonious and happy. The following year, they welcomed their lovely baby daughter Wang Tingting, and the family of three shared the joy of family and became the envy of everyone.

However, the good times are always short-lived. As Wang's reputation grew and his work became more and more hectic, he began to spend long hours on the road, and the time he spent with his family gradually decreased.

Du Xiaojuan, who has been a full-time housewife, shoulders the heavy responsibility of running the housework and taking care of the children, but Wang Gang's love and companionship for his daughter has gradually decreased, which makes the contradictions between the two continue to accumulate.

In the end, in 1982, due to the influence of many factors, Wang Gang and Du Xiaojuan chose to part ways, and the custody of their daughter belonged to Du Xiaojuan.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

At the same time, Cheng Fangyuan was born in an artistic family, and learned erhu under the influence of his parents since he was a child, and developed a strong interest in music.

With unremitting efforts, she was successfully admitted to her dream school, the Central Conservatory of Music. After graduating from university, Cheng Fangyuan joined the Central Orchestra and quickly transformed into an outstanding singer, with a rapid career development momentum.

After the divorce, Wang Gang's career has entered a new stage. In 1990, while recording an entertainment program, he and Cheng Fangyuan met unexpectedly, and the two met. At that time, Wang Gang was already over forty years old, and Cheng Fangyuan was in the prime of his 30-year-old youth.

Although the age gap between the two is a whopping 12 years, the impressive similarities are hard to ignore. Whether it is the optimistic and cheerful, close and enthusiastic personality traits, or the dedicated enthusiasm and unremitting pursuit of their careers, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan have always maintained an amazing synchronicity, always showing their demeanor as excellent people.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Perhaps it is precisely because of this high degree of similarity that they have deeply imprinted their praise and praise for each other in the process of recording the program.

In front of the camera, Wang Gang's flamboyant and distinctive personality, witty and humorous conversation, and Cheng Fangyuan's elegant and generous demeanor reflect each other like a bright pearl;

Whether it is on the stage or in daily life, their tacit cooperation is perfect, and their good feelings for each other continue to heat up.

From the initial affection for the common music hobby, to the deep appreciation of each other's personal qualities, the friendship between Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan is like a mellow wine, more and more intense.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Although there is a 12-year age gap between them, this has not stopped the seeds of love from quietly germinating in their hearts.

Since that unexpected encounter in 1990, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan have become increasingly close. As they get to know each other, they are fascinated by each other's unique personalities and charisma.

Whether it is the tacit cooperation at work or the laughter in life, they are constantly deepening the emotional bond between them.

As time passed, the seeds of friendship took root in their hearts, and the spark of passion burned in their hearts. Although the age gap is as high as 12 years, this does not stop the fragrance of love from blooming as promised.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Three years later, in 1996, after in-depth understanding and getting along, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan finally entered the sacred hall of marriage.

After marriage, they were hailed as a "match made in heaven", and the media praised them as "partners in life and best friends in career". In the eyes of relatives and friends, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan are in love and sweet, and have become a model that everyone envies.

Even in the face of great pressure on their careers, they are still inseparable and inseparable.

At the same time, Wang Gang's social circle was also expanding, and the vice of alcoholism gradually formed. Once, in a drunken and embarrassed state, he actually tried to jump out of a moving vehicle, but fortunately, Cheng Fangyuan decisively stopped it and avoided the tragedy.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

After being drunk, Wang Gang often spoke wildly to Cheng Fangyuan, and his words were harsh, which made Cheng Fangyuan feel wronged.

Contrary to Wang Gang's alcoholic habits, Cheng Fangyuan has devoted all her enthusiasm and energy to the art of singing she loves, relying on solo concerts and the continuous holding of various music festivals, her career has been prosperous, and she can be called an outstanding artist in the industry!

Although the time after marriage is busy but full of meaning, it has become their unwavering spiritual support.

However, in the years after marriage, the contradictions between Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan intensified, especially the problem of Wang Gang's addiction to alcohol and his inability to extricate himself was particularly prominent. Whenever he fell into a drunken situation, he would lose control, speak ill of his beloved wife Cheng Fangyuan, and even tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a moving car, but fortunately was stopped by Cheng Fangyuan in time.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Facing such a crazy husband, Cheng Fangyuan endured endless pain and grievances in his heart. And after sobering up, Wang Gang promised his wife every time to change his past wrongs and resolutely quit drinking, but after a long time, he would involuntarily fall into the abyss of alcohol again.

Seeing that the marriage that was once hailed as a "match made in heaven" is now shattered, Cheng Fangyuan's heart has begun to waver.

On the other hand, after marriage, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan are eager to make a difference in their careers, so it is difficult to balance family life. In order to let his daughter Wang Tingting, who is studying abroad, have a better learning environment, Wang Gang has worked hard to make money and has made brilliant achievements in his career.

However, it also meant that he sacrificed the importance of family life. Cheng Fangyuan devoted himself to the music career he loved, with solo concerts and various music festivals coming one after another, and his life was busy and fulfilling.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Both of them are very ambitious people, and after marriage, they have been separated for a long time, gathering less and leaving more, which has led to the gradual cooling of their relationship. Cheng Fangyuan's love for the music industry surpasses everything else, and he will never give up his ideals easily because of Wang Gang, while Wang Gang pays more attention to supporting his family through his career, and pays less attention to family life.

These long-accumulated contradictions and differences finally culminated in 2001. In order to avoid deeper damage, the two had no choice but to break up and end the five-year married life that was once hailed as a "match made in heaven".

As painful as the decision to break up was, it also allowed them to be relieved and free again.

After the divorce, Wang Gang did not slack off, examining and reflecting on all his own mistakes one by one. In particular, the fatal habit of alcoholism, which he admits on TV talk shows is one of the key factors that led to the breakdown of the couple's relationship.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Living alone, he often indulges in the love he once loved but has passed away, but as a well-known figure in the artist industry, Wang Gang has a wide social circle and banquets, making it extremely difficult for him to completely get rid of this bad habit of alcoholism.

However, fortunately, Wang Gang did not resign himself to depravity because of this, but actively encouraged to quit drinking, and gradually got rid of this heavy burden. In the process of quitting drinking, he was even forcibly sent to the hospital for treatment at one point, which shows how resolute he was at that time.

As time passed, Wang Gang finally came out of the haze, regained his spirits, and devoted himself to his work.

Life after divorce is undoubtedly challenging and lonely. Fortunately, however, the goddess of fate seems to have a favor for Wang Gang. One day in 2005, in the virtual world of the Internet, he unexpectedly met a young woman named Zheng Yandong.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

Zheng Yandong not only has outstanding artistic talent, especially good at cello playing, but also has a beautiful and moving appearance and elegant and noble temperament, which is undoubtedly the perfect woman for Wang Gang.

The two hit it off at first sight, and after talking for a while, they felt that they were too late to see each other. Zheng Yandong sincerely invited Wang Gang to participate in her live concert, and after seeing her skillful performance skills and artist's demeanor, Wang Gang could no longer suppress his inner affection and took the initiative to express his love to her.

Initially, Zheng Yandong's parents had strong objections to the relationship, which had an age gap of 20 years. After all, Wang Gang was already middle-aged at that time, and he was still burdened with the shadow of two failed marriages.

However, Wang Gang was not discouraged by this, and with firm sincerity and patience, he finally won the understanding and support of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

So, in 2006, the couple finally held a wedding in the church, announcing the end of Wang Gang's five-year single career. Soon after marriage, Wang Gang and Zheng Yandong ushered in the crystallization of their love - a cute boy.

As Wang Gang, who only got a son at the age of 60, the joy in his heart is naturally indescribable. He worked hard day and night, did his best to take care of the children, and enjoyed the warmth of family to the fullest.

What is even more worth mentioning is that only in the second year of the birth of her son, Wang Gang's eldest queen Tingting was overjoyed to have a new life, conceived for ten months, and told her father that she was about to be promoted to maternal grandparents! Seeing his children embark on the smooth road of happiness one after another, Wang Gang had mixed feelings, tears burst out of his eyes, and he felt that his life had reached a perfect state, and he had no regrets at all.

Since then, they have lived happily in the same family, and the couple has been living together with a group of lively and lovely children and grandchildren, enjoying the endless joy of family fun.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

However, in stark contrast, Cheng Fangyuan chose a completely different life path after the divorce. She did not enter the palace of marriage again, perhaps because the failure of the first two marriages made her pursuit of love indifferent.

Instead, she threw herself into the music she loved.

One wonderful solo concert after another, and the attendance of major music events, make Cheng Fangyuan's life full of busyness and fulfillment. At the same time, she is also actively involved in public welfare and charity, participating in various evenings and activities to contribute to the society as much as she can.

After years of hard work, Cheng Fangyuan has become a household name and an outstanding artist.

"Heshen" Wang Gang was 60 years old and had a son, and after 21 years, he understood why Cheng Fangyuan had to divorce

In addition to a thriving career, Cheng Fangyuan is also full of passion in life. She loves the art of photography and often travels alone to capture the beautiful moments of her travels.

Every time I look at the photos she took in a foreign country, I always feel that free and unrestrained attitude to life, which is enviable.

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