
Chaoshan Qianzai

author:Meet Yoga meet better yourself

It's the annual Tanabata Festival again. I like the unique pyrotechnic smell of this festival.

Chaoshan Qianzai

In the countryside of the Chaoshan region, every time this festival comes, every household will make a delicacy called Qianzai Kueh, also called Glutinous Rice Fin, and those who add soup water are called Luo Tang Fin. It can be said that the practice is different from the name.

It is also very difficult to start with Qian Zai, and it is also very simple to say that it is easy, why? The same kun, the method is different, but the difficulty is a world of difference!

Chaoshan Qianzai

Let's talk about how to do it, which is also a traditional practice. Adjust the glutinous rice flour and water into a certain degree of paste, and then put the steamer basket on the steaming cloth, surround the steaming basket with a circle of steaming, pour in the paste, steam it on the pot, take it out, remove the steaming cloth, pour it into a large basin smeared with oil, take advantage of the steaming, stir hard with a rolling pin, stir until it looks smooth, grab it with your hands and pull out a long silk, the koeh embryo is ready. The next step is to set the shape, at this time the kon embryo is still very hot, and it will be burned once it is grabbed by hand. Put the hot koway embryo in the palm of your hand and knead it into a copper plate shape, and wrap it in pre-sautéed peanut crushes.

Chaoshan Qianzai

The traditional method tastes great, especially soft and sticky, but such a complicated process is really hot and wasteful, wasted a lot of food, cleaning the battlefield is even more annoying to make you doubt life. Hands, basins, steaming cloth, rolling pins are all glued to a layer of slimy kon skin, removal is really not easy, especially the steaming cloth and basin have to be soaked in water for several hours, and then brushed hard with a brush to thoroughly clean. I only did this once, and then I was too timid to do it again.

Chaoshan Qianzai

There is also a practice that is a simple version, which is also the practice that most people like. Glutinous rice flour and water and embryos, rub into a circle by hand, knead into a thin round shape, cook in the pot and fish out, drain the water, and then stick the fried peanuts.

Chaoshan Qianzai

The usual money is made sweet, but I still like to put the right amount of salt in the peanut crumbles, make it salty, and then put it in a frying pan over low heat and fry it until the surface is slightly yellow, fully stimulating the aroma of the peanuts.

Chaoshan Qianzai

The kway teow has not yet come out of the pot, the fragrance is already overflowing, take a bite, the outside is crispy and soft, it can be regarded as a very beautiful enjoyment on the tip of the tongue.