
There is happiness brother! The "ex-husband brother" Xu Haiqiao, who did not participate, and Rose x Luckin jointly launched the line

author:Boling cruises

In the just-concluded hit drama "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei's heroine "Rose" Huang Yimei can be said to have attracted the attention of the whole network. And Xu Haiqiao, who played the role of her ex-husband in the play, unexpectedly became the focus of netizens. This "worthless" actor actually managed to rub off on the popularity of this popular drama, and even became the spokesperson of Luckin Coffee.

There is happiness brother! The "ex-husband brother" Xu Haiqiao, who did not participate, and Rose x Luckin jointly launched the line

Xu Haiqiao played the ex-husband brother of Liu Yifei's character in "Menghualu", a villain, but he skillfully avoided the fate of being "abused" by the audience with his strength. His acting skills and performance of Liu Yifei's "eyes are worthless" made the audience talk about him. Xu Haiqiao's performance in the play completely subverted people's stereotypes of villains.

He played a seemingly negative character very well, which made the audience sympathize with and support him. This not only touched the audience, but also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Xu Haiqiao, who is outside the play, is Liu Yifei's "true love fan", he often praises Liu Yifei's appearance and acting skills, and says that he is fortunate to cooperate with him.

There is happiness brother! The "ex-husband brother" Xu Haiqiao, who did not participate, and Rose x Luckin jointly launched the line

It can be said that Xu Haiqiao has successfully won the hearts of the people both in and out of the play, and has become the most eye-catching existence in this drama. Although Xu Haiqiao did not play a role in "The Story of Rose" this time, he still managed to rub off on the popularity of this popular drama. Netizens ridiculed him, although he failed to participate, but he has appeared in the comments of most netizens, which can be regarded as a success.

Although Xu Haiqiao failed to enter the crew, he still participated in the promotion of this drama. Recently, Luckin and "The Story of Rose" co-branded, Xu Haiqiao has recently become the spokesperson of Luckin Coffee, allowing him to participate in the marketing of this popular drama in a new way. Netizens ridiculed that Brother Hai Qiao is happy again!

There is happiness brother! The "ex-husband brother" Xu Haiqiao, who did not participate, and Rose x Luckin jointly launched the line

From playing the villain in "Menghualu", to being a "supernumerary" in "The Story of Roses", and finally becoming the spokesperson of Luckin Coffee, the actor's rise to prominence can be described as magnificent. Xu Haiqiao became the spokesperson of Luckin Coffee, which is undoubtedly an affirmation of his acting skills and popularity.

He not only has a certain popularity and popularity, but also has a lot of influence among netizens. Through his endorsement, Luckin Coffee can not only use the influence of popular dramas, but also further enhance its brand image and influence. Xu Haiqiao, as a spokesperson, can also get some benefits from it.

There is happiness brother! The "ex-husband brother" Xu Haiqiao, who did not participate, and Rose x Luckin jointly launched the line

As an actor, becoming the spokesperson of Luckin Coffee is undoubtedly a very good opportunity. Not only can you get a certain amount of financial returns, but you can also further expand your fan base and inject new impetus into your future acting career. It can be said that this time Luckin Coffee co-branded Xu Haiqiao is undoubtedly a win-win situation.

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