
Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

author:Xiaotian chats about sports
Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

As a marksman, Klay's excellent projection ability, combined with extreme defensive performance, once made him a historic 3D star. But after suffering from injuries, Klay's athleticism once declined sharply, and it made his hand feel drop suddenly, becoming a down-and-out star who lost his defensive effect and scoring ability also fell sharply, Klay fell sharply after his state declined, because he was unwilling to reduce his salary, making him the target of public criticism, and even after tearing his face with the team, Klay fell from a former marksman, a top star in the league, to an embarrassing task, and even criticized and questioned, reduced to an all-star player who was tormented by injuries and lost his scoring deterrent。

Recently, former NBA star Gilbert Arenas harshly criticized Golden State Warriors player Klay Thompson in a podcast, saying that he has never improved in his career and has always stayed in his original role as a shooting point shooter.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

Obviously, after Klay's state declined sharply and became the target of the public, Arenas also added fuel to the fire, it can be said that the wall fell down and everyone pushed it, such an amazing remark is also a complete negation of Klay's career, as the former second leader, the champion of the Warriors, Elenas's total negative remarks have once again caused heated discussions and controversies, and even pushed the sharpshooter who is in heated discussions into a new wave again.

Arenas's harsh remarks are indeed unfair, as a sharpshooter, Klay's extreme performance at his peak, as well as the performance of holding the ball on the defensive end and even for a certain period of time, can provide a certain deterrent, although Klay is better at running and pulling space without the ball, but it can also create deterrence, as well as to respond to teammates, Arenas's overly biased remarks are indeed not in line with Klay's positioning, and it is also extremely unfair remarks for this sharpshooter.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

Although Arenas has a certain influence as a celebrity, such exaggerated remarks, in addition to the criticism of Klay, are also a wave of traffic that wants to rub on, and it has the charm of adding fuel to the fire, especially after Klay's successive downturns, which made him lose the halo of a star, Arenas also took advantage of the fire to rob, so that Klay was once again deeply involved in such mocking remarks, so that for this sharpshooter, the next big contract will have a huge impact, and it is very likely to become an important promoter of Klay's top salary contract.

Although Klay's state has picked up, compared to his peak, Klay has been unable to resist the pressure, especially the consumption of physical energy, so that his fourth quarter feel, is completely lost, almost unable to become the team's absolute core competitiveness at a critical moment, Klay's sudden decline in state, but also let the sharpshooter, indeed lose the deterrence and competitiveness of the star, under the public ridicule of Arenas, Klay is in danger, whether the remarks are true or not, but for Klay, who is declining, it will be a blow and trouble。 It will also have a huge impact on the 3-and-D star, the rest of his career, and the big contract, and will enter extremely difficult times.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

The Clippers are a giant team, after Harden joined the team, the Clippers once played the championship team's sense of déjà vu, but as the game deepened, the Clippers once again had new fluctuations, Harden's slump, George's nerve knife attributes, and Leonard's injury troubles, followed one after another, compared to Harden and George after a period of adjustment, regaining their state, Leonard's indefinite suspension without too many signs will undoubtedly be a huge blow and impact on the Clippers. After all, Leonard has often had nonsensical truces before, and this time, Tyronn Lue's interview once again revealed the fact that the team does not know the specific situation of Leonard's injury.

Although the recent performance of stars such as Harden, George and even Wei Shao has stabilized the fourth place in the West, Leonard's injury will be a lingering haze for the Clippers. Recently, there are different opinions about Leonard's injury, some people think that this is just a smoke bomb for the Clippers, misleading the opponent is the team deliberately resting Leonard, ready for the outbreak of the playoffs, and some people think that this is Leonard's usual trick, after all, before the injury, Leonard once fluctuated, and the recent frequent schedules will make Leonard physically and mentally exhausted, so recharge in advance and accumulate strength for the playoffs. Some fans believe that this is just Leonard's expression of dissatisfaction with the team, a silent protest against the team's recent fluctuating state, and once again repeating the same old tricks, citing injuries as an excuse, continuing to open a long truce indefinitely.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

Although the truce rhetoric about Leonard can be described as endless. But based on past experience, it seems that Leonard is the most likely to expose the injury management mechanism again, after all, this season Leonard has won a big contract, which can be said to have greatly improved attendance, which is rare in Leonard's career, especially the recent back-to-back games, which also made this star, who is extremely strict with body management, take the initiative to stop and start the stage of health.

Previously, Leonard did not participate in back-to-back games for a while, and this time, Leonard also went all out for the big contract, and after holding the big contract, Leonard naturally revealed his true form again.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

After all, compared to Harden, George, and Westbrook's desire for championships, Leonard, who holds two championship trophies and two Finals FMVP trophies, does not seem to be anxious, so recuperation will also be the most practical reason for Leonard, which is also the consistent means and methods of Leonard's career.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

After all, in such a sensitive period, the Clippers will not take the initiative to rest Leonard, and this way will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among stars such as Harden and George, so Leonard will take it upon himself to start an indefinite truce mode on the grounds of injury again, which will also be the most realistic, and it will also be a common means in Leonard's career, which is also the Spurs, The Raptors and even the Clippers are an important factor in their extreme dissatisfaction, but throughout his career, Leonard's harshness in injuries has never changed, which is also an important factor for Leonard to maintain a good competitive state, but this way is indeed at the expense of the team as the main price and means.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

The regular season is about to come to an end, and the teams in the West have also started a crazy battle for points, after some trembling, the top three positions in the West are almost unshakeable, although the three teams are still extremely anxious, but the top three will not have other teams to covet, at the same time, the Clippers and the Mavericks have also locked in 4, The identity of the 5th, theoretically the Mavericks are still expected to have a home advantage, but they need the help of the Suns, once the Suns double kill the Clippers, the Mavericks still have a chance to achieve a counterattack on the fourth place in the West, but the possibility is very small, even if the Suns double kill, it still needs the Mavericks to maintain an undefeated golden body performance to achieve the counter-kill of the Clippers, although the difficulty coefficient is large, but the Suns can hardly catch up with the Mavericks, which also makes the West 4 and 5 locked again.

This also makes the position of 6-10 places in the West extremely anxious, after the Lakers lost to the Timberwolves, the Lakers fell out of the top eight in the West again, and the hard work is very likely to come to naught, and even in the case of a 1.5-win difference behind the Pelicans and the Suns, it is expected to completely lose the qualification to compete for the last playoff ticket, and will also bite and entangle with the Warriors in the play-offs, which shows that the three teams of 6-8 are most likely to compete for the last ticket. The Kings are plagued by injuries, but the Suns are facing the Devil's schedule, so all three teams have their own problems, but the Suns are still ahead, so they have the absolute initiative. This also allows the Suns to continue to hold the initiative in this matchup, bringing them closer to the qualification and strength to directly qualify for the playoffs, after all, recent performances, as well as healthy form, make the Suns more likely to stand out.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

After losing to the Pelicans, the Suns also showed the demeanor of a strong team, not only did they not dump each other, but the stars took the initiative to take responsibility, which also shows the atmosphere inside the Suns. After the loss to the Pelicans, Durant spoke to reporters about Allen's missed open threes in the game: "It's not just Grayson, it's me. I missed two layups and dunks, three open three-pointers. I think we all had good shots tonight. ”

Durant's initiative to take responsibility is also a reflection of the superstar's responsibility, but also shows the team's current good atmosphere, after losing a game that may allow the Suns to advance to the promotion, the team is not discouraged, but the superstar takes the initiative to take responsibility, not only does not dump the blame on the role players, but takes the initiative to take greater responsibility, this approach not only allows the role players to better adjust their state, return to the feeling of the peak, but also can make the team out of the bad mood caused by the loss.

Arenas added fuel to the fire, the conspiracy behind Leonard's truce was exposed, and the six-tie intensified

After all, the team's recent performance in the devil's schedule is still gratifying, the performance of all the soldiers, and the ability to better handle the ball at critical moments, have made the Suns continue to improve, even if they lose to the Pelicans, they still see the demeanor and strength of the Suns as a strong team, so, compared to losing, the Suns take the initiative to take responsibility, so that the team can better get out of the shadow of losing, for the Suns, this will be a good start for the next game, and it will also be a solid foundation for the Suns to lock the tickets to the playoffs, so that this giant team can once again show the demeanor of a strong team, as well as the way to handle the ball at critical moments, and even the ability to adjust after losing, have become more mature and sophisticated, so that the team continues to improve and grow, for the playoffs journey, bring great improvement and strengthened security.


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