
Take the world as its own responsibility and answer the issues of the times of modern civilization

author:China Youth Magazine
Take the world as its own responsibility and answer the issues of the times of modern civilization
Take the world as its own responsibility and answer the issues of the times of modern civilization

Originally published in the 5th issue of "Chinese Youth" magazine in 2024, taking the world as its own responsibility and answering the issues of the times of modern civilization - Yin Shiqi

Take the world as its own responsibility and answer the issues of the times of modern civilization

Civilization is the history book of the years, the condensation and sublimation of cultural continuity, and the sum of people's worldview and methodology for understanding the past, understanding the present, and facing the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation" at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, which is not only another great achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism in the new era, but also summarizes the valuable experience of China's revolution, construction, reform and opening up, based on the needs of the times of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and focuses on the institutional, theoretical and practical innovation of building a cultural power, promoting Chinese civilization to the world, and creating a new form of human civilization. General Secretary Xi Jinping's great call for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation guides us to correctly understand the history of Chinese civilization, grasp the characteristics of the times of Chinese civilization, and think about and build the future form of Chinese civilization in the cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the important juncture of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the young people of the new era should carry forward the ambition of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation with boundless enthusiasm, cultivate the confidence to explain the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and boost the courage to answer the questions of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Carrying forward the aspiration and fine tradition of historiography in the spirit of good history is an important part of the achievements of the Chinese nation's outstanding civilization. The Chinese nation has a historical consciousness and a magnificent historical vision rooted in its blood, a historiographical spirit of writing straightforwardly without concealment, and a historiographical consciousness of the Spring and Autumn Period. The spirit of historiography, which is full of speculation, good at style and education, and aspiring to society, has nourished the spiritual temperament of the Chinese nation. Chinese civilization is as warm as jade, but it flashes with the luster of metal, constantly rhinoceros, sonorous dragons. The Communist Party of China is the inheritor and promoter of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation and the splendid civilization of the Chinese nation, and is not only good at summing up the party's historical experience in the great cause of revolution, construction and reform, but also at inheriting and carrying forward the excellent historiographical tradition of the Chinese nation, combining the Marxist historiographical viewpoint with China's excellent historiographical tradition, and creating an independent historiography system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style in the new era. As students majoring in history, we should fully realize that the grand proposition of "building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation" is an original contribution to the new form, new path and new scheme of human civilization, a creative interpretation of the inheritance and development of the new era of Chinese civilization, and an independent transcendence of the cognition and principle construction of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. History students should uphold the spirit of continuous and new good history, take "building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation" as their aspiration, take over the expectations of "yesterday's" historians, and the mission and consciousness of the youth of the Youth League and "today", and work with many historians to open up a new realm of the modern historiography spirit of the Chinese nation "tomorrow". With the concept of the unity of knowledge and action, the "unity of knowledge and action" is not only the core content of Yangming Xinxue, but also the essence of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, shaping generation after generation of Chinese philosophy of the world with conscience and external practice. The cause of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a great cause without precedent, and it is also a great initiative to proclaim to the world the subjective status of Chinese civilization, endow Chinese civilization with the connotation of the new era, and highlight the style of the new era of Chinese civilization on the basis of adhering to the fundamental guiding position of Marxism. Interpreting the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is not only a condensation of the ideals of traditional scholars who help the people and govern the Tao with resources, but also the essence of the topic for young students to consciously defend the subjectivity of the Chinese civilization, demonstrate their high recognition of Chinese civilization, and devote themselves to enhancing their cultural self-confidence and historical self-confidence in the new era. As students majoring in history, we should realize the importance of the proposal of the modern civilization system of the Chinese nation to break through the Western-monopolized civilization discourse system and challenge the Western-centric dominant historical discourse; we should be wary of the sinister intentions of Western scholars wrapped in academic research to deconstruct the identity of the Chinese nation, break the continuity of Chinese history, and "imperialize" and "de-sinicize" narratives; In the process of exchanges, exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups, the macro process of "great unification" has gathered consensus, unity and centripetal centripetal. It is not only a summary of the spiritual realm of traditional Chinese scholars, a summary of the excellent political ideals of the Chinese nation, and a declaration of the feelings of Chinese young people for the world and the country. The cause of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is not only China's answer to the great cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also a Chinese issue for the future vision of human civilization. In the revolutionary years, the Communist Party of China created a group of young people with political foresight, who were the vanguard of the revolution and the vanguard of the future new China. In the new era of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, young people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China are pioneers rooted in the land of China, and they are also the pioneers of the cause of continuing the red gene. The front wave is not far away, and the back wave is majestic. In the past, present and future, Chinese young people have never lacked the responsibility to take the world as their own responsibility, let alone the courage to respond to the trend of the times and answer the questions of the times. In the great cause of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation called for by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the youth of the new era are at the right time. As students majoring in history, we should be guided by historical materialism to inspire the courage to build an independent narrative of Chinese history, break through the discourse power of Western historical interpretation with a prudent attitude of distinguishing academic and examining the source, boost our confidence in responding to the issues of modern civilization of the Chinese nation with the purpose of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and use the understanding of historicism to confront the writing of Western constructivism and answer the issues of the times of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Take the world as its own responsibility and answer the issues of the times of modern civilization

(The author is a doctoral student at the School of History, Renmin University of Chinese)

Producer: Pi Jun

终审:陈敏审校:刘晓 刘博文编辑:郝志舟 tamako

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