
The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

author:Love and hate are in the ground
The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

Sun Yue

It is not uncommon for the Chinese men's basketball team to produce good interior players, our biggest advantage is the interior line, but it is not easy to produce a world-class guard, because the guard line has always been our biggest shortcoming. Sun Yue's physical talent is not only in China, but also in the whole of Asia, 2.05 meters tall, but can control the ball organization, the bounce is amazing, with the ability to block out of the circle, can play the first, second and third positions, which is really extremely rare. It's a pity that his talent was not fully realized, and the peak period was too short, and all of them were delayed by the Beijing Aoshen team. No matter how good an athlete is, there is no professional league to play, and he can only play one low-level event a week, and it is difficult to maintain his state, and he will have no heart after a long time, which is a pity.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

Wang Zhizhi

When Wang Zhizhi was young, he was also flying away, fast, bouncing well, high ball quotient, high-spirited, unstoppable, and the boy chasing the wind was not called in vain. Ling Bo microstep is his unique skill, no one else can learn, in addition to hard work, more important is talent, he also taught players when he led the Bayi team, but it is useless to teach without this talent. Dazhi's confrontation is still a little worse, invincible in Asia, but he still suffers a little when he encounters European and American players, which is why he has not gained a firm foothold in the NBA. Many people have said that if Wang Zhizhi's technology and Yi Jianlian's physical fitness are combined, he will be the first person in the world basketball world.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly


Some people say that Yao Ming can't jump up and has no talent, I don't agree with this, his height and soft feel are talent, many big players are very uncoordinated, and they can't even shoot the basketball, Yao Ming is an exception, this is already a unique existence. Some people don't watch the game at all, and say that Yao Ming is useless, as if anyone is better than him, but as long as you watch the game, you will know how rare his excellence and greatness are. In that era of extreme emphasis on confrontation and defense, how difficult it was for a center to average 25+10+2.5 data per game, and the free throw shooting rate was more than 90%, not only unprecedented, but also unprecedented.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly


Yi Jianlian's physical talent is definitely at the ceiling level in Asia, but he also said: "Since I went to the NBA, I have no talent at all. "It's true that the NBA is all the best talent in the world, and some players have physical fitness that is even beyond ordinary people's perception, and our top players are mediocre compared to others. In fact, the UAE relied on physical fitness to play at the beginning, and the shooting was not so good, and it was after being humiliated by Haddadi in the 2019 Asian Championships that he began to practice shooting hard, and he will have the achievements later. He is a representative of extreme hard work and self-discipline, just look at the muscle lines of that body, and when he retires, he can still remain almost the same, which is indeed admirable.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly


Battle is a native of Inner Mongolia, grew up eating beef and mutton, and eats meat in pots, and can't see a little green leaf, so he is born with brute force and can overturn the big shark O'Neill. There is no way to compare the physical confrontation of yellow people with whites and blacks, and it is indeed rare to see a player like Battle come out. He could have achieved more, but then he had no motivation to move forward, did not put in more effort, faded out of the national team early, and caused a lot of unhappiness because of it, and has always been a marginal person in the NBA. In the past, the Chinese men's basketball team was full of internal talents, and any one of them was a big man, and now even Zhou Qi is the leader, which shows how miserable the decline is.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

Liu Yudong

The most admirable thing about Liu Yudong is his persistence and diligence, he can grit his teeth and fight with an injury, which is extremely moving, in fact, his talent is also top-notch, but he is ignored by everyone. The core strength of the god of war is very strong, and he has a mid-range shot, everyone knows by looking at his figure, like a bunker, whoever hits it has to bounce three meters away, and his whole body is sore for three days. But one thing to say, Liu Yudong's biggest disadvantage is that he is too short, but his height in the fourth position is only 1.98 meters, which is the height of the second position. No matter how strong your personal ability is, you will still suffer if you have too much height difference, so your performance in international competitions is a little less interesting, but if you can be ten centimeters taller, it will be very different.

Chen Jianghua

Chen Jianghua is the real Yiping, when he was in the youth team, everyone knew it, no one knew it, and his expectations were higher than Guo Allen's original expectations, his biggest talent was speed, and the organization and scoring were also very good. Although the 2008 Olympics played badly overall, the ball that passed Kobe Bryant's breakthrough layup was wonderful, not too handsome, and the 2012 Olympics averaged 8 points and 3 assists per game, and scored 12 points against Spain, which is still very good. Chen Jianghua's entire career has been ruined by injuries, and he has been suffering frequent injuries, resulting in his body failing at the age of twenty-five, and he retired early at the age of twenty-seven, and his talent is completely gone.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

Allen Guo

Guo Allen's talent and strength are also outstanding among Chinese guards, with speed, confrontation, bounce, breakthrough, defense, and passing. In the past, everyone said that Liu Wei was too bad and scolded him darkly, and later said that Guo Allen was not good and continued to scold, but now look at it, is there any guard who can compare to them? It will get worse and worse in the future, and everyone will know that they will miss it when the time comes. However, Alan is only 30 years old and has been injured and difficult, and it is difficult to continue playing, and it is still unknown how to follow up.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

Gong Xiaobin

Gong Xiaobin is a flawless man, handsome, in good shape, good at playing, and so good at being a coach, you must know that Wang Zhizhi's Ling Bo Weibu was taught by him, he is the starting point, and then Dazhi will carry it forward. In the past, the big forward was also called the second center, with both the skills of the front line and the ability of the inside line, Gong Xiaobin is the most typical representative of them, and all skills are very good. Yi Jianlian is a really powerful power forward recently, and it will be difficult to see it again for a long time in the future, and it is an indisputable fact that the Chinese men's basketball team has declined in an all-round way.

The 10 most talented players in the Chinese men's basketball team: Wang Zhizhi and Zhang Zhenlin were selected strongly

Zhang Zhenlin

Zhang Zhenlin's physical talent is too good, all static indicators and dynamic indicators are the ceiling of absolute domestic players, and there is no need to run to explode dunks on the spot, and all kinds of flying dunks in the game are very ornamental, and Chinese players need this kind of outgoing players. But in reality, he is just physically gifted, his skills are a mess, he doesn't hold the ball, his shooting is too poor, too rough, and if he doesn't practice shooting hard to make up for his shortcomings, the ceiling won't be too high. As a matter of fact, there are still quite a few talented players in our country, and they cannot be compared with European and American players, but at least they are certainly not bad in Asia, so why are they now reduced to the eighth place in Asia and lost completely? There are many reasons for this, and it is very difficult to make a difference without drastic rectification and reform.

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