
The mainland's high-level talked with Ma Ying-jeou for 40 minutes, and the four details were heartwarming, and Taiwan youth made an exception to attend the speech

author:Fei Chang vision Chen Fei

According to CCTV News, the top level of the mainland and four other high-level officials of the mainland met with Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage, who were visiting the mainland, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It is reported that the meeting was held on time at 4 p.m. in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People, which was the second meeting between the top level of the mainland and Ma Ying-jeou after 2015, and it was also the first time that the two met in Beijing. The meeting was not short, the two sides talked freely for more than 40 minutes, and the media involved in covering this historic meeting recorded four heart-warming details during the meeting.

The mainland's high-level talked with Ma Ying-jeou for 40 minutes, and the four details were heartwarming, and Taiwan youth made an exception to attend the speech

First of all, it is rare for high-level mainland officials to meet Ma Ying-jeou in the East Hall, and the venue is very warm. According to reporters at the scene, it rained lightly in Beijing on the day of the meeting, and in order to welcome the arrival of Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage, a red carpet was specially laid on the steps of the north gate of the Great Hall of the People. After entering the Great Hall of the People, seasonal flowers are placed in different areas. You must know that in the past, the mainland's highest-level meetings with Taiwan guests were mainly held in the Fujian Hall or the Taiwan Hall, but this time they chose to hold the East Hall, which is used to hold major foreign affairs activities, and this shows that the mainland side attaches great importance to Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland. As with the 2015 talks between the top level of the mainland and Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore, the two sides are still sitting opposite each other, and the mainland has given Ma Ying-jeou enough face and respect.

The mainland's high-level talked with Ma Ying-jeou for 40 minutes, and the four details were heartwarming, and Taiwan youth made an exception to attend the speech

Secondly, the top level of the mainland arrived at the venue in advance to confirm the seating arrangement and interact cordially with the media. On the same day, accompanied by the principal officials in charge of Taiwan affairs, the top level of the mainland arrived at the East Hall ahead of schedule, and after entering the venue, they looked around the layout of the venue, personally confirmed the location arrangements with the staff, and then walked to the north screen to interact with media reporters. A media reporter at the scene said that he had participated in the activities of meeting with foreign guests at the highest level of the mainland on many occasions, and it was rare to see such a scene, and these little details showed that the top level of the mainland showed that the top level of the mainland cared for Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage and attached great importance to cross-strait relations.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the meeting was relaxed and natural, and both sides were very happy, and the top level of the mainland exchanged views with Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage with a smile on their faces. In the handshake session, the top level of the mainland and Ma Ying-jeou clasped hands for 16 seconds, and their faces showed the joy of seeing old friends. Immediately after that, the top level of the mainland first opened his mouth to interact with Ma Ying-jeou, and he smiled and said to Ma Ying-jeou, "Hello, we met again, you haven't changed." Ma Ying-jeou responded very happily after hearing this, "You haven't changed either." When they came to their seats, the top level of the mainland invited Ma Ying-jeou to take a seat with both hands, and then the two sat down together. In the opening remarks, the top level of the mainland did not read the draft, but always exchanged and interacted with Ma Ying-jeou with a smile on his face, and Ma Ying-jeou also listened very carefully to the speeches of the top level of the mainland, and frequently smiled and nodded in agreement.

The mainland's high-level talked with Ma Ying-jeou for 40 minutes, and the four details were heartwarming, and Taiwan youth made an exception to attend the speech

The last detail that deserves attention is that the mainland side made an exception to allow young Taiwanese from Ma Ying-jeou to attend the meeting as observers and make speeches, and when the Taiwan youth deputies were about to stand up and speak, the mainland's top level instructed him to sit and speak. The scene shows that two rows of tables and chairs were specially placed at the back of Ma Ying-jeou's side, specially prepared for the accompanying Taiwanese youths, and each person's seat was also thoughtfully branded with a name tag, while at the back of the top side of the mainland, only two small tables were placed for the staff according to the usual practice.

The mainland's high-level talked with Ma Ying-jeou for 40 minutes, and the four details were heartwarming, and Taiwan youth made an exception to attend the speech

All kinds of details prove that the mainland highly recognizes Ma Ying-jeou himself and his visit, and at the same time, it also shows that the mainland attaches great importance to young people on both sides of the strait and regards young people as the highest priority in cultivating cross-strait relations in the future. Just as the top level of the mainland mentioned in his speech, young people are the hope of the country and the future of the nation. Only when the young people on both sides of the strait are good will the future of the two sides of the strait be good. Young people on both sides of the strait should strengthen their ambition, backbone, and confidence to be Chinese, jointly create the long-term well-being of the Chinese nation, and continue to write new glories in the history of the Chinese nation. The realization of cross-strait reunification in the future also requires young people on both sides of the strait to show responsibility and courage, because they are the protagonists in realizing the reunification of the motherland.