
ASEAN dignitaries visited China intensively, and Sister Marcos hurried to "extinguish the fire": the Philippines is on the South China Sea

author:The little tiger gnaws on the bud valley

ASEAN dignitaries are visiting China one after another, but disputes have arisen within the Marcos family?

Recently, ASEAN dignitaries have come to China one after another, which is a good thing and symbolizes our friendly relations with ASEAN. But at this juncture, there was a discordant voice from the Philippine side. And guess what? Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos' sister, Imay Marcos, has spoken out on social media criticizing the Philippine government's hardline stance on the South China Sea issue.

This is really unusual, how can our own siblings sing the opposite tune on this crucial issue? Could it be that the Philippines is really about to change the sky on the South China Sea issue?

ASEAN dignitaries visited China intensively, and Sister Marcos hurried to "extinguish the fire": the Philippines is on the South China Sea

Imee Marcos is no simple figure, she is the chairman of the Philippine Senate Foreign Relations Committee and has a deep understanding of international affairs. She wrote on social media that the Philippines had recently "gotten on the head" in a maritime conflict with China, a very dangerous act that could cost the Philippines dearly. She also singled out that it was a joke that some countries that had not even ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea were clamoring every day to uphold the rules-based international order.

These remarks directly pointed to the weakness of the United States. As everyone knows, the United States has not been less involved in the South China Sea issue, and it has always flaunted the banner of "safeguarding international order". But Imei unceremoniously pointed out that these countries themselves have not followed the rules, so what right do they have to blame others?

In addition to criticizing outside forces, Ime also expressed concern about the Philippine government's hardline stance on the South China Sea. She believes that the Philippines cannot give up its "rights" in the South China Sea, but it cannot do so at the cost of threatening the lives of Filipinos. She advocated the settlement of disputes through peaceful negotiations, rather than blind provocation and confrontation.

ASEAN dignitaries visited China intensively, and Sister Marcos hurried to "extinguish the fire": the Philippines is on the South China Sea

Yimei's remarks can be said to have poured cold water on the Philippine government. After all, in the current situation, the Philippine government's hardline attitude on the South China Sea issue has attracted widespread attention from the international community. And Yimei's statement is undoubtedly a powerful refutation of this hardline attitude.

So, where will the Philippine government go on the South China Sea issue? Will it continue to take a hardline stance, or will it heed Imeh's advice and engage in peace talks with China? I am afraid that only time will tell.

One thing is certain, though, that whatever choice the Philippine government makes, it will need to be carefully considered. After all, the South China Sea issue involves the interests of many countries, and if it is not handled properly, it may lead to greater conflicts and crises.

ASEAN dignitaries visited China intensively, and Sister Marcos hurried to "extinguish the fire": the Philippines is on the South China Sea

For us ordinary people, although the South China Sea issue seems distant, it is actually closely related to our lives. After all, a peaceful and stable international environment is the foundation for us to live and work in peace and contentment. Therefore, we also hope that all countries can put aside prejudices and differences, resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation, and jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this statement by Imay Marcos is an important reminder for both the Philippine government and the entire international community. It tells us that in handling international affairs, we should abide by international law and norms, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and resolve disputes through peaceful means. Only in this way can we jointly build a peaceful, stable and prosperous world.

Dear friends, what do you think about the South China Sea issue? What choice do you think the Philippine government will make? Welcome to leave your views and thoughts in the comment area, and let's discuss this hot topic together!

ASEAN dignitaries visited China intensively, and Sister Marcos hurried to "extinguish the fire": the Philippines is on the South China Sea

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