
The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

author:Institute of Major Events

Mentally and physically, the U.S. GIs who are facing the Houthis can finally thank their God, because they will most likely be able to extricate themselves from their current predicament. The USS Eisenhower, carrying these GIs, is about to end its long deployment in the Red Sea.

A Pentagon spokesman recently confirmed that the "Eisenhower" aircraft carrier is about to end its deployment in the Red Sea, which is really a relief for the sailors on board, because the "Eisenhower" has always had problems with its sewer system, and in this smelly environment, it is difficult for these sailors to carry the Houthis for more than half a year.

The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

But for netizens, the Houthis jumped on the head of the US military for more than half a year, and finally it was the "Eisenhower" who took the initiative to leave, this result is still quite surprising, and the Houthis blew their beards and stared at them for more than half a year, and the result was that the US military blinked first, in fact, this result was not unexpected, from the beginning the US military did not beat the Houthis to death with a stick, it was doomed to today's result, because there is a good saying, the strong dragon does not suppress the head snake. The Houthis are the head snake of the land, as long as the US military is not killed all at once, there will be no chance in the future.

The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

The "Eisenhower" was leaving, but there was still something left behind, and that was the underwear of the American army. This "bottom" does not refer to the Houthis' repeated claims that they have attacked US aircraft carriers, nor is it whether the Houthis have hit US aircraft carriers, but the departure of the "Eisenhower" has brought about a series of problems, highlighting the current embarrassment of the US military.

Some people say, "Eisenhower" ran like this, who was the most confused? Philippines. This makes sense, because now the US Navy can still carry out normal combat deployment in the Indo-Pacific region, theoretically there are three aircraft carriers, but there is really only the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier, and the other two aircraft carriers: "Reagan" is at the end of the combat deployment, and will no longer be deployed to the Western Pacific region after this round; The "Truman" is still in the preliminary preparations, and it will not be useful for a while and a half.

At present, the "Roosevelt" is operating in the Asia-Pacific region, and two days ago it also went to South Korea, and has been operating in the waters around the South China Sea. During that period, the Philippines constantly provoked us in the South China Sea and made a very out-of-the-ordinary situation, to a large extent, because the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier had been active in the South China Sea for a period of time, and the Philippines was very excited and felt that it had a backer.

During the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise, many media on the other side of the strait focused on the dynamics of the US aircraft carriers such as the "Reagan" and "Roosevelt," and even the sailors on the "Reagan" aircraft carrier held fitness activities.

The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

It can be seen from this that in our surrounding areas, some people regard the US aircraft carrier as a spiritual pillar, and now that the "spiritual pillar" is leaving them, of course it will make them "sad." For example, the Philippine military said that "the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty will not be activated", and the Philippine Navy also hopes to "return to the previous Ren'ai Jiao resupply mode", that is, "notify the Chinese side of the supply plan in advance and complete the resupply in the presence of the Chinese side".

Leaving aside whether the Philippines is sincere or not, just looking at the attitude of the Philippine side shows that the US attempt to disrupt the South China Sea has failed again. If this time, the US military really has an aircraft carrier near the Philippines, the Marcos administration may continue to be stubborn, rather than admit it now.

The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

It stands to reason that the US military has 11 aircraft carriers, and according to the usual "three shifts" rhythm of aircraft carriers, Washington has at least 3 to 4 aircraft carriers for combat deployment at the same time, and 3 to 4 aircraft carriers can be transferred to combat deployment at any time; But the current situation is that under normal circumstances, only one or two aircraft carriers can be maintained, barely reaching three, and these situations are becoming more and more frequent when there is a gap in the deployment of aircraft carriers.

As early as last year, the US military had a "window period" that lasted for several months, and among all 11 aircraft carriers, only the "Nimitz" was active in the western Pacific, and the remaining 10 were in their home ports. In 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2022, the US military also had a more or less "window period".

There are many reasons for this situation: on the one hand, there are problems of the US military itself, the "Nimitz" class is too old, and the "Ford" class has too many problems; On the other hand, it is also because the United States has created too many troubles, and aircraft carriers are used everywhere, so it can only be exhausted.

The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

What is reflected here is that the US military equipment system is in a transitional period of lack of success, and there is an irreconcilable contradiction between Washington's growing geopolitical ambitions.

Let's do the math: on the western Pacific side, the situation on the peninsula, the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and the situation in the South China Sea; In the Middle East, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Red Sea crisis, and Israel will fight Lebanon recently, at least one aircraft carrier must be in charge; The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in Europe, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea should also be watched - there are so many things, and there are only a few ships, so they can be used improvised.

Therefore, as soon as the "Eisenhower" left like this, the pressure of the US military appeared, and the "Roosevelt" was ready to go to the Middle East, but the PLA's aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships, dock landing ships and 055 large drives surrounded the Philippines; How will the US military demonstrate its "determination" and "commitment to its allies"? A "Littoral Combat Regiment" that relies on littoral combat ships or a thousand men? That's!

The American GIs were relieved in the Red Sea, the Philippines was completely confused, and the three shifts of the US aircraft carriers were still not enough

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