
China's victory in the South China Sea, the United States dropped the chain at a critical moment, and the Philippines immediately changed its tune towards China

author:Wenchang talks every day

The recent development of the situation in the South China Sea must have been heard by everyone, and it is a great joy for everyone.

We are becoming more and more vigorous in the South China Sea, and our attitude towards the provocative actions of the Philippines is becoming more and more tough. The Philippine ship attempted to trespass on Ren'ai Jiao, but the mainland coast guard did not say a word, but directly boarded the ship for inspection and forcibly seized the guns. As soon as they took a look, several Philippine special forces personnel were disarmed. Even, one of the Filipino personnel had a broken finger.

China's victory in the South China Sea, the United States dropped the chain at a critical moment, and the Philippines immediately changed its tune towards China

Two days after the coast guard operation was completed, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was dispatched again to begin a large-scale combat exercise in the South China Sea. In the South China Sea, almost all of them are Chinese warships, and there are 4 of them with 0.55 million tons alone. Among them, the Dalian ship directly sailed through the Balabac Strait, aiming at the "belly" of the Philippines.

Logically speaking, in the face of this tense situation, the United States has already stepped forward and "administered justice" to the Philippines in a pretended manner. But I don't think about it, at the critical moment, the United States dropped the chain.

It can be said that the Philippines, which burns its eyebrows, has been in the United States for the past two days, giving a talk and helping himself. Two days after the Chinese operation, the Philippines finally waited for a call from the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a phone call with Philippine Foreign Minister Manalo, once again emphasizing that the U.S.-Philippines relationship is rock-solid and reiterating the "U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Mechanism."

China's victory in the South China Sea, the United States dropped the chain at a critical moment, and the Philippines immediately changed its tune towards China

And beyond that, the United States has no other indications. That's right, the Philippines, which has been waiting for half a day, has not waited for any substantial assistance from the United States. Blinken said a few words of innocuous scenes, continued to draw a big pie, and verbally promised that even if he sent the Philippines away. Turning a blind eye to the current situation in the South China Sea.

Moreover, the United States pays lip service to the United States, but its actual actions are another. A few days ago, two US aircraft carriers, which were originally deployed near the South China Sea, had actually run away. The aircraft carrier "Reagan" retreated from the US military base in Japan to the Guam base. The aircraft carrier "Roosevelt," which had been wandering in the South China Sea for several months, withdrew from the South China Sea ahead of schedule and fled to South Korea in a puff of smoke.

China's victory in the South China Sea, the United States dropped the chain at a critical moment, and the Philippines immediately changed its tune towards China

On the occasion of China's victory in the South China Sea, the US aircraft carrier is holding joint exercises with Japan and South Korea in South Korea. Obviously, this is a common trick of the United States. Use another performance to cover up your failures in other regions. In this way, at the level of public opinion, the United States can once again boast of its victory.

However, the United States can deceive the outside world, but it cannot deceive its allies, and it cannot deceive the Philippines, which has been sold by itself. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the United States is unwilling to compete with each other when China has made such a big move, let alone to get involved in the troubled waters of the South China Sea at this juncture. The Philippines knew this well and felt that the situation was not good, so it immediately changed its tune about China.

China's victory in the South China Sea, the United States dropped the chain at a critical moment, and the Philippines immediately changed its tune towards China

According to the Manila Times, a few days ago, the Philippine presidential office held a press conference, at which the executive secretary of the Philippine Supreme Court told the outside world that "the latest contact between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea was completely a misunderstanding." There were no incidents at the scene, and no weapons were found except for some axes and clubs, so it was not an armed attack at all."

In addition, the Philippine side reiterated that it hopes to communicate with China and determine the timetable for Philippine ships to go to Ren'ai Jiao to resupply the "Sierra Madre". Listen, to deal with the Philippines, we have to use some tough measures. If you take tough action today, people will relent tomorrow.

However, let's just listen to what the Philippines said, and don't take it seriously. In the future, in the South China Sea, we must not be soft on the Philippines. Since you don't listen to reason, then use your fists to solve the problem, which is simple and effortless.

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