
Zanthoxylum pepper tree flow gum disease prevention and control

author:Seed bank app

Zanthoxylum pepper gum disease is a common and frequent branch disease. The disease causes yellowing of leaves and branch death, weakening the tree's vigor and affecting yield, quality and plant longevity.

Zanthoxylum pepper tree flow gum disease prevention and control

Symptoms and causes

Impregnated gum disease is caused by a fungus and is contagious. The annual shoots are infected with the disease to form nodulous protrusions, and the lesions expand and crack in the following year, overflowing colorless translucent soft gum, and gradually turn into brown crystals; The mycelium and sporozoites overwinter on the diseased branches, and the spores are produced in March ~ April of the following year, which are spread by wind and rain. The gum that overflows in rainy days flows down with the branches, impregnates the rhizomes, and the disease begins at 5 °C, and the temperature rises to accelerate the spread, and there are two peaks of the disease in a year, that is, in May ~ June and August ~ September.

Zanthoxylum pepper tree flow gum disease prevention and control

Non-impregnated gum flow disease is a physiological gum flow caused by mechanical damage, insect pests, frost damage and other factors, and is not infectious. It mostly occurs at the fork of the main trunk and large branches, and there are few small branches. When the large branches are diseased, the diseased part swells and flows out translucent yellow gum, and the diseased part is easily impregnated by rotting fungi, causing the cortex and xylem to rot, resulting in the weakening of the tree. Generally, it occurs in April ~ October, and the disease is the most serious in July ~ October, the disease is severe in the pepper orchard with high humidity and poor ventilation and light transmission, the disease is severe in the plot with weak tree strength, heavy soil clay and excessive nitrogen fertilizer, and the disease is serious in the field with heavy insect pests such as Zanthoxylum pepper, leaf beetle and gidding.

Zanthoxylum pepper tree flow gum disease prevention and control

Prevention and treatment of gum flow

Strengthen the tree potentialScientific fertilization, improve the soil, reasonable pruning, remove diseased and insect branches: overcome the size of the year, strengthen the tree potential, reduce mechanical damage, reduce the probability of non-infectious gum invasion, underground pests and diseases timely control.

Timely spraying of drugs in early spring and timely spraying of broad-spectrum fungicides such as thiophanate-methyl, stone-sulfur mixture, chlorothalonil, etc. In the vicinity of the peak of the disease, spray mancozeb, Zhongshengmycin or Futoqing, alternately, spray 2~3 times every other week to prevent the spread of germs. When the insect pest is serious, it should be treated in time to prevent and control it, and the lesions that have occurred should be scraped off and smeared with stone sulfur mixture and ochotamine acetate in time to protect.

Cleaning and disinfection of the garden in winter, spraying protection to reduce the source of overwintering bacteria, whitening of the trunk to prevent frost damage, timely replacement of the topsoil around the tree tray and rhizome to reduce the occurrence of rhizome diseases and pests.

Zanthoxylum pepper tree flow gum disease prevention and control

The prevention and control of Zanthoxylum pepper disease is introduced here, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield vegetables and peppercorns, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent pepper varieties are available for everyone to choose.

Zanthoxylum pepper tree flow gum disease prevention and control

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