
More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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An ordinary 20-year-old male college student, Lin Hao, was sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, waiting for the test results with a pale face.

Lin Hao is a computer science student, and in addition to programming, he also likes to play basketball with his classmates. But recently he found himself physically exhausted and often tired, which left him very confused.

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

"Mr. Lin Hao, please come in!" the nurse's voice interrupted his thoughts. Lin Hao walked into the consultation room and saw a middle-aged doctor sitting there, his eyes behind his glasses shining with a deep light.

The doctor's name is Zhao Ming, and he is a senior doctor in the oncology department of this hospital. Doctor Zhao picked up Lin Hao's examination report and was silent for a while.

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

"Lin Hao, I have to tell you that your test results show that you have early-stage lung cancer. Dr. Zhao Ming's words were like a bombshell, making Lin Hao's whole person feel bad.

"Doctor, this... I'm only 20 years old, and I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I live a regular life. Lin Hao's voice was full of disbelief and fear.

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

"Well, your situation is indeed rare. But do you have a habit of using air fresheners too often?" Dr. Zhao Ming asked, a seemingly inconsequential question.

Lin Hao was stunned for a moment, "Yes, I always have a bit of a smell in my dormitory, so I spray a lot of air fresheners almost every day." He replied.

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

"In fact, some air fresheners on the market contain chemicals that can affect human health. While it's safe for most people to use occasionally, if you're like you and use them frequently every day, these chemicals may gradually accumulate in your body and cause damage to your lungs. ”

Dr. Zhao Ming patiently explained. Lin Hao was shocked, "That... So why haven't I heard of this?"

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

"This is because the public is not aware of the safety of everyday products enough. People tend to focus only on the safety of food and medicines, and ignore these seemingly innocuous daily necessities. ”

Dr. Zhao Ming continued, "Most of the air fresheners on the market today contain harmful substances such as volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, benzene, etc., and prolonged inhalation may indeed increase the risk of lung disease. ”

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

"Then what should I do now?" Lin Hao asked eagerly. Dr. Zhao Ming patiently explained the treatment plan to him and advised him to minimize the use of chemical daily necessities in the future and use some natural alternatives made from natural materials, such as bamboo charcoal packets and other natural air purification methods.

"Doctor, do you think I can continue my studies and daily life?" Lin Hao asked worriedly.

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

Dr. Zhao Ming looked at him seriously, "Of course, if lung cancer is detected and treated early, the cure rate is very high." We will help you in the best way so that you can return to your normal studies and life. ”

When Lin Hao heard this, although he was still a little uneasy in his heart, he also felt a little comforted. He understands that life has to go on and that he needs to be brave enough to face the next treatment.

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

Dr. Zhao Ming's explanation also made him aware of the health risks that those inconspicuous habits in daily life may bring. He decided that in the future, no matter what, he would pay more attention to his health.

What do you think about the causes of lung cancer?

More than 5 times a week!20-year-old male college student diagnosed with cancer, doctor: Many young people have this habit

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