
A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

author:Lao Li Health said

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74-year-old Aunt Wang, with messy silver hair, couldn't help but make the hearts of the whole family rise to her throat when she came back from the hospital.

The family's tears almost drowned the floor.

Aunt Wang was a window attendant at the post office when she was young, and she never left that familiar small window until she retired. Life after retirement should be a fun time for her, but fate always likes to joke. In this recent physical examination, the doctor gave a diagnosis of advanced pancreatic cancer.

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

"Can I still eat my favorite spicy strips?" was the question that Aunt Wang asked the doctor in a sudden and serious manner in the hospital corridor, this is her favorite food, and it is no exaggeration to eat it eight times a day.

This sentence may sound a little bizarre, but in medicine, Aunt Wang's focus is not entirely unreasonable. The link between food and pancreatic cancer has been one of the hot spots in research. As a high-salt, high-preservative food, spicy strips are indeed not good for health if eaten in large quantities for a long time.

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

Moreover, not only spicy strips, but also many similar snacks also contain a lot of chemical additives and salts, which is a challenge to the pancreatic function of normal people, not to mention patients like Aunt Wang who have been invaded by illness.

The doctor explained to Aunt Wang: "Actually, our pancreas is a very sensitive and important organ. Not only does it help us digest food, but it also regulates the body's blood sugar levels. When it is harmed, the metabolism of the entire body is affected. So, you should be more cautious about your food choices, especially if you're in this situation. ”

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

Yes, she ignored the potential health hazards of her eating habits over the years. Although it is convenient to eat some so-called "fast food" every day, the chemical additives and unhealthy fats in these foods are actually slowly eroding her health.

"For example, we can try to change our diet and eat more antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, pomegranates, tomatoes, etc., which can help reduce free radicals in the body and protect the pancreas from further damage," the doctor continued.

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

In addition, increasing your dietary fiber intake in moderation, such as by eating oats and whole-wheat bread, can also help improve your physical condition. ”

As the conversation deepened, Aunt Wang's complexion gradually softened, and she began to realize that changing her eating habits might be easier than she thought. She decided to try to be as diverse and balanced as possible from today, away from processed foods.

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

"Also, exercise is important. "Although you may not be able to do strenuous exercise as you are older, appropriate activity, such as walking or doing gentle gymnastics, can help improve your physical condition and enhance your metabolic function." ”

Aunt Wang felt that she had an idea in her heart, she always thought that sports were a young person's thing, but she didn't expect that at her age, sports were still important. She decided to start with a simple walk and slowly increase her activity to try to make her life more active.

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

The doctor's words made Aunt Wang feel a new hope. In this battle against illness, she knows that small changes in each day are crucial. It is no longer a helpless wait, but a proactive attack to fight the disease in the right way.

Time passed quietly, and Aunt Wang's life slowly changed. She began to enjoy every little walk, every meal of healthy food. The family also began to notice that although the condition was still there, Aunt Wang's mental state and physical condition had improved significantly.

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

On this day, during the routine follow-up visit, Aunt Wang asked the doctor with a doubt: "Doctor, I now eat healthily every day according to your advice and start walking every day, but I want to know, are these changes really effective for my condition?"

Positive effects of lifestyle changes in pancreatic cancer patients. "Even at a stage where the disease has progressed, a healthy diet and moderate exercise can still have a positive impact on a patient's overall health. They can help reduce inflammation, boost the body's immunity, and sometimes even slow the progression of the disease. ”

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

When Aunt Wang heard this, her heart couldn't help but be full of strength. She knew that despite the inevitable pain, she was already fighting it in her own way and doing her best. From now on, no matter how her condition changes, she will stick to this healthy lifestyle and enjoy every day of her life.

What do you think about pancreatic cancer?

A 74-year-old aunt was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and her family broke down and cried: they couldn't stop her

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