
In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

author:Sweet Path

As the top choice in the "iron rice bowl", civil servants have always been the goal that many college students strive for. At present, due to the increasing scarcity of stable positions, the advantages of public officials in terms of treatment and other aspects are more significant, so the popularity of applying for the examination continues to rise.

For the civil service examination, there are many phenomena worthy of attention and summary, which is also the focus of concern of many parents and candidates. Today, we will explore which graduates have an advantage when it comes to taking the civil service exam.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

Liberal arts students face certain challenges in the job search process, but they excel in the field of "public examination" and show unique advantages. First of all, let's talk about the "two camps" that are most obvious in the civil service examination, namely liberal arts students and science students. Generally speaking, we have the impression that parents are more inclined to let their children choose science and engineering majors.

This is because science students usually have more opportunities when it comes to employment, and it is relatively easy to find a relevant job even if their academic performance is not outstanding enough. The situation is quite different for liberal arts students, with majors such as marketing often considered "market saturation", and many students face certain difficulties in the job search process.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

When the stage turned to the civil service examination, the liberal arts students ushered in a perfect counterattack, and they became masters in the field of "public examination", not only showing significant academic advantages in some subjects, but also a considerable proportion of successful recruits.

Liberal arts students are comparatively more accustomed to civil service examinations, especially in the following six professional fields, and their landing rates are unusually high. There are large differences in the threshold standards of each industry, and many well-known large enterprises have high requirements for the professional background of graduates, and this is especially true for the civil service examination. To some extent, whether the major is relevant to the exam or even more important than the academic qualifications, and these six majors are more likely to stand out in the exam.

Accounting majors with a degree in management have become the standard in almost many departments. As a traditional and popular major, accounting has been sought after by parents and students in the early days. Graduates who study accounting have a wide range of employment opportunities, and in the civil service examination, there are corresponding recruitment slots in various departments. However, due to the high level of competition, school prestige and diplomas become important factors in the exams.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

Law degree in law, including property rights and other related fields

Law students are one of the hardest working students in college, and even in their junior and senior years, they need to memorize a lot of basic knowledge before they have to subdivide their majors. However, such efforts will also pay off handsomely, as the legal profession offers numerous recruitment opportunities in the civil service examination.

Majoring in finance, the position is usually more high-end

In addition to the fact that majors directly related to "money" such as finance and accounting are easy to find job opportunities, finance is also a promising field. Students mainly study macroeconomic theory, state-owned asset management, etc., although mathematics is also involved.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

Business administration is one of the most suitable majors for public examinations

When it comes to this major, many parents are both "loved" and "ambivalent". If a graduate chooses to apply for a job outside, it may most likely be necessary to consider changing careers. However, it is one of the best majors to enter the system, and candidates who are interested only need to pay attention to it and will definitely find the relevant recruitment quota.

In recent years, there has been a trend of expanding the enrollment of journalism majors with literature degrees

There were relatively few major media outlets, so there was a time when it was generally assumed that only students who had graduated from elite universities had the opportunity to work in public news organizations. However, with the rapid development of the Internet and video, many public offices have also begun to focus on marketing, so the recruitment of such talent is clearly increasing.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

Administration, which covers positions such as office chief or secretary

Similar to business administration, administrative management is often criticized as a profession with a low employment rate, but it shows a unique charm when it comes to civil servants. Students in this field will study courses in public strategy, municipal administration, administrative secretarial, and more. In the civil service examination, the relevant positions usually include office director, senior assistant, secretary and other positions.

When taking the civil service examination, the choice of major is quite restrictive, and the major becomes a prerequisite compared to the level of the graduate school. Many parents may underestimate the importance of helping their children decide on their choice of major. Although high scores and admission to prestigious schools have obvious advantages, if the major is not chosen properly, they will also face employment difficulties.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

Especially in such a formal and highly competitive civil service examination, the major becomes a prerequisite for applying for the examination, which is more important than the graduate school. This is evident in the recruitment information.

If the majors of university students are rarely mentioned in the requirements of the civil service examination, then it will be difficult for them to even obtain the qualifications to apply for the examination, and the level of the school will become meaningless.

Therefore, if you and your children are interested in choosing a career path as a civil service in the future, you should carefully consider it in advance when choosing a major. Those majors that have more places in the recruitment information and have a higher probability of landing are more likely to succeed in the examination.

In the civil service examination, liberal arts students can be called "public examination" little experts, and these six majors are easier to go ashore

Good jobs are becoming more and more difficult to find, and the attractiveness of civil service jobs is becoming more and more obvious. Among the many candidates, liberal arts students, who were originally more difficult to find a job, have a certain advantage. The above-mentioned majors have a high landing rate in the past examinations, and I hope to provide some references for parents and students.

Today's topic: Are you interested in applying for the civil service examination?

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