
The following 4 common items may not pass, remember to check yourself!

author:Full score tips

Civil servant medical examination: don't get stuck at the last hurdle!

Did you know that on the road to chasing their dream of being a civil servant, some people may have put in great efforts in the written examination, interview, and political examination, thinking that as long as they cross these hurdles, they will be able to enter the system smoothly.

However, reality is often much more complex than imagined. Sometimes, just when you think victory is in sight, a small check-up can become a stumbling block in your path.

Especially now, with the acceleration of the pace of life, various diseases are gradually getting younger, and many people have bad habits, such as staying up late, etc., which may affect your physical examination results.

So, what do civil servants check in the physical examination? What conditions will make you brush off in the physical examination, and how to deal with it? Today, we will talk about this topic.

Civil Servant Physical Examination Revealed: These Items You Must Know!

The physical examination of civil servants is not as simple as we imagined.

The following 4 common items may not pass, remember to check yourself!

In addition to basic height, weight, blood pressure, lymph, thyroid, ophthalmology and other routine examinations, it also includes electrocardiogram, X-ray, B-ultrasound, blood routine, gynecology and other examinations.

Also, the standard of medical examination may vary from place to place, so it depends on the specific requirements of the region you are applying for.

Medical Minefield: These situations will get you brushed off!

  • Vision problems: Don't think you can easily pass the test with glasses, if your corrected visual acuity is less than 4.8 in both eyes (i.e. 0.6 with glasses or below the decimal visual acuity), then you need to be careful and may be judged to be unqualified.
  • Stone problems: Stone problems are common nowadays, but if it's an obstructive gallstone or urinary stone, it can be a stumbling block for your physical exam.
  • High blood pressure: Blood pressure is also a major problem in physical examinations. Generally speaking, systolic blood pressure less than 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure less than 90mmHg are qualified, but if you exceed a little bit, you may miss out on civil servants.
The following 4 common items may not pass, remember to check yourself!
  • Urine test problems: Urine protein in the urine test is too high, nephritis and other problems, which are also common unqualified items in physical examination.
  • Disease screening: In addition to the above common problems, there are some diseases such as acute and chronic hepatitis, lupus erythematosus, epilepsy, etc., which cannot pass the physical examination.

Physical examination tips: These indicators can be improved by means!

While some of the metrics may seem tricky, it is possible to improve them with a few simple methods to increase the pass rate of the physical examination.

  • Blood pressure problems: If your blood pressure is outside the normal range, you can take some blood pressure medication before your blood pressure is measured, or rest more than the day before the check-up, which can help lower your blood pressure.
  • Urine test problems: Many of the non-conforming items in the urine test can be solved by drinking plenty of water. Increasing your water intake before the physical examination can effectively reduce the content of harmful substances in the urine and improve the pass rate of the urine test. However, it should be noted that do not drink too much water 12 hours before the physical examination, so as not to affect the examination of other items.
The following 4 common items may not pass, remember to check yourself!

Prevention: Pre-check keeps you in the know!

If you don't know much about your physical condition, you may wish to take a pre-examination before the civil service medical examination. With the pre-check, you can know in advance about your possible problems and take measures to improve them in time.

This will not only make you feel more confident during the check-up, but also avoid missing out on opportunities due to unexpected circumstances.

Don't worry, there is still a chance to re-examine!

Even if you have a problem with your first check-up, don't worry too much. Because for some projects, civil servant medical examinations also provide opportunities for re-examination.

As long as you don't have obvious complicated symptoms, the employer will not want many people to be brushed off because of physical examinations.

The following 4 common items may not pass, remember to check yourself!

Therefore, if you have a problem in the first physical examination, you may wish to adjust your mentality and actively prepare for the re-examination, I believe you will be able to pass the test smoothly!


Although the physical examination of civil servants seems simple, there are many mysteries hidden in it. Only by understanding the requirements and standards of physical examination in advance, and making adequate preparations and countermeasures, can we stand out in this fierce competition.

So, if you are also trying to pursue your dream of being a civil servant, then be sure to pay attention to the medical examination and don't let it become a stumbling block on your way forward at the last minute.

Remember, as long as we have the confidence, preparation, and skill to deal with every aspect of the medical examination, then success will definitely be waiting for us not far away!

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