
In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

author:Xiaoli said things 866 likes

The college entrance examination and the civil service examination, the two major national exams, frequently swiped the circle of friends. The test center comparable to the Spring Festival, parents who let their children "start from a young age", and candidates who do their best... It turns out that in this era of looking at faces, only scores don't lie. Regardless of whether you are a rich second generation or a poor student, you have to rely on your real skills and speak with your results in the examination room! No wonder some netizens shouted: The college entrance examination is the two absolute fair exams in China!

In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

This makes sense, but some netizens said: It's not all right.

Netizens said: Let's take a look at the college entrance examination first. Indeed, the college entrance examination provides an opportunity for poor students to change their fate. There is a huge gap between urban and rural education resources, resulting in rural children falling behind at the starting line. In the past, there were still many rural students from Peking University and Tsinghua University, but now they are almost extinct.

In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

Netizen 2: The provincial college entrance examination papers are not uniform, the admission rate and score line are also very different, and the enrollment quota of famous schools is unevenly distributed. Is it fair that Henan students have to work several times harder than Beijing and Shanghai students to hope to be among the top universities? They are all the flowers of the motherland, and they should compete on the same stage and enjoy equal educational resources and opportunities!

In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

Netizen three said: Let's talk about the public examination. If ordinary people want to enter the system, the civil service examination is the only hope. But don't forget, this is just one of the paths. In addition, civil servants are not iron rice bowls, and in recent years, the phenomenon of repeated recruitment has been serious, and the competition for some positions is as high as hundreds or even thousands to one. For poor students, a failure may mean that the hopes of the old and young in the family are dashed...

In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

Some people say that the public examination of the college entrance examination is at least fair in the examination process, and it is difficult for everyone to cheat if they rely on their ability. That's true. Nowadays, the anti-cheating measures in the examination room are unprecedentedly strict, and it is becoming more and more difficult to substitute for the exam and steal questions. On the whole, there is no doubt that the public examination process of the college entrance examination is indeed rigorous and fair.

In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

But having said that, although the two major exams are not perfect, they still provide countless poor students with the opportunity to change their fate. If you don't believe it, ask the elders around you, how many people have not escaped poverty by studying, taking entrance examinations, and taking public examinations? Although the fairness needs to be improved, compared to other industries, the college entrance examination is already very good!

In China, two things are absolutely fair: the gaokao and the civil service exam, do you agree?

So, instead of complaining, it's better to prepare hard and go all out! If you don't try, how do you know that there is no future? After all, in the age of looking at faces, scores never lie; And in this unjust world, only knowledge is the greatest fairness!

So in the end, the editor wants to ask: When everything returns to the scores, are the two major exams of the college entrance examination and the public examination still fair? If even it's not fair, what can we believe? Has "heroes by strength" become a joke? What do you think about this?

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