
Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?


#赵丽颖深夜录音告别 "Walking with the Phoenix" #

Zhao Liying, the desperate Sanniang in the entertainment industry, actually finished work at three o'clock in the middle of the night, instead of being busy making up for sleep, she picked up the recording equipment and began to share with us the bits and pieces of her and "Walking with the Phoenix".

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

Isn't this sudden late-night heart-to-heart talk a bit like the plot of an idol drama? But Zhao Liying is a real man of action, and she said goodbye to us gently and resolutely in her own way.

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

Netizens said: "Yingbao is going to open a late-night radio station? It's so pleasantly surprised!", "Zhao Liying's voice sounds so gentle, is Shen Li possessed?", and more fans sighed: "Every time I see Zhao Liying's dedication, I feel that she deserves all the good." ”

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

#赵丽颖沈璃道别, netizens ridiculed: See you next time, is it with a new character? #

When Zhao Liying said goodbye to Shen Li with us in the form of a recording, netizens were not idle. Everyone left messages in the comment area, and some said: "Shen Li, if you want to go well, we will miss you!"

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

And some joked: "Zhao Liying, are you warming up for the next role? See you next time, are you here with a new drama?"

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

I have to say that Zhao Liying's operation not only made us feel her deep affection for the role, but also made netizens find the fun of interaction. Everyone speculated about what form Zhao Liying would meet us in next time, and would it be more interesting?


Zhao Liying used the recording to say goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", which caused a lot of discussion in the entertainment industry. Some people believe that this is a sincere performance of Zhao Liying, and she uses her own way to express her gratitude to the characters and fans, while others believe that Zhao Liying is marketing herself, trying to increase the topic and exposure through this behavior.

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

But in any case, Zhao Liying's move has successfully aroused heated discussions and attention from netizens. In her own way, she let us see the deep emotions between the actors and the characters, and also let us see the different ways of interaction in the entertainment industry.

Yingbao said goodbye to "Walking with the Phoenix", recording sharing, netizens: Late night radio?

So, what do you think of Zhao Liying's behavior? Do you think she is sincere and cute, or do you think she is marketing herself? Come and leave a message in the comment area and discuss with us!

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