
Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

author:Intermountain University Hall

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Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

In 2010, an uproar caused waves in the Shanghai entertainment industry. When everyone learned that the 94-year-old Zhang Ruifang was admitted to the hospital due to illness, they all felt extremely anxious and surprised.

As a legendary superstar in the Chinese opera scene, Zhang Ruifang's life can be described as wonderful and shining. The classic film and television works she starred in are still remembered and praised by countless fans.

As if they were parting with their loved ones, with endless nostalgia and reluctance, everyone visited the hospital one after another, hoping to see the style of this great artist for the last time. But when they walked into the ward and saw Zhang Ruifang who was bedridden, they couldn't help but be shocked and heartbroken by her current appearance.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

The eyes that were once full of wisdom and sagacity, and were full of brilliance, are now eclipsed; The face that was kind and amiable and engraved with the marks of time now seemed weak and helpless, hazy, as if it could no longer see the people and things in front of him.

Zhang Ruifang's friends stepped forward one after another, expecting her to recognize herself, but she stared blankly at everyone, her eyes were empty, and she seemed to be unable to distinguish whether she was close or alien in front of her.

Among them, only her best friend Qin Yi was recognized by her, and the two once starred as one of the "Four Famous Dans", and they were like siblings. Qin Yi choked and held Zhang Ruifang's hand, comforted her softly, and wiped away the tears on her face from time to time.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

When other friends saw this, they all burst into tears, and they could only watch this celebrity in the art world gradually drift away. They have mixed tastes in their hearts, and the taste is beyond words.

Zhang Ruifang's brilliant and legendary artistic career

Zhang Ruifang's legendary artistic career began during the turbulent years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. At that time, she joined the "Peking Student Mobile Theater Troupe" and the "National Revolutionary Vanguard", and swayed the passion of youth on the theater stage.

Her excellent acting skills and tenacious fighting spirit have won her reputation as one of the "Four Famous Dans".

Subsequently, Zhang Ruifang moved to the screen and worked hard to create a new world in the film industry. In 1952, she participated in the filming of the film masterpiece "Southern Expedition and Northern War", playing the role of Zhao Yumin, and her superb acting skills won her wide acclaim, which is regarded as an important milestone in her acting career.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

Since then, Zhang Ruifang has starred in many popular classic films, such as "Home", "38 Riverside", "Three Years" and so on. But the most unforgettable thing for the audience is her outstanding performance in "Li Shuangshuang".

She perfectly interpreted the image of women in this new era, with fighting spirit and being in charge, and won the honor of Best Actress at the Hundred Flowers Award that year. The famous writer Guo Moruo even praised her with a poem, praising her as "the collective spirit is carried forward, 300 million new sisters in China, and everyone competes to learn from Li Shuangshuang".

In this way, Zhang Ruifang, with her outstanding acting skills and appeal, has written a rare classic on the screen stage and achieved a legendary artistic career.

Despite her advanced age, she is still enthusiastic about public welfare, and in her later years, she founded the "Aiwan Pavilion" nursing home to convey humanitarian care with practical actions. Until the last moment of his life, this well-deserved art superstar still shines.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

The journey of three marriages and the final good match

In Zhang Ruifang's brilliant life, the most embarrassing thing is her bumpy marriage process. She went through three marriages, the first two of which ended in disappointment, and it wasn't until her last husband, Yan Li, that she finally found the one who stayed with her forever.

Zhang Ruifang's first love is the young talent Zheng Zenghu, and the two are college sisters and younger brothers. They met at a young age, and their innocent love bloomed on campus.

Zheng Zenghu is in his prime, talented and talented, and is deeply loved by Zhang Ruifang's mother. However, the smoke of the Anti-Japanese War finally separated them, and Zheng Zenghu had to go to another country for further study.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

When parting, the two were teary-eyed, looking forward to the day when they met again. Unexpectedly, after many years of separation, Zheng Zenghu has already married a family, but his attachment to Zhang Ruifang has always been unforgettable, until the last moment of his life.

The first husband was the famous actor Yu Keji. The marriage of the two is like a vow to grow old together, destined to be a mismatched marriage that is fated and cannot last. Yu Keji was born with a cold heart, which often disappointed the enthusiastic and cheerful Zhang Ruifang.

In the end, under a heavy blow to her feelings, Zhang Ruifang resolutely divorced.

Soon after the divorce, Zhang Ruifang met her second husband, Jin Shan. The two performed the drama "Qu Yuan" on the same stage and formed a fate, and then fell in love and finally became married.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

The loving life at the beginning made Zhang Ruifang feel unprecedented happiness and comfort, as if she had found her true home.

Unexpectedly, the good times would not last long, Jin Shan fell in love with the director of the same drama Sun Weishi after marriage, and the two had a bumpy love road and finally broke up.

A poor and resilient childhood family environment

If you want to say why Zhang Ruifang can go through such a legendary life, the root of it lies in her tenacious and optimistic personality. And this character comes from her unique family environment and childhood encounters.

Zhang Ruifang was born in an ordinary and poor family. Her father, Zhang Jiyuan, was a soldier, but unfortunately died suddenly in the midst of the war, which brought a heavy blow to the whole family.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

Lian Wei, who lost her mother, an important pillar of the family, was originally from a famous family, but she supported the burden of the family alone and raised Zhang Ruifang and her four siblings with difficulty.

It is in this special family environment that Zhang Ruifang has slowly tempered her tenacious character of being independent and indomitable. She witnessed her mother's determination to create a good living environment for her children despite all the hardships, which led to the development of an optimistic and positive attitude towards life.

This attitude destined her to overcome all difficulties and embark on the road of legendary life.

Zhang Ruifang's determination and hardships in founding the "Aiwan Pavilion" nursing home

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

Who would have thought that this legendary actress, who had attracted much attention and became famous all over the world, would have to go through hardships in her later years to set up a nursing home? At that time, Zhang Ruifang, with the determination of a child, decided to create a warm shelter for the elderly -- the "Aiwanting" nursing home.

The idea of establishing a nursing home originated from Zhang Ruifang's remembrance of her mother. In the last days of her mother's life, the scene of loneliness and helplessness often came to her mind.

As a child, she deeply understands the helplessness and loneliness of people in their later years, and sincerely hopes to provide a warm haven for other elderly people.

However, turning this ideal into reality is far from being as simple as Zhang Ruifang thinks. The biggest obstacle is funding. As an actor, Zhang Ruifang's savings are not abundant.

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

Despite the generosity of her friends and some investors, she firmly refused their help because she insisted that the nursing home must be free from any commercial overtones and profit-driven drives.

Seeing that the funds were insufficient, Zhang Ruifang resolutely sold the only residence he had, and all the proceeds were invested in the construction of the "Aiwan Pavilion". From investment site selection to hiring workers, she has been personally and meticulously budgeted, and has been repeatedly persuaded to think about her later life first.

But she said enthusiastically: "Only the old man who has personally experienced the vicissitudes of time can truly empathize with loneliness." I only hope that 'Aiwan Pavilion' can give the old people a warm home."

Zhang Ruifang: After 3 marriages, her third husband finally got her sincerity, but her first love missed her all her life

In this way, with Zhang Ruifang's tireless efforts, "Love Evening Pavilion" finally came out, and she dedicated her life's income without reservation, just for the old people to enjoy their old age in peace.

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