
Back then, when I was on night duty at the radio station, everyone shared a quilt, and as a result, everyone suffered from scabies

author:Yifeng 2008

He has been a soldier for more than ten years, and he has spent seven or eight years in the duty room of the radio station. At that time, there were about 10 people on a radio station, and everyone took turns on duty. The daily shift is divided into a small night shift (6 p.m. to 1 a.m.) and a major night shift (1 a.m. to 8 a.m.).

Back then, when I was on night duty at the radio station, everyone shared a quilt, and as a result, everyone suffered from scabies

Since the radio station was far away from the barracks of the troops, the night shift personnel rested in the duty room. Those on the big night shift sleep in the first half of the night and the second half of the night on the small night shift. The rest room next to the radio duty room is small, and there is only a single bed, and everyone sleeps on this single bed. There is only one quilt on the single bed, and it is in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and I don't know how often to wash and change it, and no one cares if it is dirty. At that time, I was young, I didn't care if it was dirty or not, I was tired and sleepy on duty, I didn't wash my face, my feet or even my clothes, I fell down and put it on a pillow, and I didn't care about all kinds of smells in the quilt.

Don't laugh, that's how we were back then. Everyone is very accustomed to it, and they are used to it. The days went by like this, and one day something happened!

Back then, when I was on night duty at the radio station, everyone shared a quilt, and as a result, everyone suffered from scabies

One morning, a 77-year-old soldier came back from the duty room, feeling itchy all over his body, and the itching was unbearable, he hurried to the battalion headquarters health center after eating. The military doctor at the clinic looked at the red bumps on the thighs, belly, and buttocks of the 77-year-old soldiers, and said with great confidence: Scabies! The seventy-seven soldiers were stunned when they heard this: What is scabies? The military doctor said: a skin disease. Seventy-seven years asked: How to cure? The military doctor said, "Wipe the brimstone."

The 77 soldiers returned to the dormitory and said to the whole Taiwan: Oh no, I have scabies! When everyone heard this, they were immediately shocked. One of the veterans said: Scabies? Disastrous. Virulent infectious disease! The veteran also said: There is a folk saying that "it is better to share a bed with a leper than to be a neighbor with a scabies patient"! When the veteran spoke, everyone was shocked and itchy.

The old station chief hurriedly took everyone to the health center to find a military doctor to find a way. The medic said, "There must be a source of infection among you, and a chain of infection, right?" At this time, we remembered that there was an 80-year-old soldier in the Taili, who scratched his skin vigorously every night, and it turned out that he had scabies (the source of infection) and became the initiator. Then he slept in the bed in our radio duty room and contaminated the quilt. Everyone shared a quilt (the chain of infection) and was approached by this highly contagious skin disease.

Everyone looked at each other, crying and laughing, and immediately checked whether they were infected. The military doctor said: Don't say that everyone has a quilt, even contact on weekdays may be infected. Don't say it, the result is that you don't know if you don't check, and you are shocked when you check it. More than half of the people in the station were infected, and at first they thought it was a skin allergy or a mosquito bite, but it turned out that scabies was coming! Everyone started to scratch in unison, especially at night, and it was so itchy that it was difficult to sleep.

Military medical sulfur ointment for everyone to apply, with sulfur soaked water to wash clothes and quilts. The quilts in the duty room could not be used and piled aside, and the people on night duty did not dare to sleep in the duty room.

After a few months of treatment, everyone's scabies was cured. Whenever everyone thinks of the pain of scratching scabies at that time, they will be stabbed all over their bodies and shudder!

Back then, when I was on night duty at the radio station, everyone shared a quilt, and as a result, everyone suffered from scabies

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