
A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

author:Director Xu Health said

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Li Na complained as she walked into the hospital's consultation room.

The 25-year-old recently went to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up due to stomach discomfort, and unfortunately was diagnosed with early stomach cancer. Her mother, with teary eyes and remorse, kept blaming herself: "It's all my fault, I only know how to steam steamed buns for you every day." ”

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

Doctor Zhang Wei, an experienced oncologist, took on this tricky case. Dr. Cheung is well aware that the causes of stomach cancer are complex and diverse, but dietary habits are indeed an important part.

In his eyes, Li Na's medical record is not only a simple diagnosis record, but also an object of discussion and research. He noticed that Li Na had eaten steamed buns almost every day since she was a child, and this single diet made him think something new.

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

For a long time, it has been believed that the formation of stomach cancer is related to many factors, such as smoking, drinking, irregular diet, etc., but few people directly link it to the quality of flour consumed. This view is vividly reflected in Li Na's case, which shows that more vigilance and scientific attitude are needed in daily food safety management.

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

"Did you know that flour in your daily diet, especially if it's not handled properly, can contain excessive amounts of chemicals and additives, such as bleach and preservatives? ”

Dr. Zhang began to explain: "Long-term ingestion of these chemicals may cause persistent irritation to the gastric mucosa, which can eventually lead to cancer. Although it cannot be said that eating steamed buns directly causes stomach cancer, a single diet and possible flour quality problems do increase the risk. ”

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

Dr Teo went on to add, "For example, if flour comes into contact with mould during production, it can produce a carcinogen called aflatoxin. Long-term intake of foods containing aflatoxin will significantly increase the risk of liver cancer and stomach cancer. ”

He proposed that if flour is purchased through formal channels, and attention is paid to storage conditions to limit the growth of mold, then the production of mycotoxins can be theoretically reduced, and thus the occurrence of gastric cancer can be reduced.

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

In his interactions with his peers, Dr. Teo often suggests that a healthy diet should be varied, rather than relying on a single food for a long time, even if it is traditionally considered safe.

Of course, the occurrence of gastric cancer is a complex process that involves multiple factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, etc. Dr. Zhang emphasized that Li Na's case is just one point that has attracted our attention. While the treatment was taking place, he advised Li and her family to start changing their eating habits, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, reducing the intake of processed foods, and getting regular check-ups.

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

When Li Na's condition stabilized, she asked Dr. Zhang, "Doctor, can I still eat steamed buns in the future?" Dr. Zhang smiled and replied, "Yes, but don't just eat steamed buns every day." We can choose whole grain flours, which have fewer additives and are much less irritating to the stomach. ”

"At the same time, maintaining a varied diet is very good for health. The answers he provided were not only based on medical knowledge, but also incorporated into his years of clinical observation and research.

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

What do you think about steamed buns? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 25-year-old woman steamed steamed buns every day and ate them, and after the examination, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her mother regretted it and cried: It's all my fault

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