
Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

author:Green bamboo rhymes

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > movie "Shouting Mountain"</h1>

Green bamboo jun

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Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

The movie "Shouting Mountain" tells the rough experience of Hongxia, a woman who has been abducted and mute since childhood.

The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Shanxi female writer Ge Pingliang, which tells the love story of the heroine in a state of aphasia, knowing and knowing the male protagonist, resolving various misunderstandings, and finally falling in love together.

The beginning of the film is depressing and dim. Dilapidated houses, flickering flames, turning water, pudding-clad woman Mune tapping on maggot-covered nests.

The sound of the man's heavy steps tugged at the corners of the woman's mouth in front of the stove, and she paused, knowing that this was a fate she could not escape. This reincarnation has been staged several times on such mornings, and the crippled man closes the door, roughly picks up the woman, throws it on the kang, presses the head of the struggling woman, and rudely vents his desire. The woman endured everything coldly, and a trace of viciousness crossed the corner of her eye.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

She was a mute, the wife of a foreign ragged lahong, and the chaotic gaze, Mu Ne's expression, and the tattered clothes seemed to make everyone ignore her beautiful face and slim and beautiful figure.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

If time can be turned back, can return to the lively night of youth full of lights, she will not let go of her grandmother's hand, that way, she is still the Hongxia who can grow up safely and happily under the care of her parents, her beauty, her education, her family lineage, will inevitably let her meet a good person, and then have children and live a beautiful life.

However, the fireworks attracted her and destroyed her. She was draped in sacks, turned around, and sold to a crippled man. The girl learns from the trafficker's conversation with the man on the foot of the slope that the man was the murderer who killed his wife. The girl was terrified.

The man's use of vise and two broken teeth has made her lose her voice ever since, making her a body to vent her desires, a tool for reproduction, and a slave to the housework.

Outside the house, Han Chong and Widow Chen shouted ambiguously, and the man on the slope foot who led him to spit on the ground unhappily.

Chen Chong is a good friend of Chen's widow. In order to curry favor with Chen Widow, Chen Chong often gave her earthen badger from Chen Widow to eat.

Suddenly, one day. The daughter of the poo-foot man took a red date and gave it to the man with the poo-foot and told him that she wanted to eat the red date. The man with the slope feet spoiled and promised his daughter to pick it for her.

With a "bang", Chen Chong rushed out of the house excitedly, thinking that he had blown up the badger. But he did not think that what came into his eyes was the exploded legs of the man with the slope foot and the blurred body of flesh and blood.

The villagers carried the dying man with the slope foot back home. Everyone was busy taking care of the man on the slope foot, only Hongxia watched all this indifferently and silently, as if it was not her man who was injured.

The man on the slope foot stretched out his dirty hands full of blood, holding a few red dates in his hands, signaling his daughter to go and get them. Hongxia went forward and hugged her daughter, preventing her from going to get the bloody red dates.

The man with the slope foot was angry and passed out. Hongxia drove away the crowd, closed the door, and covered the man tightly with a quilt. The next day, the news came from the village that the man with the slope foot had died.

The people of the village held a meeting for this. He said that in a few months, there would be a new branch secretary in the village, and he did not want this matter to affect the image of the village. Decided to take a private approach to the problem. The village chief suggested that Chen Chong should compensate Hongxia for 20,000 yuan, and this matter would be forgotten.

But in the backwoods of the poor mountains, where did Chen Chong go to get this 20,000 yuan! Chen Chong thought that the thunder that blew up the badger was given by Chen Widow, and she was also responsible for the death of the man with the slope foot. I went to borrow money from Widow Chen, but I didn't expect that Widow Chen not only did not lend it to him, but also humiliated him. From then on, Chen Chong angrily never went to the door of Chen's widow's house again.

Because he still couldn't pay the money, the village chief let Chen Chong take care of the life of Hongxia's mother and son. Although Chen Chong was reluctant, he couldn't help it. I had to go to the Hongxia family to carry water and chop wood for the Hongxia family and do chores. After a long time, the two actually gave birth to male and female feelings for each other.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

She burned the quilt of the lame man's clothes, as if to say goodbye to the past; She washed the dirt and found her most beautiful piece of clothing, as if to welcome a new life.

She heard the sound of the copper gong calling the mountain on the soft night of the smoke, this sound was like a stone, thrown into the lake, swaying her heart, the corner of her eyes began to have a smile, the sound of shouting the mountain seemed to have a smile in the corner of her eyes, the sound of the shouting mountain seemed to be a celebration and call for her new birth, she began to use a wooden stick to beat the porcelain basin in response, felt not warm enough, and took the crowbar stick, and later felt that the sound was not high enough, so she kicked the stone all the way and ran to the top of the mountain. She vigorously hit the porcelain basin, hissing the long-abandoned vocal cords, responding to the distant sounds of the valley, and in the dreams of many dark and cold nights, she must have fantasized about this moment and released it countless times.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

Once the haze is blown away, her heart will light up, and she will hold the kitten in the sun, filled with jade ling, quiet and quiet, beautiful and dazzling. I think that Han Chong's heart should also have been touched at that moment.

The woman's good feelings for Han Chong may have originated earlier, and when she just settled on the shore with the cripple, Han Chong sent two pieces of flour cake. Ordinary two cakes, in the eyes of women, are rare warmth in this world, and then Han Chong stops the cripple from scolding, which sows the seeds of love. After the cripple died, Han Chong was responsible for the three meals of the woman and the two children a day at the initiative of the village cadres, the kind and upright Han Chong dumped the woman's moldy nest, sent fruits and vegetables and rice, ripped off the cripple to prevent the woman from escaping and nailed the board, let the sunshine into the small house, and then added tables and chairs, cabinets with mirrors, good at craftsmanship, he also made toys for children, put up wooden beds, the original dilapidated house under Han Chong's control, gradually had the taste of home, with a sense of stability and warmth.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

And those warmths, however, can only appear in a woman's dreams. Therefore, when Han Chong's father proposed to let Han Chong take the mentally handicapped woman from the next village as his wife, the woman was anxious. She took out the note she had left at that time, pointed her finger at Han Chong, and also threw her heart at Han Chong.

Han Chong's father understood that it turned out that the woman did not want the twenty thousand yuan. Instead, he took a fancy to Han Chong. So Han Chong's father asked Han Chong to choose between the mentally retarded woman and Hongxia. Han Chong naturally chose the latter.

Originally, the story should have ended successfully here. At this time, a policeman came to the village to track down the original murder of the man on the slope foot. The villagers panicked at this time, and everyone unanimously decided to drive away the Hongxia family so as not to disturb the villagers.

In order not to let Hongxia's mother and son be driven away, Chen Chong decided to surrender himself. On the day the police arrived, Hongxia held up a piece of paper with the words "I killed people" in front of her to obstruct.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

It turned out that it was no accident that the daughter of the man with the foot of the slope asked the man of the foot of the slope to eat red dates.

That day, Hongxia inadvertently saw Chen Chong burying thunder under the jujube tree, so she asked her daughter to go to the man on the slope foot to ask for dates to eat. The man on the slope foot was not killed by lightning, but Hongxia suffocated with a cotton quilt.

Before Being taken away by the police, Hongxia knelt in front of Chen Chong's father and asked him to take care of his young sons and daughters. The kind old man agreed with tears in his eyes.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

Hongxia is undoubtedly a poor woman with a tragic fate. Her life was rewritten by playfulness when she was six years old.

If the lame man had not stepped on the thunder of the Zhonghan Chong badger, I think that she might have died of a certain lame man's drunkenness at the age of thirty, might have died of dystocia at the age of thirty-five, or may have died of malnutrition at the age of forty, in short, in her limited life, she would not have heard her own voice, her pain, could only reach her own heart, her beauty, her love, indeed, could not bloom in this world.

Fortunately, the lame man died, which was both accidental and inevitable. Her heart was free. Even if she will spend the rest of her life in prison in the future, it is better than being abused and ravaged by men for a long time. I will never be bruised again, and I will no longer live in the light of day.

If it were not for the death of the man with the slope foot, she might never have experienced the warmth of the human world. Or sooner or later she will be beaten to death and maimed by a man with a slope foot.

Movie "Shouting Mountain" Movie "Shouting Mountain"

Watching such a film will inevitably make my heart heavy. But there will always be a dark side of the world hiding in a corner that we can't see. There is hidden the ugliness and darkness of human nature, cruelty and ruthlessness. Once exposed to the sun, it will trigger a confrontation between good and evil in human nature, contemplation of life and death.

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