
Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

author:Entertainment Circle


Live streaming unexpected surprises

In the tropical setting of Thailand, a live broadcast unexpectedly turns into a hilarious comedy. Wang Mian was originally the main character, holding a mobile phone, ready to share his fishing experience with the audience. However, Lu Han, who has always been known for his handsomeness, is like a protagonist who suddenly breaks in, easily stealing the focus of the camera.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

The phone was handed over to Lu Han, and this small act instantly changed the atmosphere of the live broadcast room from a quiet lake to a sea of joy. The fans on the other side of the screen confessed one after another, just like the colorful lights hanging in the Thai night market, each one shining with excitement.

A warm scene

It was getting late, and Lu Han's care spread in the live broadcast room. He is not just an idol in front of the camera, but more like a caring brother, reminding Xiao Lu, who is traveling with him, to go back to rest in time.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

At this moment, he showed not only external charm, but also inner tenderness. The audience on this side of the screen seems to feel the care, like a fresh breeze in the rainforest, blowing everyone's heart.

The illusion of video calls

The audience's feeling in the live broadcast room was like having a cross-border video call with Lu Han. His face, his smile, every detail is so clear, as if it can be touched through the screen.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

This kind of interaction breaks the boundaries between celebrities and fans, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in the illusion of this close encounter.

Casual shopping at the market

In the Thai market, the figures of Lu Han and Wang Mian have become the most attractive scenery. They wander casually with a casual pace, and each stall is filled with a lively atmosphere.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

On such an occasion, the people-friendly behavior of the two celebrities makes fans feel that this is not just a simple live broadcast, but more like a trip together in the air. A variety of goods shimmer seductively, and the relaxed interaction between Lu Han and Wang Mian has also become the most real treasure in this market.

Postcard-like handsomeness

Lu Han's image in the live broadcast is like a postcard sent from Thailand. It's not static beauty, it's dynamic.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

Every movement and expression of his is like a carefully designed picture, and people can't help but want to save this moment forever. The screams of fans in the live broadcast room, accompanied by the hustle and bustle of the Thai market, are intertwined into a happy symphony.

The regret of missing the live stream

However, not everyone will be able to catch this live streaming feast. Some fans had no choice but to miss this scene because of jet lag or daily busyness.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

When they saw the heated discussions of other fans on social media, the sense of regret and loss was like missing the last train, helpless but hopeful. They can only reminisce about the wonderful moments they missed through other people's descriptions in the comment section.

Handsome reproduction

Luckily, the live stream is not a fleeting fireworks, it remains in the corner of the internet, waiting for fans to replay it. Those who missed the live broadcast can finally witness the handsome and sculpture-like Luhan in front of the screen.

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

Whether it is his casual stance or casual smile, it proves once again that no matter when and where, handsomeness is not an accidental event, but an art that can be tasted again and again.

A live event that sparked a discussion

This live broadcast is not just a simple entertainment activity, it has become a cultural phenomenon and a hot topic of discussion. Fans argued in the comment area, and some people said that Lu Han's handsomeness could not be described in words,

Luhan broadcasts Wang Mian fishing

Some people are lamenting the regret of missing the live broadcast. Everyone has their own opinions, and everyone wants to share their feelings. This live broadcast is like an open stage, and everyone is a participant and a commentator. Here, there is no right or wrong, only different opinions and endless laughter.

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