
Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

author:Plain and simple

Text | Wu Qingshao

With the arrival of the most hardworking guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian, Huang Lei and He Jiong can finally enjoy the blessings and enjoy the "support" of the younger generation, especially Huang Lei can finally sit and wait to eat without cooking.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

As early as on the way to the mushroom house, Wang Junkai and Wang Mian mentioned that at the beginning of the recording of Longing 7, He Jiong and Huang Lei, two "centenarian" old people were very sad to repair the roof, and reached a consensus that they wanted to focus on "filial piety" and support the elderly. After arriving at the mushroom house, the two of them talked less nonsense, said they would do it, and immediately took action to "honor" Huang and He, and covered the four major tasks of tile repair, tree branch pruning, window repair, and making dinner.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

In fact, even if they do not have this strong desire for "filial piety", they still have to do tile and window repair after going to the mushroom house. Because before they came, it rained heavily in the mushroom house, and the wind was accompanied by the rainstorm, and just as the branches on the roof grew and hung down to the roof, they scraped the tiles to pieces. In addition, because the window was not closed in time, the window was the kind of old-fashioned window in the eighties and nineties of the last century that was opened with a small iron rod, and the glass would be smashed if the wind blew a little harder, and a window was smashed like this. Originally, He Jiong and Huang Lei planned to repair it themselves, but Huang Lei thought that if there were guests to let the guests repair it, they unanimously agreed to give the guests the repair of the house.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

Before the guests arrived, the two "centenarian" old men thought that they would be guests with different surnames, and thought of naming the guests, called Zhang Bricklayer, Peng Bricksmith and so on. Unexpectedly, he was the "double king", so he changed his name and called the older Wang Mian as Wang Dawa, and the younger Wang Junkai as Wang Xiaowa. What's more, Wang Xun, a temporary guest from Huang Lei and He Jiongla, is also surnamed Wang, so he distinguishes the "three kings" by Wang Laowa, Wang Dawa, and Wang Xiaowa. However, when Wang Xun arrived, the roof had been repaired, and Wang Laowa was a bit of a misnomer.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

The first thing Wang Dawa and Wang Xiaowa did was to repair the roof, and they had to build a ladder before repairing the tiles. Everything was difficult at the beginning, and the ladder confused them for a while, not knowing where to start. Among them, Wang Junkai is still a little nervous, because he has rarely appeared on variety shows in recent years, and he is often on the set, and suddenly recording reality shows is a bit restrained. And Wang Junkai has not seen He Jiong and Huang Lei for a long time, the last time he saw He Jiong was at the Hunan New Year's Eve party five or six years ago, and the last time he saw Huang Lei was even longer, it was when he was a freshman, all in the workplace. This person is not familiar with life, and he has not recorded a reality show for a long time, and as soon as the work starts, he will take a ladder, in case he does not build well, it will not appear that they are not a professional team, and the tension will come up in bursts.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

He Jiong saw that they were a little confused, so he knew that they didn't understand very well, and after hinting at how they wanted to build or even help, they were politely rejected by Shuangwang, and "suspected" that He Jiong was hindering them, so He Jiong and Huang Lei simply went to pick raspberries. Under He Jiong's hint just now, the two young men studied for a while, and finally knew how to build the ladder, and after setting it up, they proudly claimed that they were a professional team.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

This "professional team" can only be said to be claiming that repairing the roof once again shows that their "professional" is actually unprofessional, and they actually repair the tiles from near and far, and after repairing the ones in front of them, it is difficult to look at the tiles that are far away from them. After consulting the photographer brother, I knew that it was necessary to repair from far and near, first put the nearby tiles on both sides, step on the wooden board that carries the tiles, repair the distant place, and then repair it close to the ladder, and then the roof was successfully repaired. Even if they want to ask for advice, they can't help but boast that they are good at repair, because they are a professional team, but their mouths are hard and their hearts are empty.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

After repairing the roof, the two set about pruning the branches, first by sawing them by hand. There were not a few saws, seeing that the efficiency was low and tiring, so I changed it to a chainsaw. Wang Junkai didn't dare to use the chainsaw, so Wang Mian went on it himself. As soon as this tool was upgraded, the branches were repaired in three clicks and two clicks.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

Then the two began to repair the windows, removing the broken glass and installing new glass. At first, I wondered if I could just nail the iron nails into the glass and clamp the glass, but after making sure it was, I did it. When Huang Lei and He Jiong returned from picking raspberries, the windows were almost repaired. As soon as I looked at Wang Junkai's clothes with mud, I knew that he was working seriously, not only working seriously, but also paying attention to saving environmental protection.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

Although Huang Lei and He Jiong can rest assured that they can be the palm cabinet this time, just rest, and throw all the work to the guests, but watching the two young people do a lot of work, they still help, He Jiong helped clean up broken tiles, broken glass, and branches, and Huang Lei helped prepare dishes.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

After finishing the repair work, Wang Junkai entered the kitchen and cooked with Wang Mian, who was already busy in the kitchen. Wang Junkai once participated in "Chinese Restaurant Season 2" in 2018, the cooking skills should be good, after he and Wang Mian offered to contract dinner, the owner of the mushroom house remembered that he had recorded "Chinese Restaurant", which was very relieving. Wang Junkai wants to make Mao Xuewang, plan to use bean paste, no hot pot base, look at what the mouth says, the limbs are still experienced, Wang Mian is also, they make Northeast stewed chicken, back pot meat, Mao Xuewang, green pepper shredded meat should taste good.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

However, when preparing to cook, because the gas was gone, he had to use a firewood pot to make it, and the firewood was not readily available, so he had to split it, so the two kings had another task - splitting firewood. Wang Mian chopped wood quite quickly to get started, three times and two clicks to master the essentials, one split and one accurate, but the split is a little rough, too big to burn. Wang Junkai, on the contrary, fell with a split, and after going back and forth several times, he still did not succeed, but he mastered the secret of cutting, and cut out small fragments as soon as he split down.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

This powerful "cutting skill" made Wang Mian and He Jiong, who had high emotional intelligence, couldn't help but praise him - this firewood cutting technique is high, this is also too powerful, this is also too good to burn, and it can be used immediately as soon as it is chopped. Yes, such a broken piece, although it is not easy to move, but it is easy to burn, and the fire will burn at a moment. But the disadvantage is that it is not resistant to burning, but it doesn't matter, use Wang Junkai's wood chips to make a fire, use Wang Mian's big wood to burn the fire, isn't it just right, this double king combination is indeed too powerful, in response to the program group's words "The professional team strives for excellence, hard work and ability." ”

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

This "professional team" should be regarded as the most diligent and capable guest in the seven seasons, with such a guest, whether it is Huang Lei or He Jiong, there is no need to do anything, just sit and rest, it really achieves the purpose of the double king when he came - to respect and support the elderly. One of the happier is Huang Lei, Huang Lei recorded seven seasons of "Longing for Life" and made seven seasons of cooking, the last time he didn't cook was when Na Ying came in the sixth season, Na Ying proposed to eat out, so he went to the farmhouse to eat. Unexpectedly, after three issues, there was no need to cook again, and it didn't cost money, and the guests did it themselves.

Yearning 7: The most diligent guests Wang Junkai and Wang Mian let Huang Lei and He Jiong enjoy happiness with "professional" service

If the last three issues also come to hardworking and capable guests like Wang Junkai and Wang Mian, I wonder if Huang Lei and He Jiong will be reluctant to stop recording "Longing for Life"? After all, the guests work, and the host rests is also a longing life.

This article is original by Qingsha Zhishuo, and it is forbidden to reprint it without the author's authorization! Welcome everyone to pay attention and explore the connotative entertainment life together!

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