
Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


In the splashing battle, Lu Han bombarded Deng Chao

The hot search on Weibo was refreshed again, and netizens couldn't help but watch an extraordinary "splashing war". The atmosphere at the scene was warm, especially when Lu Han picked up the bucket and aimed at Deng Chao, at that moment, the background music of the "Brother Po" naming ceremony could almost be heard in the air.

Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

With the cries of "Brother Deer, Brother Deer, Brother Deer" on the side, Lu Han seemed to be incarnated as a professional player of the Songkran Festival, with his hands falling and splashing. Deng Chao was not to be outdone, and fought back desperately, and the two launched a fierce "water flooding Jinshan" drama on the field. Netizen "Little Water Splashing Expert" commented: "This is not splashing water, this is splashing art! I will also call Lu Han next time on the Songkran Festival!"

Pothead show, Wang Mian's cold reception


And in this water fight, there seems to be one person who has been forgotten in the corner - Wang Mian. He stood aside, sweating profusely and covered with water, shouting "Brother Lu" while embarrassingly holding on to a basin of water that had not yet been used.

Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

Under this situation, Wang Mian not only became the background board of the splashing scene, but also unfortunately became an "invisible man" in the fierce battle. Maybe he didn't expect that the image of the water war hero he once dreamed of was now reduced to a "shielded" supporting role between the two protagonists. Netizen "Wang Pentou" joked: "Wang Mian's basin should be included in the record of 'the most nonexistent', how can Lu Han be like this!"

Luhan's immersive tactics, automatic shielding system online


On the splashing battlefield, Lu Han showed his immersive tactics. When he began to splash water, everything around him seemed to be gone, and even Wang Mian's almost desperate call was filtered by his "automatic shielding system".

Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

Lu Han is like a warrior who is only born to splash water, and all the strategies are to splash water on Deng Chao better, more accurately, and more violently. This splash battle is not just for frolic, but more like staging an inspirational movie about "concentration". Netizen "splashing water without chatting" commented: "I also need Luhan's focus mode, especially when I am at work. ”

Hahaha, the baby is having fun


At the same time, a certain kind of fun is fermenting, and that is that everyone's inner child is released in this water war. On Lu Han's face full of innocent smiles, we seem to be able to see everyone's carefree happiness in childhood. Not only him, but the atmosphere of the whole scene was infected by this fluctuation of "baby having fun".

Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

Netizen "Childhood Water King" shared: "It reminds me of the days when I was a kid and shot with a water gun, carefree and just for pure happiness. ”



Finally, it has to be mentioned that this splashing battle is not only a demonstration of the skills of both sides, but also a perfect interpretation of the friendship of the "pit brothers".

Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

Although there was a splash on the field and the two sides seemed to be red-eyed, everyone understood that behind this war was a deep friendship. In the big family of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to find "brothers" who can "pit" each other like this. Netizen "Splashing Water Alliance" commented excitedly: "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's the greatest happiness to be able to play with friends like this!"

Macho Splashing Battle: Deng Chao Luhan's wet battle is in full swing, Wang Mian's self-redemption of marginal people?

So, is this water war a simple entertainment program, or does it have another deep meaning? Is there a fun-loving child hidden in every adult's heart? What do you think of Wang Mian's "invisible man" phenomenon? Welcome to leave your views in the comment area, and let's discuss the deeper meaning behind the "water fight"!

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