
After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

There has been a striking wave of "butterfly change" in the entertainment industry, and the core figures of this trend are the incredible changes of several celebrities who have attracted much attention.

The first to be mentioned was Jia Ling, a female artist who is famous all over the world as a comedian. For her new work "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling successfully lost an astonishing 100 pounds in a short period of time.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

When she appeared in the public eye again, her new image made countless netizens exclaim: "In just one year, we have lost half of Jia Ling" Her change is not only in appearance, but also a breakthrough and reshaping of herself.

Shen Teng, a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, the pillar of Happy Twist, when he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 2024, the audience was surprised to find that he had also lost a lot of weight. The once slightly mellow comedy genius has now become more handsome and upright, reproducing the charm of the "military art school grass" of the year.

On February 18, Song Xiaobao posted a video of himself dancing on social platforms, announcing that he was going to enter the idol circle. The comedian, who shows his simple and honest image, is wearing a black suit at this time and dancing Wang Jiaer's "Papillon".

His handsome shape and smooth dancing posture make it difficult for people to associate him with the image of the "harlequin" in the past.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Recently, words such as "explosive reform", "transformation", and "renewal" have been hotly discussed in the entertainment industry. This changing atmosphere indicates that the entertainment industry in 2024 may usher in a new era, and artists are no longer satisfied with their inherent images, but have the courage to challenge themselves and show their diverse talents and charms.

This butterfly storm has undoubtedly injected a fresh and strong vitality into the long-dormant entertainment industry.

Wu Jing, as an actor known for his resolute image, has long been aware of the subtle changes in the audience's psychology. Under the glitz and bustle of the entertainment industry, the audience wants to see the true and hard-working side of the artist.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Wu Jing's remarks are not just a suggestion to his peers, but more like a prophecy to the entire industry.

Now, looking back on Jia Ling's hard work for "Hot and Hot", and seeing Song Xiaobao's determination to try a new style, we can't help but sigh: Wu Jing's words back then were so far-sighted. The change of these artists is not to cater to a certain trend, but to the desire for self-breakthrough and sincerity to the audience.

Jia Ling once said in an interview: "The filming of the work "Hello, Li Huanying" broke my heart, and the work "Hot and Hot", I really went all out. The sincere emotion revealed in this passage is the best embodiment of what Wu Jing said about "sincerity".

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Similarly, although Song Xiaobao has changed his style and tried new performance forms, we can still feel the unpretentious efforts from the videos of him practicing dance seriously.

Isn't this kind of effort the most sincere expression?

Wu Jing's words are like a beacon that illuminates the way forward for artists. In the ever-changing entertainment industry, only sincerity can truly impress the audience and win long-term love.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Jia Ling's transformation, I want to call it the most exciting inspirational event in the entertainment industry in 2024. The comedy actress, who is known for her humor and mellow figure, has completed a surprising self-transformation in a year, fulfilling her bold words during the "Hello, Li Huanying" period.

During the release of "Hello, Li Huanying", Jia Ling promised the audience without hesitation in an interview: If the box office of the movie reaches 1 billion, she will dance the girl group dance; If the box office reaches 2 billion, she will dye her hair; If the box office reaches 3 billion, she will be thin as lightning.

At that time, many people thought that this was just an exaggerated propaganda technique used by artists, however, Jia Ling kept this promise deeply in her heart and fulfilled it one by one in the following days.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

For the new work "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling is determined to fulfill her promise. She embarked on an arduous weight-loss journey. In just one year, she managed to lose a staggering 100 pounds.

This process is by no means an easy task and requires great perseverance and self-control, Jia Ling not only has to overcome physical discomfort, but also face psychological challenges, but she gritted her teeth and moved towards her goal step by step.

When the movie "Hot and Hot" was released as scheduled, Jia Ling showed a new look in front of the audience, which instantly attracted the attention of the entire entertainment industry. Many netizens praised: "In just one year, we actually lost half of Jia Ling."

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Behind this joke is an admiration for Jia Ling's perseverance and hard work.

However, Jia Ling's transformation is not only reflected in her appearance, her singing of "Everything Is in Time" during the promotion of the film has caused widespread resonance. The song calls on women to learn to love themselves, and Jia Ling expresses this theme with her own personal experience.

Her sincere singing seems to tell every audience about her own journey and touches countless people.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

In an interview, Jia Ling said: "I was very congested when filming "Hello, Li Huanying", and I did my best during the filming of "Hot and Hot". These words show the sincere emotions she put into these two works.

One work is dedicated to her beloved mother, and the other is a gift she gave herself, Jia Ling used her practical actions to prove that as long as there is determination, anything can be done.

Jia Ling's transformation journey is not only a story of successful weight loss, but also a touching story about trustworthiness and self-challenge. She used her own practice to interpret the true meaning of sincerity and hard work, and became a role model for the entire entertainment industry.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Jia Ling's story tells us that as long as we have a dream and work hard for it, any seemingly impossible goal can be achieved.

At a time when the changes of Jia Ling and Shen Teng sparked heated discussions, the breakthrough transformation of another comedian once again ignited the topic of the entertainment industry. This actor is Song Xiaobao, who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his honest and simple image.

Song Xiaobao left a deep impression on the audience with his unique image, he often wears a red hat, an old-fashioned vest, dark skin, and a smile that shows big white teeth, giving people a simple and simple feeling.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

His classic line "Haiyan, you can have a snack!" "When competing for favor with women in women's clothes, "The emperor wants to be wet with rain and dew, but he just doesn't listen!" All left a deep impression on the audience, and although this image won him a lot of laughter and applause, it also limited him to the box of "harlequin".

However, on February 18, 2024, Song Xiaobao announced his "explosive change" in an unexpected way. He posted a video of dancing in the practice room on social platforms, and declared that the first goal of the New Year was to "break into the idol circle".

The move immediately sparked a heated discussion online.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Song Xiaobao changed his comical image in the video, wearing a black suit and exquisite shape, he chose to challenge Wang Jiaer's "Papillon", which is a rhythmic and difficult dance.

Surprisingly, Song Xiaobao's performance was unexpectedly good, with smooth dancing and well-placed movements, which completely subverted people's inherent impression of him.

Although this change came suddenly, it caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Some netizens ridiculed: "When I woke up, Song Xiaobao turned out to be Xue Zhiqian." Some people also said that Song Xiaobao's new look is more like Wang Jiaer.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Although these comments are joking, they also reflect the success of Song Xiaobao's change from the side.

Song Xiaobao's "big change" is not only a breakthrough in appearance, but also reflects his spirit of challenging himself. As an actor with considerable influence in the cross talk industry, he can appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala every year, and he can be completely comfortable with his current life.

But his courage and determination to try something new and challenge a seemingly impossible task is admirable.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

The transformation from "harlequin" to "idol", Song Xiaobao has brought a new breath to the entertainment industry. This fact proves that everyone can push their comfort zone and show their unknown side if they are willing to work hard.

Song Xiaobao's story is the best interpretation of the concept of "continuous progress and courage to try".

In the process of the "explosive reform" trend sweeping the entertainment industry, Yang Di's makeover can be called the pioneer of this trend. As the former artist who was widely popular due to the great change in his image, his transformation has brought great inspiration and influence to the later ones.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Yang Di's image before and after the "explosion" can be described as a world of difference. He originally gave the impression of a typical "rat boy", with an ordinary appearance and inconspicuousness. However, after careful styling and makeup, Yang Di incarnated into a handsome "boy group member".

This strong sense of contrast immediately sparked exclamation and heated discussions among netizens.

Yang Di's successful transformation is largely due to his excellent makeup skills. The makeup artist skillfully used various techniques to perfectly modify Yang Di's facial features, making his silhouette more three-dimensional, his eyes more energetic, and his whole temperament changed.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

This magical "transfiguration" can't help but make people sigh at the powerful magic of modern makeup technology.

Yang Di's "explosive reform" not only changed his personal image, but also triggered a social effect. Many netizens began to imitate Yang Di's makeup, hoping to achieve a similar transformation. Social media was flooded with a large number of "Yang Di's same makeup tutorials", and the trend of "following Yang Di's makeup" became popular for a while.

The example of Yang Di's successful transformation of the external image shows us that changing the image can sometimes bring unexpected opportunities and possibilities, improve self-confidence, and open up new paths for career development.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Yang Di's successful case undoubtedly provides a new transformation idea for other artists, and also provides an inspirational example for ordinary people to "change their image and improve themselves".

In this storm of "explosive reform" that swept the entire entertainment industry, what we see is not only the change in the appearance of artists, but also the embodiment of their sincere emotions and unremitting efforts.

As Wu Jing said, sincerity is the key to impressing the audience, which is fully confirmed in the transformation story of Jia Ling and Song Xiaobao.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Similarly, Song Xiaobao's determination to break through himself is admirable. From the "harlequin" image to trying the idol route, this transformation requires a great deal of courage. The dance videos he posted show the sweat and hard work he put into his serious practice.

Although he has been a comedian for a long time, Song Xiaobao still maintains his curiosity about new things and his enthusiasm for learning, which is undoubtedly commendable.

The transformation of these artists is a good verification of the power of "sincerity" that Wu Jing said. They don't change to fit a certain trend, but out of a desire for self-improvement and respect for the audience.

After "Explosive Yang Di" and Jia Ling lost weight, Song Xiaobao couldn't sit still, Wu Jingzhen was right back then

Jia Ling practiced the positive energy she conveyed in "Everything is in Time" with practical actions; Song Xiaobao used his attempts to tell us never to set limits for ourselves.

These stories tell us that it takes a lot of effort to lose weight, learn new skills, or experiment with a new style, and this sincere attitude and relentless effort is the fundamental reason why artists can continue to attract audiences and maintain their charm.

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