
The Perfect World: Looking for a Father, Killing a Father, Romantic on the Road to Death, Romantic to Death, "Son" Looking for a Father's "Father"

author:Night cat chowder

When I watched the front of "Perfect World", I couldn't help but think of "Kikujiro's Summer".

The Perfect World: Looking for a Father, Killing a Father, Romantic on the Road to Death, Romantic to Death, "Son" Looking for a Father's "Father"

The same is a road movie, where the people encountered on the road drive the development of the story and the progress of the protagonist;

The same is a pair of protagonists like a father and son, and the emotional evolution of the two people is the biggest highlight in the film;

The same is the story that takes place in the summer, but one is a summer morning, fresh and energetic, and one is like the twilight of summer, you know that the sun will eventually fall into darkness...

I see Kikujiro in front, not sure if it borrowed from "Perfect World", but I can see that Eastwood is more "hard" and more romantic than Takeshi Kitano.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > romantic on the road to death</h1>

This romance is incorporated into almost every detail of the film.

Here I have to say that the 90s was a magical era, the East gave birth to the heroic romance of Little Ma Ge, and the West has "The End of the Wild Flower" and "Perfect World", which are rebellious to reality to the end and the apocalyptic carnival-style romance.

The hero, as an "outlaw", is logically impossible to be romantic, but the big close-up at the beginning of the movie, the blue sky, the green grass, the mask, the man lying on the grass, dreams that you will not think that there is an extremely cruel side behind it.

The world of the other protagonist of the movie, the little boy, is itself naïve, after he was held hostage by the male protagonist and got into the car, this romance was not "destroyed", but was well protected, the male protagonist cared for him like a father, cared about his "dreams", helped him kill people who were not good for him, and the car where the two people were located, as if it was a "Noah's Ark", full of love and hope, carrying them to the ideal place of life.

The Perfect World: Looking for a Father, Killing a Father, Romantic on the Road to Death, Romantic to Death, "Son" Looking for a Father's "Father"

Echoing the policeman played by Eastwood, many people think that the police line is very wasteful, but I don't agree, the place that I don't agree with is two, let's talk about the first point here.

Where have you ever seen a police officer drive a "tractor-type motorhome" to chase a fugitive?

This absurd romance has its own unique existence value.

The trailer is like a "utopia" in which police, psychoanalysts, and snipers live peacefully for a common goal, but can brazenly criticize the situation, recall the past, and the whereabouts and location of fugitives are not the most important (after all, the police are the place of waste wood in many movies).

Discussing the background of the fugitive did not play a key role in the final arrest, but everyone felt the director's unique desire to express, which is the expression of vitality, which dilutes most of the tragic atmosphere of the film, and is indeed an indispensable part.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="78" > the "son" of the father</h1>

In addition to the above romance of wandering with the "ideal" and even dying for it, there is also a Greek mythological romance in the movie.

"Killing the father" is a tradition of Western civilization, and this tradition originated in Greek mythology, the story of Oedipus "killing the father and marrying the mother", everyone must be familiar with it, and many movies are also influenced by these plots, such as "Star Wars".

In this movie, the task of killing the father falls on an 8-year-old boy Philip, who has a very similar family background with the male protagonist, and if he is not "kidnapped" by the male protagonist, he is likely to follow the old path of the male protagonist.

The Perfect World: Looking for a Father, Killing a Father, Romantic on the Road to Death, Romantic to Death, "Son" Looking for a Father's "Father"

But because of this fantastic journey, he was able to complete more growth, for him, the male protagonist Butch is the most perfect "father" in the world, he led him to release his nature, but also protected his innocent world, Butch let him finally feel the power of "father", but how to inherit this power, the director followed the tradition, to "kill the father" to complete this inheritance.

You may not be able to accept such a legacy, but you cannot deny that this indulgent, fanciful expression is a manifestation of romance.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="79" > the "father" of the father</h1>

Back to the point mentioned above, another role of the police is mainly reflected in Eastwood, in the trailer, Eastwood, the chief of police, mentions his past with the male protagonist Butch.

Butch killed people at a very young age for protecting his mother, but because of his young age and the other party's notoriety, the boy Butch did not enter the correctional institution, and then he was accused of stealing in court, which was originally a very small crime, but was sentenced to four years, why?

Because the police chief played by Eastwood "bribed" the court, because he has seen someone reform after he came out of the correctional facility, he naturally thinks that the male protagonist should also go inside to "reform", you see, this is not like the self-righteous parents who have grown up all the way and arbitrarily interfered in their children's lives?

Eastwood played half of the male protagonist's father, coupled with his identity and the male protagonist's identity of good and evil, so he is actually the male protagonist Butch's potential "father-killing" object, but the male protagonist has no chance to know, and when the two confront, the male protagonist has no ability to fight.

The Perfect World: Looking for a Father, Killing a Father, Romantic on the Road to Death, Romantic to Death, "Son" Looking for a Father's "Father"

The male protagonist has come in a long disappointment in life, he has already gone through the stage of completing the growth through "killing the father", at this stage he wants to find a spiritual support, a spiritual hometown, hoping to get the ultimate comfort and warmth there, this corresponding is actually the "father-seeking" complex in Western culture. (Ever think of The Shawshank Redemption?) )

So, he escaped from prison, he robbed the Ford car, he kidnapped the little boy, he just hoped to go to the destination on his father's postcard, he coveted the warmth between the lines of his father's words, and he thought that it would be the final destination.

It was only when he met the little boy that disrupted the rhythm of everything, and he changed from looking for his father to the boy's surrogate father, and then being "killed by the father", and finally leaving the boy with an imperfect and perfect world!

It's hard not to be impressed by Butch, which is his unique romance and his last tenderness.

Finally, write some digressions, when I shed a handful of tears for the male protagonist, I feel that many people who feel that the world is "black and white" and always want to exclude dissidents should also watch this movie, you will find that the male protagonist is a criminal, but he is also a "good man", the sniper is a policeman, but he is almost the same as the "villain" in the movie.

The world cannot be perfect, but we can make it better, not because of "singleness" and the loss of individuality, but because of diversity and tolerance of seeking common ground while reserving differences, the world will become better.

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