
"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

author:The quiet years of foam
"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

Images are from the web

Last night, I inadvertently revisited the super-old film "Perfect World", which has always been high in the 9.3 rating.

The plot of the story is a prison escape murderer who kidnaps a child and ends up running away with the child. Although the name of the movie is "Perfect World", I really see the imperfection, even cruelty of this world.

"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

In fact, watching such an old film now, I don't mind whether some details of the film are in place, and I don't mind whether there will be many bugs in the story, and what can be watched and felt must be the charm of the story itself.

A seemingly vicious escapist, using a little boy from a single-parent family who is not happy as a hostage, one big and one small two people start a very strange and harmonious journey.

Yes, unhappy little boy.

A single mother who lives a hard life, no laughter, no joy, no naughtiness, no Christmas, no candy on Halloween like other children, no games, no marshmallows, no roller coasters...

"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

So, when the "bad guy" kidnapped him, after a brief moment of panic, he quickly approved of the man, believed the man's promise, listed his wishes one by one, and waited for the day when they would all be fulfilled.

The little boy followed the "bad guys" and learned to urinate outdoors; learned to "observe" the terrain; learned to "steal" things; learned to use guns...

The little boy followed the "bad guy" and tried to drink for the first time in his life, tried to be free of himself, tried to sit on the roof of the car and enjoy the ride...

The little boy follows the "bad guy" and gets the feeling of being recognized, affirmed, receiving the love from the father, and getting the love of the teacher and the friend...

Little boy, momentary happiness!

"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

What kind of a "bad guy" is this?

He was ruthless and shot two people: in fact, two men, one who had hurt his mother; the other who had tried to hurt the little boy.

He is unruly, but he can't see that the child is reprimanded and beaten by adults: the kidnapping of the little boy is a mistake, the supermarket is angry because the clerk is not inferior to the little boy, like a father, he explains "love" to the little boy, and hugs another little boy in the farmer's house.

He seems to have done many evils, but he can't be hated; he seems to be desperate, but in fact, he is more like fireworks pursuing his most brilliant moment.

I think that although he has his own clear destination, he is more aware of his "way back", even if he looks at the end of the world, he has no regrets, and he is even very grateful that it was the little boy who shot at him.

"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

You can see the rapid growth of the little boy: gunshots, leaving, abandoning the gun, pulling out the car keys, discarding the keys, continuing to escape... A series of actions, clear thinking, water to water.

Yes, he did save the life of the farm family, but he really didn't understand the man who kidnapped him.

In the end, the wounded man chased after him, not to prevent him from escaping, nor to avenge himself, but to tell the little boy that he would not kill the family, and that he had only killed two people in his life who thought he deserved to die.

Life is short, and there will be too many regrets after all. Some regrets can still be made up, too many regrets, and in the end, they are regrets.

The picture of Alaska that he wanted to give to the little boy, and had not yet had time to fully pull it out, was the light of hope that his father had sent him, but unfortunately it eventually became the basis for a cold bullet.

The "bad guy" eventually becomes the salvation of the little boy, and the little boy can only spend his life to remember and remember this short good time that belongs to the two of them!

"Perfect World", this world is not perfect, children will eventually grow up in loss

Adler once said: "The lucky man is healed by childhood all his life; the unfortunate person heals his childhood all his life." ”

Yes, this "bad guy" is the one who has spent his whole life healing his childhood, and he wants to create a perfect childhood for the little boy even before he dies!

He did it!

So in the face of death, he has no regrets, no hysteria, no dying struggle, full of blood, but calm as if he were asleep. He must have come to the place where his heart was in his heart, the place full of the light of hope!

There is no perfection in this world, and this world is never perfect, but can't we dig out our own happiness and beauty in imperfection?

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