
"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

author:Prolactinian who loves movies
"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

The murderer Haynes and his accomplices escape from prison and escape to the home of the little boy Philip.

His accomplices snatched things from the house and insulted Philip's mother. The movement in the living room awakens the children, Philip tries to protect his mother, but is slapped by the accomplice, and Haynes arrives in time to stop his accomplice.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Haynes saw little Philip standing there trembling, telling Philip to pick up a gun and shoot himself, and the eight-year-old boy was stunned.

At this time, the old man of the neighbor saw this scene and came with a gun, and the bandits fled with Philip.

Seeing this, I was thinking that even if the bandits take the child, we don't have to worry about the safety of the child, this should be a routine of human sexual disputes [cute] [cute] [cute]

Fugitive Haynes, who both robbed and rescued people, mixed good and evil, should not be a bad person.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Sure enough, Haynes and they fled with Philip. The accomplice in the car bullied Philip from time to time and knocked him on the head at every turn, and Haynes was particularly angry, and he broke the villain's nose and beat him hard.

Haynes was going to the supermarket to buy something. The villain bullied Philip in the car again.

Clever Philip cleverly fled to the cornfield, but the villain still did not let him go and chased him in the field. Haynes, who came out of the supermarket, saw this scene, and he chased after it and shot the villain.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Since then, the escape between the two of them has begun, which is actually more like a leisurely trip.

Philip, haynes met, had no father when he was very young, and his mother took his two older sisters to live with him. Because of her mother's religious beliefs, she was very doctrinal. Children are also bound by religion, can not go to the playground, can not have time to play, they have no experience of playing with their friends.

Haynes also had a bad life. His father did nothing wrong and ran away from home when he was 6 years old. At the age of 8, he shot and killed his mother, and at the age of 14, he was caught stealing a car.

Perhaps because of a similar experience, he liked this quiet and intelligent little boy.

He respects the nature of the child and cherishes the child's most childish wishes.

Philip loves Halloween grimace games, he stole a set of ghost clothes from the supermarket, Haynes encouraged him to wear a mask, and accompanied her to play a game of "trick-or-treating without sugar", which fulfilled the child's wishes.

While trying to satisfy your child's wishes, it is wrong to tell him that stealing things is wrong, but if you really don't have money, there are other ways to achieve the goal [cute] [cute]

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Haynes is helplessly and awkwardly admitting in the car that he loves the waitress is really funny. In fact, Haynes could not stand the provocation of the waitress, and in the foreplay stage of passion, he found Philip peeking out of the window and had to end it hastily.

Philip asked him if he was angry, and he said no.

Asked if he loved her, he said love.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper
"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper
"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper
"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

What kind of a bad guy is this? Adhere to the belief in good and evil, as a fugitive to tell the child that stealing things is wrong, try to maintain the child's faith, tell the child that only love can kiss, do not want the child to understand too early that there are many people in this world who can kiss without love, even if Philip shoots him, he still loves this little child.

Philip, too, fell in love with the father-like man, and he reached out to Haynes to join him in the walk.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

In the home of the old black couple, playing and dancing with the black children of other people, so unhappy, it would never be thought that he was a fugitive.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

But when he saw the black grandfather beating his grandson, he couldn't stand it, he tied up the black grandfather and threatened to kill him, Philip believed it, thought he was really going to kill, he held up the gun, trembled and shot, the bullet hit Haynes in the abdomen.

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper
"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Philip saw that he had hit Haynes and was so frightened that he ran away. Haynes was shot, without the slightest complaint, arranged for the black family, went out to find Philip, and as he walked, he said that he did not want to kill the grandfather, just to scare him, he was so old that he killed two people, one was the man who bullied his mother in the brothel, and the other was the villain who bullied Philip...

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Haynes' wounds were bleeding all the time, and he leaned against the crooked neck tree, where Philip listened to him constantly, trying to salvage his friendship with Philip.

Finally the police arrived, along with Philip's mother. At this time, Haynes did not think about himself, he hoped that Philip's mother would give the child love and not stop the child from pretending to be a ghost on Halloween to ask for candy.

A criminal caught up in the police, a criminal who was seriously injured, thought of Philip the little boy at the last moment, can you say he was a bad guy?

But the world is not perfect, the police pull the trigger for fear that Haynes will hurt the child, Philip is shot again, and even so he just open-mindedly says, "Two shots in a day is not a good thing." ”

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

Seeing Haynes being shot, Philip wept bitterly, and it was not only this child who cried here, but also many moviegoers [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears]

On the helicopter, Philip clutched the bloody postcard tightly, looking motionless in Haynes's direction, his grimace mask beside Haynes, and the U.S. dollar bills that Haynes had given him scattered on the ground, and the dead Haynes looked beautiful as if asleep...

"Perfect World" is the story of an eight-year-old boy and a kidnapper

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