
Is the niu division commander in "Sanmao From the Army" a scapegoat?

author:The old king said film and television

"Sanmao From the Army" is a comedy film produced in the 90s of the last century, and this movie has a high score of 8.5, which can be said to be very rare. When I watched this movie when I was young, I was very happy by the funny performances of the characters in it, and when I grew up and watched this movie again, I couldn't help but feel very emotional, how many tears were behind this laughter.

Is the niu division commander in "Sanmao From the Army" a scapegoat?

There is a bridge section inside that is very interesting, that is, Sanmao's division is surrounded, the cattle division commander wants to save himself, does not want the friendly army to gain the benefits of the fisherman, but can not do too obvious, very nerve-wracking, used a brain device, and finally came to the conclusion of reconsideration. In the end, the commander of the cattle division was dealt with for the crime of delaying the fighter, and the cattle division commander committed suicide in fear of the crime. Before committing suicide, Niu Shichang also had a deep discussion with Sanmao, in the end he was not a small trick, Niu Shichang's conclusion was that he was a small trick, he was a scapegoat, so was Niu Shichang really a scapegoat?

Is the niu division commander in "Sanmao From the Army" a scapegoat?

In the Battle of Songhu, Zhu Yaohua, commander of the Eighteenth Division of the 78th Army of the Ninth Army, was stopped by his subordinates because he had lost the field, and finally fled Shanghai after putting on makeup. This plot is also confirmed in the film.

Is the niu division commander in "Sanmao From the Army" a scapegoat?

The eighteenth division of the seventy-eighth army in history was not a concubine unit of the central army, and the defensive task taken over by the eighteenth division was to hold the big field, before the twenty-sixth division of the Sichuan Army held the big field for seven days and nights, and only 700 people were left in the whole division. However, the day after the Twenty-sixth Division came up, the position was declared lost.

Is the niu division commander in "Sanmao From the Army" a scapegoat?

At that time, the division commander Zhu Yaohua did not resist desperately, when the Japanese army dispatched more than 100 aircraft to carpet bomb the positions of the Eighteenth Division, and then the Japanese 101st Division swarmed, and the Eighteenth Division almost fought with the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, but by the next day, the Eighteenth Division was almost exhausted, and finally the large field position was lost. The geographical location of Dachang was very important, and in the face of such a defeat, Chen Cheng pushed the responsibility to the Eighteenth Division. After the war, the eighteenth division was canceled, and Zhu Yaohua did not get the recognition he deserved, but retired and returned to his hometown.

Is the niu division commander in "Sanmao From the Army" a scapegoat?

The Japanese Fukui Wing attacked Oba

First of all, Zhu Yaohua did not show the fear of the enemy in this battle, on the contrary, Zhu Yaohua also organized death squads to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy many times. However, someone must have been responsible for the loss of Dachang, Chen Cheng was a descendant of Chiang Kai-shek, and the Eighty-seventh Division, which defended with the Eighteenth Division, was not punished later, so the Eighteenth Division was indeed a scapegoat.

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