
75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother



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75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

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When the dust of the years falls on everyone's head, some people choose to smile gracefully, and some people are unwilling to struggle lonely. But when you see Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming, you can't help but ask: What secrets do they have?

Did they drink Taishang Laojun's elixir, or did they secretly learn the art of rejuvenation with He Xiangu? This pair of "Ageless CP" used their reunion to stage a "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" that transcended time and space for us.

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

This drama not only makes people feel a lot of emotion, but also makes you and me have the idea of "working hard together for life on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics". But is their reunion really just a coincidence? I would like to ask: Creation makes people, or does people make people?

In his prime, he is full of spirit, this is probably the image that Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming left us in the 80s. One has won thousands of favors with his superb martial arts and iron man tenderness, and the other has conquered the audience with his goddess-like temperament and cold and noble temperament.

However, when we are immersed in the brilliant light and shadow they bring us, have we ever thought that in that era of material scarcity, they also worked hard to bloom their youth with enthusiasm and ideals, just like us.

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

Time flies, when the scale of the years quietly climbs on the forehead, when the youth is no more, they get together hand in hand and tell the world with a warm smile: time has not been defeated by the years, and friendship is still as beautiful as the first sight.

When I was a child, I often imagined what kind of sparks would arise if "Lu Xiaoshuang" met "Li Mochou". Unexpectedly, the creation made people, but the leading actor took the first step to "fit". The years have left traces on everyone's faces, but they are cherished alone

The 75-year-old Liang Xiaolong is still in good spirits and has a youthful appearance, while the 59-year-old Yan Huiming is elegant and dignified and has a noble temperament. Once upon a time, they were the eternal teenagers in our hearts, and they were the dazzling twin stars in the martial arts world.

And today, they interpret the elegant and calm "beauty of old age" in their own way. A person who practices martial arts and a genius who is a genius of the world are well versed in the way of health preservation and live their own wonderful lives.

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

"Confidants in the sea, if the end of the world is next to each other", sincere friendship transcends time and space, and the warmth is still the same. When we were coerced by fame, interests, and the world, Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming used their reunion to give us a warning: life in the world, the word fame and fortune, but only by cherishing the people in front of us can we have no regrets.

Looking back on the past, they are each other's admirers, but also each other's supporters. In that materialistic entertainment industry, how many people can always support and encourage each other?

It is precisely because of a sincere friendship as the core that they have not lost themselves, and they have been able to regain their past friendship in half a hundred years, and pay tribute to each other's lives with a warm reunion.

It is often said that "to live to be old, to learn", "mood determines age". This sentence, Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming vividly interpreted it with action. Whether it is Liang Xiaolong's vigorous skills or Yan Huiming's elegant demeanor, it makes people sigh that the years can also be so gentle.

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

Legends, not only because of the film and television images they have created, but also because they interpret the charm of life with a sunny and positive attitude. As Liang Xiaolong said: "Life is a book, birth is the cover, and return is the back cover." Every page in the middle should be written with care.

Whether you write brilliantly or not depends on yourself. Perhaps, this is the secret of their youth. Perhaps, this is the color of life.

If Liang Xiaolong is lucky because he has been in the spotlight all his life, then Yan Huiming's life is a little more bumpy. She once fell in love with actor Leslie Cheung, but she made a mistake and her dream was shattered.

At the age of 18, he gave birth to a pair of children for Xu Shaoqiang, but he was nameless and wronged. Some people say that her beauty is a gift from heaven, but it is also a curse for her life.

However, she was never crushed by fate, but became more and more frustrated and courageous, and lived a different and wonderful life. As she said: "Nine times out of ten, life is not as expected, and the key is how you face it." "

She holds up a piece of the sky with her weak shoulders, and she lives her own style with her tenacious will. Perhaps, it is these hardships that have made her legend of immortality.

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens think: "The years have never defeated the beauty, and I am really envious to see that Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming's old-timers are still so tough! Although his face is old, the kingly demeanor that exudes from his bones is still impressive. "

Some netizens also believed: "Actually, celebrities are just ordinary people, they will also be old, and they will also experience the ups and downs of life." is like Yan Huiming, who used to be loved by thousands of people, but he also suffered a double blow of emotion and career.

But she was not crushed by difficulties, but chose to live harder, I think this optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life is more touching than her beauty. "

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

Some netizens believed: "The competition in the entertainment industry is so fierce, it is really not easy to maintain a friendship for decades." The reunion of Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming actually gave us a lesson: never underestimate the significance of a person in your life.

Perhaps, on the long road of life, we may not be able to achieve all our ideals, but we are lucky enough to have a few friends worthy of making friends in life.

As Mr. Lu Xun said, "But the breeze on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the sound of the ear, the color of the eye, the inexhaustible use", a good teacher and a friend, for me, is also a great blessing in life. "

75-year-old Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming get together! The difference of 16 years seems to be the same age, and the goddess Li Mochou has become an old grandmother

The reunion of Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming across time and space is not only the "return to his parents' home" of the former screen CP, but also a life event where confidants get together and embrace each other.

In their own way, they interpret the legend of "living to old age and learning to be old", and also show the value of pure friendship. However, in the face of the marks of time, should we accept it calmly, or fight hard?

I think there may be no standard for the answer, but Liang Xiaolong and Yan Huiming have given us a reference: mood determines age, there is love in the heart, and life is full of flowers. So, how do you interpret your "legend of immortality"? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share.

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