
Liang Xiaolong: Do you think Stephen Chow is a fool, so simple to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun

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Liang Xiaolong: Do you think Stephen Chow is a fool, so simple to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun

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Liang Xiaolong: The confusion of the "star master" of kung fu superstars

Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient, has witnessed the birth and end of countless legends in the film industry, Bruce Leung, who was once as famous as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Dillon, and known as the "Four Little Dragons" kung fu superstar, his story itself is a wonderful kung fu movie, he went from an unknown martial artist, to "Chen Zhen" who was popular all over the country, and then faded out of the film industry, joined the business world, and finally returned to the public eye again because of Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu", which is full of dramatic turns and waves, and between him and Stephen Chow, From the initial mutual appreciation, to the constant friction in the cooperation, and then to the current evaluation, there are both appreciation and reservations, this complex emotional entanglement is more like a cross-time and space dialogue between two representatives of kung fu in different eras

A "fool" caused a kung fu grudge

"You are a fool when Stephen Chow, it's so easy to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun," Liang Xiaolong's words, like a thunderclap on the ground, threw a stone on the calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves, behind this seemingly simple sentence, there is a grudge and hatred between Liang Xiaolong and Stephen Chow who have cooperated for many years. In the face of Stephen Chow's invitation, his heart was also full of hesitation and struggle, and in the end, he chose to accept the challenge and return to the film industry after many years of absence

Returning to the film industry: the ambition and helplessness of a kung fu veteran

For Bruce Leung, Stephen Chow's invitation undoubtedly opened the door for him to return to the film industry, he is eager to prove himself again, eager to show his superb kung fu performance to a new generation of audiences, and return to this familiar stage, but he found that the times have changed, and the audience's tastes have also changed, Stephen Chow's movies are full of nonsensical funny and exaggerated performance style, which is completely different from the traditional kung fu films that Bruce Leung is familiar with, he needs to adapt to a new rhythm, a new style, and even put down his body, To cooperate with Stephen Chow's comedy performance, this transformation is undoubtedly a challenge and a helplessness for a former kung fu superstar

Liang Xiaolong: Do you think Stephen Chow is a fool, so simple to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun

Confrontation on set: a collision of tradition and modernity

During the filming of "Kung Fu", there were many disputes between Bruce Leung and Stephen Chow, and Bruce Leung adhered to the realistic style of traditional kung fu films, emphasizing the realism and power of the action; And Stephen Chow is more in pursuit of visual effects and comedic effects, his action design is often exaggerated, funny, and even a little nonsensical, two completely different styles, constantly colliding and rubbing on the set, which also makes Liang Xiaolong doubt Stephen Chow's directing ability, he can't understand why Stephen Chow wants to shoot kung fu so "unserious", so "unserious", in his opinion, kung fu should be fist-to-flesh and fatal, rather than full of banter and playfulness like Stephen Chow

The salary turmoil: the last straw that crushed the cooperation

If the difference in creative concept and shooting style is just a "small episode" of the cooperation between Liang Xiaolong and Stephen Chow, then the salary issue has become the last straw that crushed this cooperative relationship, in Liang Xiaolong's view, with his qualifications and importance in the film, salary should be a needless question, until the end of filming, he did not get a clear answer, this feeling of being ignored and despised, deeply stung Liang Xiaolong's self-esteem, It also made him question Stephen Chow's way of dealing with the world, and he couldn't understand why Stephen Chow could be so meticulous in artistic creation, but so perfunctory in his attitude towards his partners

The Art of the Star: The Interweaving of Genius and Controversy

Although Bruce Leung is dissatisfied with some of Stephen Chow's practices, he also has to admit that Stephen Chow is a rare comedy genius and a film director with a unique artistic pursuit, Stephen Chow's movies may not meet everyone's taste, but the imagination, creativity and satire of social reality contained in his works are enough for him to occupy a place in the Chinese film industry. I also hope that he can do better and treat his partners more sincerely and respectfully

Liang Xiaolong: Do you think Stephen Chow is a fool, so simple to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun

Kung Fu Jianghu: The epitome of the era of the old and the new

The story of Bruce Leung and Stephen Chow is not only a personal grudge between the two filmmakers, but also a microcosm of the era of Hong Kong kung fu movies. Stephen Chow, on the other hand, pioneered a new style of kung fu comedy, where he incorporated nonsensical comedy, exaggerated performances, and unbridled imagination into kung fu movies to create a unique style

Liang Xiaolong: Do you think Stephen Chow is a fool, so simple to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun

Echo of the times: the inheritance and innovation of the spirit of kung fu

Liang Xiaolong and Stephen Chow, although there are differences in film style, but their love for kung fu and dedication to movies are the same, they inherit and carry forward the spirit of Chinese martial arts in different times and in different ways. Stephen Chow's kung fu is an imaginative creative kung fu, a nonsensical kung fu that perfectly integrates comedy elements and martial arts action, two different styles, together constitute the richness and variety of Hong Kong kung fu movies, and also leave an indelible impression on the audience

Liang Xiaolong: Do you think Stephen Chow is a fool, so simple to find someone else to play the evil god of Huoyun

The story of Bruce Leung and Stephen Chow continues, and the legend of Hong Kong kung fu movies will also be passed on in the hands of a new generation of filmmakers

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