
Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

author:Small fish swimming entertainment
Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

Recently, Cheng Ye, a proud disciple of Zhao Benshan, posted a set of photos and videos of a dinner party with the former president of Colombia on social media. This set of photos and videos quickly became popular, arousing the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

Cheng Ye's appearance this time not only showed his personal social charm, but also added a touch of color to his master Zhao Benshan and the Benshan Media Group behind him.

In the photo, Cheng Ye is wearing a white fashion with an extraordinary temperament, sitting at the same table as the former president of Colombia, and the two seats are next to each other, as if they are old friends. As can be seen from the photos, the atmosphere at the dinner was very harmonious, and Cheng Ye's interaction with the president also seemed to be at ease.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

In the subsequent video, Cheng Ye showed this intimacy to the fullest. He presented the president with his own handwritten calligraphy, the content of the calligraphy is four "music" characters, the style is unique, the font is vigorous and powerful, highlighting Cheng Ye's profound cultural heritage and artistic accomplishment.

The gift of this calligraphy gift is not only a sign of respect for the former president of Colombia, but also a celebration and promotion of Chinese culture.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

In such a high-end social occasion, Cheng Ye showed his talent in such a way, which undoubtedly won him more attention and respect. At the same time, it also makes people look forward to and curious about his future.

Cheng Ye's ability to access such a high-end social occasion this time is inseparable from the help of his new introducer, Li Xiaohua, the former richest man in Beijing.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

As a legend in the business world, Li Xiaohua has always attracted attention with his unique vision and profound strength. This time, he introduced Cheng Ye to participate in such a dinner, which is undoubtedly a recognition and encouragement for Cheng Ye.

And Cheng Ye did not live up to this expectation. His performance at the dinner was perfect, not only interacting frequently with the former president of Colombia, but also winning unanimous praise from the guests present.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

Such a performance not only won him personal honor and respect, but also added luster to Benshan Media Group.

In my opinion, this is not only a simple social activity, but also a new starting point for Cheng Ye's personal career development.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

By participating in such high-end social occasions, Cheng Ye was able to access more resources and contacts, which laid a solid foundation for his future development.

It can be seen from Cheng Ye's gesture of giving calligraphy gifts that he has a deep affection for the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture. This emotion is not only reflected in his artistic accomplishment, but also in his words and deeds.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

In the future development, Cheng Ye will undoubtedly use this emotion to integrate more Chinese cultural elements into his works, and bring more masterpieces with cultural connotation to the audience.

Through contacts and exchanges with high-level people such as the former president of Colombia, Cheng Ye was able to learn more about advanced international concepts and experiences. These valuable experiences and resources will provide strong support for his future development.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

At the same time, such exchanges will also help Cheng Ye expand his international vision and influence, and lay a solid foundation for him to enter the world stage.

From Cheng Ye's appearance this time, we can also see that his Benshan Media Group is also actively seeking a higher level of development. Through cooperation and exchanges with business giants such as Li Xiaohua, Benshan Media Group has been able to access more resources and opportunities, injecting new vitality into its future development.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

As a member of Benshan Media Group, Cheng Ye's success will undoubtedly bring more honors and opportunities to the entire group.

The photos and videos of Cheng Ye's dinner with the former president of Colombia not only let us see his personal charm and talent, but also let us see the infinite possibilities for the future development of his Benshan Media Group.

Actor Cheng Ye had dinner with the former president of Colombia, and the seats at the dinner were not simple, and sending his calligraphy to him caused heated discussions

In the days to come, we look forward to Cheng Ye being able to continue to maintain this state and bring us more wonderful works and performances!

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